In this thread I will be posting all of my endgame viable builds. These are builds that can run SR75-80 within timer, as that is the endgame content I focus on. The only other endgame content I’ve done with all of them is Lokarr/Bourbon clones. I don’t hunt Superbosses on the regular and I don’t play Crucible, so I can’t tell you how they perform there.
Each link will redirect you to the build’s dedicated Overview thread, where you will find a detailed description of the concept of the build, explanation of skill, devo and gear setup, GT link, gameplay videos and a rating of the build’s performance in SR75-80 on a scale of 1 to 10. Take these ratings with a grain of salt, as RNG in the Shattered Realm can skew the results by one or two points.
All the builds are tested for Since the patch will remain accessible after the release of 1.2, these builds will be forever viable with their current setup in that patch branch. I have also posted an update in each overview thread (under the build link) for 1.2. However, the testing for 1.2 was not extensive, mostly involved just a single SR80-81 run to see if the build still performs. I’m taking a break from GD until Fangs of Asterkarn, but I will probably do some minor retesting of the builds then.
Damage type symbols:
A star * next to a link indicates that I made at least two vastly different versions of the build, and all the versions are overviewed within the same thread. So don’t get confused when you click two different links and it takes you to the same thread, the builds are all in there.
2H Ranged Fire Strike Pyromancer
Ultos Warder
Fire Retaliation Commando
Trozan Druid
Belgothian Blademaster
Beastcaller Conjurer
Aether Panetti Mage Hunter
Demonslayer Witch Hunter*
SoC/PBlades Witch Hunter*
Gunslinging Runemaster Infiltrator
Dreeg Cabalist*
Acid DEE + Ravenous Earth Cabalist*
2H Melee Alkamos+Morgoneth Reaper
Flames of Ignaffar Purifier
Uroboruuk Spellbinder
Spam Forcewave Tactician
Barrelsmith Bombadier Purifier
2H Ranged Cadence Battlemage
Wildblood Conjurer
DW Acid Righteous Fervor Dervish
Warborn SnB Phys Cadence Warlord*
Markovian SnB Phys Cadence Warlord*
Skelemancer Ritualist
2H EoR Shieldbreaker
Gun’n’Shield Virtue’s Light Paladin
Howl of the Wendigo Blade Arc Witchblade
Reverse Vanquisher Templar
Spam ABB Spellbreaker
Theodin/Krieg Blitz Death Knight
Pet Aurabot AAR Warlock
Crit/Upheaval Sniper Elementalist
Retal DEE/AoM Sentinel
Dark One Totem Archon
Temp Blight Fiends Oppressor
Vindictive Flame Defiler
Word of Pain/Aura of Censure Apostate
Wrath of Tenebris Deceiver
Korvan Wyrm Vindicator
Rancor/Bloodrager Trickster
Spam BWC/Infernal Knight Sorcerer
Nex&Ortus FS+SS Saboteur
Custom (non-Pyran) Mortar Trap Regen Elementalist
Guardians of Empyrion Sentinel
Chillwhisper Reaper
Quick Jacks/CD CT Harra Sorceress