[] (Painkiller Edition) Avenger Set 2H Warder, All 3 superboss Killer(Ravagar:1m 38s, Calagadra: 1m 50s; No-pharma doping, No-MI; SR 86+)

Subsequent to my no-MI all Superboss killer pet Conjurer
and Subsequent to my no-MI 3 Superboss killer WitchBlade,
and Subsequent to my no-MI 3 Superboss killer Death Knight
and subsequent to my no-MI 3 superboss killer Warlord

I present my fifth no-MI 3 Superboss killer Warder.

  1. Final Edition(15/March/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:)

Equipment/Skill/Devotion: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/JVlQPOMZ
Devotion selection sequence (same as ultimate witchblade): https://youtu.be/iY0axMPaWn0
Here, you can download a copy of the hero :
_AvngerWarder.zip (1.8 MB)
:wrench: :wrench: Urgent Fix(19/August/2024) : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2dekxJV

:arrow_down: Performance :arrow_down:
General battle (including Morgoneth, RaShalga, Kra’vall, Lokarr, and other 23 bosses): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrQZ4T6Z5FM&t=29s

vs Calagadra (2min 7sec) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiRcFv0xD48&t=50s

vs Ravagar of Flesh (2min 9sec) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bI52lXDgfE4

vs Mogdrogen (2min 9sec) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_5h6r60U9o

SR 75-76 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxdsukZSYug

SR 85-86: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZvvbTjQ4e4

  1. Painkiller Edition(game ver; 30/October/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:)
    (I had to rack my brain for the past five days in order to achieve a significant performance improvement with only Devotion and skill adjustments. I had to take painkillers to make this release, hence the name Painkiller Edition. I made a lot of adjustments in Devotion and Skills, which reduced the time it took me to take down Ravagar of Flesh and Calagadra by 31sec and 17sec, respectively)

Equipment/Skill/Devotion : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2Myqq42
Devotion selection sequence : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0NuMVr69rg
Here, you can download a copy of the hero :
PainKiller_Edition_AvngerWarder.zip (1.8 MB)

:point_right: Final Edition vs. Painkiller Edition:
Final Edition is a build that balances offense and defense, while Painkiller Edition is an offense-focused build. The Painkiller Edition is better for super bosses and up to SR 75-76, but from SR 81 onward, the Final Edition clearly has better survivability. So, the choice is up to you.

:arrow_down: Performance :arrow_down:
vs Ravagar of Flesh(1m 38s, no-pharma doping) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tonkXPR8hY&t=16s

vs Calagadra(1m 50s, no-pharma doping) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXPMTJRmYNc&t=7s

SR 75-76 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhU7M1YeeR4&t=3s

SR 80-81 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5i1-33AI2ZI&t=9s

SR 85-86 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Dp4NufgsOA&t=4s

:wrench: :wrench: :wrench: fixed Painkiller Edition(Reflect Resist Enhancement; 04/November, 2024)
Equipment/Skill/Devotion : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/q2mYamD2
Devotion selection sequence : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0NuMVr69rg
Here, you can download a copy of the hero :
Fixed_Painkiller_Edition_AvngerWarder.zip (1.8 MB)

The Painkiller Edition Warder has a problem with being frequently killed by reflective monsters, especially reflective monsters that spawn from Totem. Most likely, this is due to the new additions of Rhowan’s Scepter and Ulzaad’s Decree, which significantly increase Truma damage in Painkiller Edition, as well as the thinning of shields due to the removal of turtles and the overall lowering of physical resist in

So, with the great help of Gnomish_Inquisition, I’m re-releasing the Fixed Painkiller Edition, which has greatly improved reflection resistance. Devotion is unchanged, but some components and skills have been redistributed.

Even so, death by reflective monsters has not been completely eliminated. A complete fix would require either very low my Truma damage or very high my Physical Resist, which is not realistically possible, so I compromised by increasing my Reflect Resist a lot, which greatly mitigates this issue.

vs Ravagar of Flesh(1m 40s, no-pharma doping): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xk7ze218xsA

vs Calagadra : (1m 51s, no-pharma doping): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3BZPpbroLY

SR 75-76 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN6dR0tThpI

SR 80-81 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfUQtdbvvqM

SR 85-86 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS-8eDpDJIw

Fixed Painkiller Edition Spec.;

If you have any improvements or questions for my Warder, or opinions for My comment, I’d love to hear them in the comments.


최님 안녕하세요 한국에서 그림던을 시작한지 얼마안됀 뉴비입니다
제가 좋아하는 스타일의 빌드들인데
최님의 양손빌드중 한개만 추천하신다면 어떤게 좋을까요?
파밍을 시작하면 여러케릭을 하지못할거같아요 시간이 많지않아서

위치블레이드를 추천합니다. 제가 보기엔 셋중에서 가장 완벽하다고 생각합니다. 데미지 자체는 데스나이트가 가장 우수하지만, 위치블레이드는 거의 비슷한 데미지와 생존기구가 훨씬 더 많다. 또한, 위치블레이드의 스킬들이 가장 직관적인 스킬들이라서, 그림던의 기초적인 지식을 쌓기에는 위치블레이드의 빌드가 정석이라고 여겨집니다. 그 때문에, 솔저를 기반으로 하는 캐릭터들로 수퍼보스들을 때려눕히기 위한 지식과 경험을 쌓기에는 위치블레이드가 최상이라고 나는 생각합니다. (I recommend Witchblade. In my opinion, Witchblade is the most complete of the three. While Death Knight is the best in terms of damage, my Witchblade have comparable damage and more survival mechanism. Further, Witchblade’s skills are the most intuitive, so I feel that Witchblade’s build is the best for getting the basics of Grimdawn. Because of this, I feel that Witchblade is the best for gaining the knowledge and experience to take down the bosses with Soldier-based characters.)

