[]Belgothian's Sands of Slaughter - 105 Cunning DW Blademaster

Yes. From his explanation

I think itā€™s the best part, and one iā€™m most proud on this build :stuck_out_tongue: And it makes a difference. Especially on green where you have spellwoven too

2700 cunning :woozy_face:
Do you have a license for that, sir? Iā€™m afraid i have to take you in.

I suspect this +24 (to cunning) turns into smth like +50 after all those affixes. Which is not a lot of dmg but still more than anything else. Yet i too wonder, what are the affixes that make this BiS. Do you not need ANY defense from greens?

Edit: have you tried 4 strom beacons? You donā€™t seem to benefit from the banner all that much with those huge amounts of OA and dmg. Beacons will draw agro, clear scattered trash and apply instant RR.

Oh, +%cunning bonusesā€¦ But even if you had +100% cunning, one Diamond would be 8 cunning and 8 physique is 16, 16x200%=32cunning=13%pierce+16oa? And you donā€™t have +100% cunning, or do you?

Thereā€™s nothing else you can use on rings for offense, true. But could you, I dunno, take them Bloodied Crystals like normal people do :wink: and let go of a few points in Field Command or Shadow Dance to max something offensive?

Emerald is not just 8 cunning and 8 phys, itā€™s also 8 spirit. 1x Emerald is 24 stats. 2x Emeralds 48 stats (letā€™s say around 56 with % bonuses) which alleviates the min req on armor and jewelry as well.

To this you add other items like spellwoven or amulet component. It adds up and this is felt especially on green version that has more % bonuses.

This is a personal choice/find that work out great for me and iā€™m very happy with how the stats look on these guys. I wouldnā€™t change it for anything as missing all those stats would cause a negative chain reaction due to requirements. This small edge that these stats give, in my book override the benefits of bloodied crystal. If I donā€™t need bloodied crystal to survive, what is a better option to gain a bit of offense and good stats?..Polished Emerald.

As for Shadow dance. I play with it at 1 point already :wink: Field command is maxed simply because i want as much OA as possible. It works out great.

I tried Beacons and have a 4:44 video with a 1x T2 and 1x T1 beacon. (T1 was nerfed as it should have been). It is a good choice also

As for AI, i donā€™t feel that Beacons aggro that well. For me it works otherwise. When all beacons start zapping, a lot of mobs simply stay put in their spawnpoints. Itā€™s weird and annoying.

Yeah, I forgot Belgo has no arcanist in it and needs spirit lol. So one Emerald is in fact 24 raw cunning before the bonusesā€¦ Totally get it. Reminds me of Romanā€™s and my binder race where we started to weigh things like 12 physique against 3 flat just to get more dmg anywhere possible, and who cares about 2.2k da? (Yggrad belt - which I never saw coming - and then an addition of Bone Harvest turned out to be the true max dmg and afaik the holder of all-time 3+1 record currently :clap:)

I think this Belgo just did the same on pure melee. @superfluff You never went so fast before, did you?

4:37 on melee? hell no. And one that does not have amazing dots either. Belog being my favorite Dw melee guy I really wanted to see if I could set some records with him in melee category for purple, green and also no buff/banner (green version cause he has the killing power to pull it off) which I will post in the coming days.

Sub 5 all comes down to 1) luck 2) aggro 3) AoE. These results on Belgo are really amazing because he doesnā€™t really have AoE. So Spirits and Sand Devils are bullseye.

Does Belgo have much use for Belgo relic cdr anyway? Fighting Spirit is not active so itā€™s not affected, correct?

Hey fluffā€¦did you ever consider taking one point in blitz?

I feel like itā€™d help you go even faster since youā€™re constantly on the hunt

@superfluff: You mightā€™ve missed my comment because we posted them almost simultaneously

Belgo relic is more Ulzaad, more RoS rr (more comfortable use of it anyway, more Rune mobility or SS (using Akrakaa you have to move around more accurate ), more Harp (if you use it).

Belgo relic is still good. Just that AoE is very valuable in Crucible.

As for kill times, Green blego does sub 5 most of the time but going below 4:50 needs some things to align. To me how you aggro 157/158 and how quickly you destroy 163 mostly dictates a good run, but itā€™s not everything ofc

@Superfluff Can you share your devotions please? (Until you post the full build link)

Grimtools updated. Please update your links

@superfluff: Is AQC still a DPS drop on your spec?

It is sadly.

Iā€™ve used it here and there betewwn a few hunderd runs.

If everything aligns you may de very well vs single target. Like 2x AQC+ Execution but across an entire run, not worth having 105% wps

Thanks for that reply. Iā€™m guessing whirling death is needed for the AoE?

Alsoā€¦what do you make of this? I managed to get moar cunning by giving up hawk. Also managed to do 107 cunning dump


EDIT: I only took owl because Iā€™m guessing energy is an issue? If not sticking with hawkā€™s crit is probably better. Donā€™t think you need that 3% OA though. But I could be wrong

i can get cunning even farther but itā€™s not owrth.

Giving up hawk is bad. With the level of OA this build has, %crit is a luxury it really needs in order to capitalize on that. Keep hawk no matter what, unless itā€™s some SR or Superboss setup where you canā€™t afford. JUst my opinion but really even a 5% crit is important

WD wps is very good and if didnā€™t max BS iā€™d max WD

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8% crit :stuck_out_tongue:

Hawk is very very good

I know. I was referring to components like prism that give 5% crit which is used for both that and covering spirit. Should have been more specific :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do the damage on BS stack? Because according to GT, itā€™s kinda like wind devil, with the blade eruption thing being like maelstrom.

If thatā€™s the case, are they worth the investment?

Flad damage yes. Bleed damage no. BS is worth in crucible with buffs because it raises their damage enough to be relevant vs trash, especially wehn you ad the devils and the new ring proc.

For a long time before posting I tested Belgo the classic way, but when we got our hands on the new ring, the build suffered a big shift, adding Azrakaa relic and maxed BS.

The no buff/banner video does not use BS because it wonā€™t do much and I also kinda need the points the get stuff that keeps me alive :smiley: But If i had an extra 16 points, wouldnā€™t hurt having it :stuck_out_tongue: