Stats with self-buffs + Lethal Assault, DPS shown is for PB
What is this build?
I noticed caster saboteurs were kind of a rarity, so this is my attempt at making one. This one uses cold Phantasmal Blades and cold Canister Bomb together for damage, taking advantage of the gun for the second one. It isn't the most OP build ever, but it is fun and eye-pleasing, and is capable of SR 75-76.It is extremely gear-dependent (if you want a cheaper, dual-wield melee route, check out Nery’s Beginner Cold Dual-Wield Saboteur), and not recommended for beginners.
- Does fairly solid damage, especially when you get multiple Canister Bomb casts from Ulzuin’s Chosen
- Fast-paced playstyle; hard to get bored playing it
- Screen full of ice sparklies and lovely devotion procs
- Very fragile
- Build is a bit piano with lots of things to keep track of, which can appeal to some but not others
Toss Flashbangs and throw down Thermite Mines. Use Canister Bomb and PB whenever they are off cooldown, and spam Chillspikes whenever they aren’t. Make sure Lethal Assault is up as much as possible. Kite around especially when Blast Shield is on CD, because you’re really not built to take hits.
Your main damage, especially main burst damage, will come from PB. Canister Bomb is more there as a support skill to use in between PB casts but it adds a decent chunk of damage as well, especially when you can spam-cast it.
I tried several devotion setups, and out of them all, I feel that this one is the best in terms of covering what you need. I had two T3s originally, Leviathan and either Blind Sage or Attak Seru I forget, but was running into some energy issues so I went for Harp. Bat is super nice here because of fully-converted vit and mostly-converted pierce.Gear
Note: Ring crafted for physique.
There are a lot of conversions involved here, and I tried to cover as many of them as possible in this setup. In the end, we end up with nearly-fully converted Canister Bomb (the one exception is pierce conversion, which will be somewhere around 70% depending on rolls), and fully-converted Phantasmal Blades.
Weapon/Off-Hand - Build-defining items.
M. Arcanum Frigus
carries bonuses to both Canister Bomb and PB. Somewhat sadly, it’s also the only item support for cold CB in the game.M. Speaker for the Dead
boosts PB and has a big chunk of vitality conversion for it. - Components - No Coldstones here unfortunately. We need Seal of the Night for Chillspikes, and Seal of Resonance for CC resists. Technically we could go without Resonance but then stun res/trap res would be a little lower than I’d like for this character. Also it does give health which is nice.
Helm -
Namadea's Horns
, gorgeous MI that is tailor-made for cold-based saboteurs. It gives us a whopping total 10% phys res (which is most of our phys res lol), as well as fire to cold conversion. -
Shoulders -
Kra'Vall Shoulderguards
gives points to PB and partial chaos conversion for it. -
Chest -
M. Cortosian Chestguard
gives PB points and piercing conversion, good for our Canister Bomb. -
Hand -
M. Chilling Grip of Hagarrad
- more piercing conversion and nice nightblade gloves in general. -
Pants - Went with
Dreeg-Sect Legguards
here for the stun res and OA. You can use other alternatives if you want. -
Belt -
Gargoyle Waistguard
- the other half (ish) of our vit conversion for Heart Seeker, and +1 to all Nightblade skills. Ideally, the rolls on this and the off-hand will total 100% or at least close. -
Boots -
Galewind Treads
- caps our freeze res. I find that important for this build, because the enemies that freeze you are also usually gonna be the ones most resistant to cold. -
Amulet -
Harra's Ward
is just fantastic here. +1 to both our classes and bonuses to PB. -
Rings -
M. Time-Flux Band
for slow res and Canister Bomb points.Nightscorn
for the last PB points we need to hardcap it, and pierce conversion. -
Medal -
Galeslice's Mark
has chaos conversion. Between this, the gun, and the shoulders, chaos-to-cold conversion for Nether Edge is guaranteed to be 100%. It’s also another nice sabo item, even after the nerf. -
Relic -
, not much to say. The health and circuit breaker are really appreciated here.
What To Look For - Affixes on everything are flexible, there are no fantasy double rare shenanigans here. Just make sure to balance resistances and OA/DA, and look for %cold damage of course. The suffix of the Gildam Arcanum is especially amazing if you can get it.
Alternatives? - Really, they aren’t many. Only the pants and boots slots are free. You lose damage here by wearing the Harra’s set, I tried it out (if you are wondering, the full set nets you +1 projectile to PB, but in return you lose the conversions for both PB and Canister Bomb which hurts. Defense is also unchanged because the 10% phys res on the set is exactly the same as the 10% phys res you get from wearing Namadea’s Horns on a sabo anyway
). You might also be able to squeeze out more hardcap points for Canister Bomb/Improved Casing/Ulzuin’s Chosen by swapping something, but then you’d lose something else important, so likely not worth the tradeoff IDK.
TL;DR the current setup is likely about as good as you’re going to get, unless I missed something, which is possible.
The build can do SR 75-76 decently but it’s frighteningly squishy, so 65-66 will be more reliable. I also did kill Lokarr and the Bourbon Clones with this char, they are very doable.
SR 75, first full run
This run includes the big annoyance for the build, Moosi. He's not too bad though since you are ranged, so you can kite.Final words
Added to my wishlist for Christmas: more support for cold Canister Bomb, please. It’s so pretty.
Thank you for reading, and feedback is welcome.