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감사합니다 따라해볼게요 ㅎㅎ

내 코멘트를 새롭게 추가했습니다. 참고하세요…

GG! Nice build again!

Archon may perfom better but this 1 button holding build is boring imho, good build though.

I hope your Tactician build development is going well. Sadly, Tactician is in the project path of my Soldier-based Superboss Killer character development. If I don’t see your work in three months, I will develop and publish it. :innocent: :innocent:

With the Avenger 4 set offering so many abilities, there weren’t many Armors and accessories for me to choose from based on my own decisions. As a result, this warder build took only three days to develop. This was surprisingly short compared to my other builds, which required 2-4 weeks of intensive development time. Contrary to what you might think, this warder build is not a 1-button play build and requires a moderate button or key click count due to the many AOE abilities it offers. I don’t know if an Archon with the Avenger set is better than a Warder with the Avenger set, and I’m currently in the process of developing a Soldier-based Superboss Killer character. I know Archon is not Soldier-based. However, if there are very few known Archon builds that can take down all of the superbosses without MI, I would be willing to take on the challenge of developing an Archon build using the Avenger set.

It is already lvl 96 so you don’t have to wait that long. :slight_smile:

Hey, congratz on posting a guide!

So basically during our current top20 testing we have collectively figured out how to do Avenger Warder correctly (most of the credit goes to @banana_peel tho):

Two main points: choose Menhir’s exclusive and cap it with Gollus rings and Golemborn boots and then max out Feral Hunger and Zolhan. Plus the devotion map with both Vire and Azrakaa seems to be the strongest now.

  1. Nice to meet you mad_lee, your devotion looks very powerful. My other no-MI characters have too little life leech to adopt your devotion, but my warder already has enough life leech, so I feel like adopting your devotion would make my warder significantly more powerful (though, at this point, I’m intuitively concerned about my warder’s elemental resist if I adopt your devotion).

  2. If my warder adopts Menhir’s Bulwark instead of Oleron’s Rage, my warder’s OA will be too meager. This is because my no MI warder is self-limiting in that it can’t use MI Gollus Ring, which provides abundant OA (this is what no-MI characters suffer from :rofl: :rofl:).

  3. Zolhan is already maxed out, and I tried maxing out Feral Hunger, but it had little effect on my warder.

  4. I’m very honored to get advice from mad_lee, who makes some of the best stuff.

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I want to share my character, observations about him and ask a couple of questions.
Since my build is my reworked version from the top 20, I am writing to you.

I’ll immediately clarify the main point: for me, the main measures of a character are Callagadra and Ravager.

  1. The character has catastrophically little attack and defense. I practically never crit on celestials. Therefore, I maxed out all the skills that give me an attack or reduce the target’s defense.
  2. Killing Callagadra and Ravager is painfully long (I used to play as a pet breeder, so I was used to 50-70 seconds on a celestial). And here I want to give some advice - I myself practically don’t crit on celestials, but the deathbringer crits very well. Therefore, I give the killer’s mark (constellation) to the death-bringer.
  3. There are absolutely not enough resistor cutters. You can take two rings for -10 resistance, like our interlocutor, but I settled on the jewelry version, where the hero has an output of 43k HP and 10k regeneration. Because of this, by the way, I did not focus on animal hunger - the regeneration is enough to kill Ravager and Callagadra.

And this is the results: I reached 95 shards to open the portal. It’s disgustingly long. I didn’t go any deeper. I haven’t tested the crucible either. After conjurer, I’m always dissatisfied, like an old grandfather ^^

Why limit yourself tho? You can try farming Gollus yourself to see how easy/hard it is. Or if you want to make it “fair”, you can give yourself like 3 hours and then just use the best two rings from this 3 hour farm.

Gotta use Doombringer amulet! It’s also a source of crit damage.

Sometimes I do sometimes I don’t :nerd_face:

Because they want their build not to use MI’s, simple. Their build, their choice of how they build it.

As I mentioned before, I am fully aware that MI is often easier to obtain than legendary items. As @medea_fleecestealer said, the reason is simple, “they want their build not to use MI.”

At this point, I’d like to share a funny anecdote: -------
I assume you’ve read this anecdote, so I’m deleting it now.

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You could use MIs but not in a way where u instantly choose 2 super rare sides, picking either one side from prefix or suffix will do enough justice. I think by doing this, you will still kinda make the item at least possible to get with some farming involved and that would benefit both sides - the build itself and those who follow it.

I’m not an English speaker. I read your post through a translator. It seems like the main point is that you want to take down Calagadra and Ravager more quickly. Your build, modified from the TOP 20, is presumably superior. How many minutes on average does your build take down Carla and Ravager? As far as I can help at the moment, your attack speed seems a bit slow. Try maximizing Sharman’s skill “Storm Touched” to increase your attack speed by about +14%. Even if you do, don’t expect to beat a calagadra in a minute or so.

That’s what I’m complaining about))
My warder takes a very long time to kill celestials)) I can only console myself with the fact that this is a tank, not a damage dealer.
50-70 seconds is the bar set by other builds, I just focus on it.
And I feel bad spending 17+ skill points to get to “Storm Touched”. I chose to invest them in the soldier’s defensive skills.

Just want to say thanks for these great builds. Glad to see no greens for a change. Working on Witchblade now. Have my eye on the Warder next. Keep up the good work.