[]Belgothian's Sands of Slaughter - 105 Cunning DW Blademaster

Thx for the quick reply. But what makes this version so suicidal? Is it the devotion path without Bard’s Harp? Because on paper it does not look so much more fragile than your most expensive GT with notched bone (besides the boots). I ask bc i still die quite often with my unoptimized version, though i’m quite happy with my armor/res/da/hp on paper. Do you got some advice for me? Maybe it’s just the pilot :wink:


Well without the new Hammerfall it had under 2400 DA sometimes so with some debuffs in crucible Some nemeses and even normal heroes could have 20% chance to crit you and 1 hit you:slight_smile:

Unless of course you manage to kill them fast. This is all that matters and only advice i can give. Only issue for me is 169 where you have to go in and out a bit when attacking Aansteria because the two fat guys can insta kill you.

Have you tested it with Will of the Blade amulet? Also, if you equip Notched Bone in the main hand you will do a bit more damage due to stronger Ring of Steel casts (although I might be wrong here).

Yep, tested. It’'s good but not better and i was really surprised. Rolled a 41% extra pierce ratio and expected it to make Notched bone even better but dps was actually just a bit lower. It seems 400-500 extra cunning matters :smiley:

Nevertheless, Will of the blade is much cheaper and gives you very good damage so it’s the most legit replacement for a godly Kaisan

Does the Armor Piercing add up if i use Will of the Blade Amulet and Gargoyle Girdle or is it capped already?

It depends on what configuration / set-up you are referring to.

I’m using this setup https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2dYnE8V atm. And i considered farming for a Cutthroat’s Gargoyle Girdle instead of Blade Breaker Sash. But with the alternative of Will of Blades (i guess would take ages to farm a godly Kaisan) i was wondering if Gargoyle Girdle is still better than Blade Breaker in combination with Will of Blades.

As it is currently, Will of the Blade is way more reasonable than Kaisan.

Kaisan is simply another step in taking the DPS as far as possible. That’s why I put so much time into this build. To take it as far as possible no matter the cost gear wise or defense wise.

Gargoyle is is worth only if you use Notched bone. Bare in mind that Notched bone might get nerfed next patch which is a shame really. It was nice having another single target WPS. How bad it will get nerfed we will have to see. We do Have Hammerfall Augs now which are super powerful but I still want that WPS

With the recent nerf to the notched bone’s proc, where does the axe stand right now? Still a solid choice for a “delete this” alternate weapon setup?

it must be hell to farm for that godly monster infrequent item.

Since both the axe was nerfed and the MI belt was changed would only use the axe as a cheap off-hand replacement until something better comes up. Such as a second Belgo slicer or a Godly Derp slicer, the latter also being capable of doing good times.

Bit of a shame, the axe added another layer of theory crafting but there you go

So double Slicers are back on no-green?

Yeah, unless you want to play around with reaver for Deadly momentum charging and/or RoS.

But I find Slicers more straightforward and rewarding

Do you think it’s worth charging DM anyway? Slicers looks better and easy to use, plus you will lack enough skill points to empower Cadence and DM.

No it’s not worth it overall. You get higher numbers but at the cost of enjoying the build and, on a practical level, you get the same kill time.

Anyway, it’s been a while since i’ve played GD and even more since i’ve done this build.

With so many changes since then I think I will give my favorite build a look. Old flames never die :smiley:
I made the GT, just have to see how the new cruci is with it.

After this i’ll do my second favorite build

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It’s good to have you back!

I think pierce DW it’s not currently in best state, but Belgo is one of the evergreen builds, should be good.

It will definitely be very green, even more so with notched bone being slapped on the wrist. All for science and lots of cunning

Sorry for reporting Notched Bone for consecutive nerfs but it was grossly outperforming any legendary counterpart. One could go as fast as 5:20-5:30 on my non-green Belgo BM spec with it before nerfs. Now it’s slightly behind double slicers setup with Night’s Embrace, so seems fair.

Well, i’m half sure it would have happened either way.

My general concern about GD is that items which take an already expensive build further with imagination and theorycrafting are consistently put back in line. If you are an end game player, most items you are going to use are predictable but then there is that one thing that you discover and makes your build a bit more special.

Losing the option to have these evrika moments personally drives me away, because it always happens when a build performs very well, not otherwise


I got so many of my builds target nerfed, tell me about it :slight_smile: