Before patch brings in a lot of confusing features and nerfs, I would like to share a somewhat quickly assembled build for chilling in Grim Dawn (yes, pun is intended ). Infiltrator class is ideal for the idea - both masteries have Cold Damage and RR.
First, I wanted to try Flames of Ignaffar skill. But ordinary Fire or Chaos/Vitality did not fascinate me enough. And then I stumbled upon Farath’s Cube which turns flames into a freezing torrent. It was indeed amazing to watch . It reminded me of my favorite Druid spell in Diablo 2 - Arctic Blast
. That was awesome experience indeed. Oh, good old days… Need to install Diablo 2 again
But let us return to the current topic and show what I have made. Want to mention another simmilar build from Ashes of Malmouth era []Cold Ignaffar Infiltrator - The Mage Slayer by @Superfluff. I found that build after finishing my own, so all coincidences are accidental . Good build, even though it is outdated.
1. Grimtools link
I decided to go Leviathan path with some QoL features like Chariot constellation for smooth gameplay. And I like its Whirlpool proc .
2. In-game character stats.
general stats, only passive and Word of Renewal with Pneumatic Burst buffs are active
Flames of Ignaffar breakdown
magic stats
defense stats
3. Gear/Build explanation
I tried to balance both defense and damage output as well as (most important) CC resists. The build is pretty sturdy, but not mobile because of Inquisitor Seal ability. You need to facetank much. With those thoughts in mind I have chosen the following gear:
- Core items.
Full Mageslayer set. Supports both masteries, Elemental Flames of Ignaffar (Cold included, no conversions - that is what we need), good bonuses to Veil of Shadow.
Off-hand. Farath’s Cube. Makes our FoI Cold, some RR for Box of Elgoloth. Has great bonuses overall, but… Why no Casting Speed?For channeled spell or spammable one (Panetti’s Missiles) it is crucial for damage and surviving.
Medal. Bloodsworn Sigil. Lifeleech for FoI, more Endless Flame points to reduce manacost. Look for OA/DA suffixes mostly (we can dump some components and augments for resistances). Dread Lord and Light Bringer prefixes are also great (additional Life Leech and Casting Speed). - Mandatory items.
Weapon. Spelldrinker. + 1 to Inquisitor skills, huge %Elemental bonus, Energy Absorption, Cast Speed.
Chest. Fateweaver’s Raiment. Big boost for all Resistances (Physical included) except CC, Elemental Damage on the top. Great item. Or Vestment of Mourning for global Lightning-to-Cold conversion and +2 to Night’s Chill.
Ring 1. Band of the Eternal Haunt. Another Cold RR, nice stats, craftable.
Relic. Bane. Cast Speed, %OA, ADCtH, healing proc. I think this is the best Inquisitor relic in the game. Change my mind.
- Can be changed.
Ring 2. Time-Flux Band. I took it because of overall bonuses, Slow Resistance and useful proc (against most enemies). Craftable. Living Ring (MI) can be an alternative.
Pants. Mageguard Legguards. Full Inquisitor Seal line, Physical Resistance, big chunk of Health, some points to Elemental Awakening. Arcane Harmony Legguards are an alternative (or some good-rolled Solael Sect MI ones).
Belt. Scales of Beronath. +1 to Inquisitor skills, +2 to Inquisitor Seal, a solid item. Ugdenbog Waistguard MI belt with appropriate affixes can be an alternative.
Boots. Amatok’s Step. My personal choice. Slow and Physical Resistances, OK proc. Can be easily changed though. Choose whatever you want (Footpads of the Grey Magi, Stoneplate Greaves etc.).
Craft for Stun Resistance (blacksmith in Steelcap District) at least two items.
About Resistance Reduction. Total amount is ~154% (-47% from modified Veil of Shadow, -30% from Aura of Censure, -12% from modified Storm Box of Elgoloth, -10% from Eternal Haunt ring proc, -23% from Murmur constellation and 32 flat from Rhowan’s Crown constellation proc) plus 20% RR from Viper constellation, so it can vary. Only Kubacabra, Moosilauke and some heavily-geared mages are able to hold for long against such values .
4. Gameplay
Cast Storm Box of Elgoloth on the thickest enemy, Inquisitor Seal under yourself (or enemy) for tankiness and freeze everything with FoI. Uptime Word and Burst, Shadow Strike and Amatok’s Breath for battlefield movement. Blade Barrier in dire circumstances (be careful, you cannot move during its cast). Simple and straight gameplay.
5. Videos
Mad Queen.
SR 75 full.
That is it for now. Thank you for attention and future feedback . Will add more videos in the future. Have a good time!