Both versions have been updated for the latest patch. Focus was on max dps possible and the most fun part is using lowly Polished Emeralds (among other things) to achieve this.
This version also has more AoE on belgo with the new Ring Orissia and Akrakaa Relic that has been quite underestimated. While not improving the best kill times by a lot, but increase the likelyhood of getting good kill times. The cummulated AoE from Ring proc and Wind Devils provides very stable runs.
To this I added capped Blade Spirit. A strange choice however, it adds up with the rest of the AoE and I’ve done better times with it than overcapping WPS
Crucible Purple Belgo << GT -
Video - 5:01:
Stats with procs up
Crucible Green Belgo << GT -
Video - 4:09: - 2x Zantarin lost me some time
@romanN1 better run- 4:05:
Callagadra purple
Full purple/blue facetank 5:38 (non glitched - meaning she uses her arsenal of debuffs and must gear accordingly )
Calla Video: - Got greedy at 4:05. In second phase. if you are out of heals/procs and below 50-40% HP jus tuse Blade barrier
Been inspired by @Ziller to attempt a full purple setup vs Callagadra after testing it last year with my green version (the old one not the current updated one).
You can use Salvation relic with %DA completion to get used to it. Massive regen and armor. But Belgo relic means more War Cry and Healing rain etc. and also helps you with OA increasing your kill speed by a whopping 1:30 min. I might test other setups but i’m pleased with this one for now and love that it use Obsidian ring for armor
You can also use Valiant amulet for the amazing proc it has. Shoutout to Ziller again for reminding me it’s not a set completion buff
GT: % armor crafting on Amulet, Belt and Medal. You can alternate with %slow resist since the slow res from Calla is pretty brutal. Something I’ll be experimenting with without using Azrakaa Amulet and lose dps
Naked Crucible - for fun (green version )
Naked green Video: - 6:10
Since patch is coming with some changes, decided to make this video public that I recorded back in December. It as made just for fun, after doing hundreds of runs with green/purple Belgos I thought i’d try a different challenge. Scales of Ulcama made this run possible for me combined with War Cry. Once you get used to it you rarely die. But you have to practice … a lot.
Naked Crucible -(purple version)*
Naked purple Video: - 7:27 - v1.1.6.0
Had to make a purple version out of it too. Since it has less dps and HP than the green version, lack of crucible buffs increases the performance/survivability gap between the two and so this version had to increase it’s defenses a bit at the the cost of more dps for it to be viable in fun. After having tested yet again countless runs, I have no issues finishing with it in a fair amount of time.
These Pants are amazing here. Fixes purple belgo low HP, gives a proc that is basically Ulo devotion for 8 seconds which lets you push through 160, 169,170 and has some % pierce on top of it. Avenger medal overcaps aether, maxresists, gives DA. Use it with % armor crafting bonus if you can. Azrakaa relic was buffed so in game DA is over 2900 which with Veil of Shadow is enough
You get a feel on how and what to tank. At 154 for example it’s situational. I can use Mobility rune to either dodge Kaisan leap, or boulders. In this case I chose not to but I dodged Kuba’s stink breath. This stuff you decide on the spot, no two naked runs will be the same
Some final Notes:
The end result is what I feel is best after doing hundreds of runs with both green and purple version. You can still use Belgo Relic for example. I got a 4:46 with it. But it’s less reliable than the AoE for Azrakaa. belgo relic Comes on top in shorter fights only.
Maxing Blade Spirit is worth it imo in Crucible. The damage adds up with the other AoE you have, even the dots. But if you don’t like the idea, jut max the WPS of your choice
I am pleased with how my favorite DW melee build turned out and love that it uses overlooked items like Polished Emerald. I hope you enjoy it as much I did. If you feel it’s too squishy and can’t get used to it just take the points from Blade Spirit and max War Cry. It will be very easy with it.
Happy slashing!