*Famous game-designer entangled by the flurry of overperforming retaliation builds
**Thanks to grey-maybe for help with picture-crop
This build was inspired by @John_Smith’s crazy retaliation Commando. This is my first Retaliation build too, never thought I would make one. I’ve been learning all the mechanics on the go, and honestly, making this one was a struggle. But it payed out in spades in the end. Update
Daegga set is here to stay. This top20 beast just got spicier.
The Build
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*Craft for Slow Resistance
Entangling questions that grasp you so hard you can’t retaliate
Retaliation Acid caster Archon that spams Vines and Aegis of Menhir that fast? That’s not supposed to work! This is madness!
Not the most obvious build, but I saw potential in Bramblevine shield + Grasping Vines combo and kept working from there.
Why not full Sentinel of the Three set?
I have tested it, it’s worse. Bramblevine is the core build item here.
Why not take Judgment - Heart of Wrath? There is retaliation damage there too! Or Righteous Fervor - Retribution?
And I have tested it too, build is better off without it. RF - Retribution performs much worse than Aegis of Menhir.
Core of the build is 3-piece Sentinel of the Three set + Bramblevine shield and Acid Vines Conduit. Tonns of defense and Acid Retaliation + that RtA bonus to Vines we are looking for. Every other item is bis here. You can change boot component for Mark of Traveller for faster movement speed, but it’s not really needed here since we have two movement skills.
It’s optimal to play this one with three (3) Blessings (but Ulzuin instead of Amatok) and 4 level ONE (1) Storm banners.
Spam Vines and Aegis of Menhir. Facetank everything except Mad Queen (her aura goes haywire against this build) and Anasteria. Remember, that you have two mobility skills and you don’t have to fight at melee range.
Destroy everything. Beware of enraged Mad Queen in Shards when your absorb auras are down.
Bat works wonders with stacked Vines. Every other devotion is pretty standard for Retaliation builds. Skill distribution is something that I have tested a lot. I think this one is optimal.
For leveling check Beginners/Faction Gear/Leveling guides on this forum.
This is an endgame build and it works as advertised only after you equip all gear/devotions/skills at level 94 (or better at level 100).
General (Ascension and Judicator’s proc up)
Vines without the procs/ascencion/absolution
Defense (with Ascension and Absolution up)
Videos Retaliation Vines Archon vs. SR 90 4:42 run Retaliation Vines Archon vs. Ravager 1:09 kill Retaliation Vines Archon vs. Callagadra 2:18 kill Retaliation Vines Archon vs. SR 75-76 6:03 run (no short rooms) Retaliation Vines Archon vs. Crucible 150-170 “naked” ex 4:48 run (no buffs/no banners) Retaliation Vines Archon vs. Ravager 1:17 kill (new spec)
5:32 run with 3 Blessings (Ulzuin instead of Amatok) + 4 level 1 Storm banners
11-12 seconds Mad Queen Kill (DO NOT facetank her with this build)
Shards 75-76 with one silly death to Aleksander
In Conclusion
I wanna thank @John_Smith again for testing this build and giving me an idea to use this Conduit. Also I decided to use Aegis instead of Righteous Fervor after I saw one of his (unpublished) builds.
@ABCbarbecue Your Grim Dawn community might like this one