[][HC] Aether caster Spellbinder, all celestials, SR90, Calla ~2:10, no MI

all craftables on slow resist, very important, since the only healing is leeching.

old anasteria's hat attempts

Spellbinder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
Spellbinder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Double devastation + drain essence + ravenous earth aether spellbinder. While rocks fall we keeping up health by drain essence ability with Ratosh’s devotion proc on life leech resistance reduction.
1)Due to eternity + percent cd reduction phoenix fire is always up so it has good flat absorption defence, also helps keeping rocky weather.
2)Perfect abilities for celestial power procs.
3)Percent absorption and damage reduction provided by skills.
4)Big OA, DA with heavy shreds by skills and items (up to ~500 for OA).
5)Big Health, decent armor and highed max resistances. Some circuit breakers.
Gameplay specific:
Versus dangerous enemies like high SR moosilouke or zantarin (their minions are scary from beginning) we start with mirror of ereotics to prevent getting damage before tainted earth will reduce their damage and phoenix fire is up.

naked crucible with extra 160-170

Celestials, old anasteria's hat attempts

Ravager of flesh
Naked crucible 160-170 with extra (old build)

Despite target damage isn’t that beatifull, It’s very good and safe for farming ultimate skeletal key dungeons, moreover it has +35% bonus damage to aetherials and some to chtonians and humans.
Grimtools, live.


Neat build!

Do you have any estimated times it took you to do these things? Just curious how it compares to other builds.

Thanks, i had all these items stashed but tome, which was the second i dropped from ternox. And i had to farm anasteria’s hat mb 20-40runs. Instead of these shoulders any with phys resist and impervious affix can be used, Loghorrean’s would be best in slot.

Heavily updated by Diviner set usage, no MI and good damage now.

what is the role of the reap spirit in this build because that pet stats are rly rly bad and low ur not focusing pet side so why the reap spirit is lv 26 maxed out ?

reap spirit is also a player skill not only a pet skill, and can be pretty decent when focused in such as Diviner set

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it hurts ~150k per cast and has <2sec cd, also spirits do 10-20k per hit each when its five of them in total.

it scales with pets stats not player stats so…

i see, thanks seem nice i’ll try it mybe when im done with my builds

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i’m telling you it’s a 2 part skill, it’s also a player skill, “not only a pet skill”, unsure why you wanted to argue that, so here to simplify

green = player

red = pet

the part that scales with pet bonus is the wraith, not the reaping spirit itself, but the wraith the reaping spawns

the green stuff is a truck load of dmg in, “when focused in”, such as ex Diviner modifiers


orwund did you try/consider using RS gloves Aethereach? :thinking: - curious what your take/feel is on overall impact, atleast in sheet it seems like it’s kinda massive gain

DE gloves


down 23k DE dps but up 90k RS dps

wonder if maybe the lower RS cooldown will make drain essence’ing annoying tho ?

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I thought about it. But drain essence giving ability to face tank, RS has some cast time too, it may be dangerous to make that swap, but it can be usefull to swap it for most fights. Actually i was suggested madlee video with his nofika’s vitality diviner build run and got frustrated of mine.
wonder how he is able to live just by vampirism from percent damage of RS.
It has like 10k weapon damage, each reap spirit 40k of weapon damage,
in total we have ~40k*0.18(from lifesteal)*0.17(by lifeleech resistance)=1100HP for each 0.2seconds makes about 5500hp/sec almost what i am having from drain essence.
But i need a lifesteal to make it possible to swap this gloves. Which i can get from Harbinger of souls, actually. That’s a good tip to improve this one, but makes DE almost useless.

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not how it works btw
lifesteal = total amount of skill’s dmg,
so if skill = 100k dmg, that’s your scaling x18%
WD is only relevant in terms of %effect of adcth, but only if below 100%, since 50% wd = 50% lifesteal applied (9% here), but still on skill’s total dmg/native flat still included, with max scaling up to 100% adcth (ie 400%wd still = 18%adcth)

Since reap spirit doesn’t have inner lifesteal i meant global lifesteal

So you say if skill has 400% WD it will only give 10k * 0.18 * 0.17 HP with 10k WD,
18% global lifesteal, 0% inner skill lifesteal, and 83% lifeleech resistance?

I am poor in english, trying to learn it desperately with this forum and books from Russia, sorry.

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WD is only relevant in terms of effect lifesteal applied, unrelated to dmg
total skill dmg scales lifesteal amount
so, if skill = 50% wd = 50%effective lifesteal
if skill dmg = X wd + Y flat, total lifesteal amount =x+y

got you, i have thought global lifesteal only works for WD% part. And it’s also capped, thanks very much.

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fortunately it counting skill’s native flat is how we can use global lifesteal at all on some low WD skills like AAR wd conduit :sweat_smile:

i tried this (Ravenous Earth) just for silliness Spellbinder, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
i also tried Aethereach gloves instead of DE gloves, while keeping Drain Essence spec/original setup just glove swap, but only in SR
I think, think(/didn’t actual time), feels like RE spec is faster, but DE is tankier even in SR.
Surprisingly still has really good Drain Essence heals with faster Reap Spirit even with 0 global lifesteal

*i tried to see if i could go chariot on Rattosh devo route, since i think chariot is stronger here than Behemoth, but kept being 1pt short, so just went totally different devo route/Korvaak instead on RE setup :sweat_smile:
Rattosh route is probably superior for DE setup and on Celestials :thinking:

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that’s very interesting setup, i ll try it just with my devotion route i think.
hmm, you rid of DE, but how do you live then? Is RE giving enough leeching vs single target fabius sr80 for example?

yea sustain seems fine just against SR combined with mirror, potion etc “layers”
Didn’t test celestials, but probably wont be enough there i guess
cooldown is like 0.8 seconds and heals a lot on each cast which seems like it’s enough

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