Have a look in the Builds for Beginners in the Build Compendium.
I guess I gotta use bigger fonts for this disclaimer
I’ve also revisited this build lately.
Still haven’t tested it in anything but campaign, but I’m sure it’s not as good as your or Mad Lee’s version (but I never beat Calla, so no hat for me)
I went a slightly different route. (Tried Daega set too, but Perdition was a bit better)
Much lower physical resist though.
Not sure how to improve on it
There’s no version by grey. It’s also by mad_lee. People are just contacting him in the underworld through some witchcraft and posting his builds here
The cult of Chton pales in comparison to cult of Lee Sensei
Top20 builds edition update:
Grimtools: Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
SR75-76 run:
Naked Crucible:
Ravager 1:17 kill:
Greetings good Sirs!
I am newish to Grimdawn and find this build very fascinating ! Any chance of a newbie/beginner friendly guide version of this? It’s so cool looking at the vines and watching it destroy everything that it reaches.

Greetings good Sirs!
I am newish to Grimdawn and find this build very fascinating ! Any chance of a newbie/beginner friendly guide version of this? It’s so cool looking at the vines and watching it destroy everything that it reaches.
Hi, Acid Vines need end game gear to work. For leveling with Vines you can go for vitality/bleeding build using Groble Sand effigy farmable off-hand.
I terms of guides, there’s one for Archon but it’s pretty different from this build and it’s melee.
Introduction Archon (Shaman, Oathkeeper) is one of the few remaining classes without budget build / leveling guide in the Beginner build guides Compendium (for AoM + FG expansions). This untenable situation is hereby to be brought to an end. As a class with dual resist reduction (vitality, bleeding, elemental), two attack skills of its own, as well as a few support skills, it’s theoretically not a weak class. However, the class is not that popular lately and relatively few endgame builds are po… Update
Daegga set is here to stay. This top20 beast just got spicier. Check out new grimtools in the OP.
Here are some videos with build’s performance: Retaliation Vines Archon vs. SR 90 4:42 run Retaliation Vines Archon vs. Ravager 1:09 kill
EDIT: Took me like 15 tries to do it, you gotta mostly kite her but I was stubbornly facetanking too much
Hey, nice build. Im coming back to GD after some time and want to try this out - is there any specific reason for Aegis of Menhir or can we instead use Judgement (with Heart of Wrath) for the extra damage? Reason is i dont like AoM that much because the targeting feels weird
Aegis is a pretty strong filler for retaliation, Heart of Wrath not so much. Wouldn’t really recommend using Judgement over Aegis on a retal build.