[] (Caster) The Evil Eye - Rotgheist DEE Conjurer [4:45 naked ex] [SR30-31] [All Celestials]


Been a long while since I tried anything Rotgheist-related but thanks to recent DEE buffs, decided to try this stolen bicycle completely original build. Well, it turned out pretty good. (turned out every iteration of DEE is good now, tbh).



_Rotgheist DEE Conjurer.zip (2.9 MB)


  • Weapon - Pandemic ended up being better than both Dreeg’s dagger and Crimson Scepter due to better flat + it has CDR;

  • Rings - Signet of the Fallen is kinda bis, epic DEE ring can be replaced with Cursebearer for even more RR and bit more HP, though in the end the results were pretty much similar;

  • Relic - Solael’s better than Eldritch pact due to huge OA (which allows to take Stalwart instead of Aggressive on medal).


average runs are about 4:50 naked ex. didn’t try buffalo since it’s pretty pointless.

4:39 naked

4:36 naked

Shattered Realm




Avatar of Mogdrogen

Ravager of Flesh

Callagadra, Scion of Sands - can facetank if lucky (like on video), if not, just kite.

Crate of Entertainment - probably the easiest kill of your life.

Summary and thoughts

Not much to say. Build is strong and maybe even somewhat fun to play. Only downside is the absolute absence of any circuit breakers and even any decent DR; but I guess one can 1-1 Wendigo Totem for a bit of extra heal and damage.

Feel free to download the build, play it and share your impressions. Hoots!


I played this spec during the test patch and can confirm it’s really good. Probably first (non-pet) Conjurer in years that I enjoyed playing. It has it all: damage, tank, even fun is included!


I don’t quite understand about the devotion here. Scale of Ulcama requires 8 orders as prerequisite.
Crossroad gives 1. Lion gives 3. Lotus gives 2. So total is 6 orders.
How could I get to Scale of Ulcama without giving points to any other order constellations?

devotions can be self-sustaining
so you use a filler devo to grant you 8 total prerequisites, then you fill in Scales, which now adds +2 to your original 6, then remove the filler devo, and you now still have 8

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OMG I’m new to this game and I never thought it could work like this. thx a lot!!

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How about adding Bloody Pox+Fevered Rage for even more deeps? Ofc not against Big Bosses tho.
EDIT: This could actually be at least in the honorouble mentions of the new top 20 post.
GJ Dude!

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that’s definitely not gonna help, since damage is already high and you’ll just be hit more often and hard
the build can do SR36 (old 90) fairly easily, but I didn’t post the vids since I cba going back and forth between public and FoA beta


Did you level with DEE straight away or what was your approach?

I’d say you can lvl with DEE itself (I’d have most certainly done this since I like using the main skill from the very beginning or so), or you can otherwise follow some guides like this one.

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Thanks alot for the fast answer and link! I also like to start with endgame skill yet i feel like leveling as shaman might be fast but i will check out your link.

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there’s an acid sentinel dee levelling guide in the beginner compendium, so if you want a DEE guide you’d have to retrofit it/the unfitting parts to the overall vitality end part

I’ve missed the build initially, but this is really solid effort and great performance overall. Vitality spam casters are usually underwhelming and DEE was bad for a long period. This build flips the script.

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