Add movespeed to green and purple devotions

I don’t think that any player have ever viewed MS at the same level of importance as DA/OA/CC/%damage/racial damage.
and it’s not because there are so many sources of MS, but simply that MS and all the stuff above are in different weight categories.

Actually, i don’t care whether MS will be added to purple/green or not.
I’ve got interested in this thread because, there has been an argument, and some people have decided (intentionally or not) to use certain logical fallacies to prove/disprove some ideas, that’ve been in community for a long time. And Maya has decided to pointed it up… well, the rest is history.


Because several players have brought up in this thread that it has more importance on playing than it would appear. E.g.

This is largely dependent on playstyle, area of the game and build in question (as some can stack specific stats easier than others).

Several Crucible builds for example are able to sink points in Cunning/Spirit than Physique for more damage now. Even some campaign builds can as well, but I still maintain that it’s also just as valid for plenty of campaign builds to go heavy on Physique for safe/comfortable play, especially against Bosses like Kymon, Morgoneth or Lokarr that easily shred your DA in the hundreds.

Aye, but those cunning/spirit dumps are mostly for faster clears to show off a build’s offensive capabilities. It is much less due to necessity and more due to wanting to milk every bit of power from the build.

Move speed as pointed out, is more about QoL. Like how pretty much no one liked the Thermite Mines doing Moon Landing before they were changed.


That depends. I’ll concede that the majority can be played without dumps but some builds survive off of sheer DPS/ADCtH so need as much as they can get their hands on. I’m not a fan of them but they exist.

:man_shrugging: QoL is generally subjective and differs from player to player. It’s hard to please everyone on topics related to it.

I don’t know if this is relevant to this devotion move speed OP, but it probably fits the discussion.

Upon thinking about both Mark of the Traveler and Mark of Mogdrogen, I realized that I never actually use Mark of Mogdrogen.

Sometimes I have used Traveler for either/both slow res and move speed, but never Mogdrogen. 4% health is just not definitive enough.

Mogdogen is supposed? to be a rare and theoretically better component. So some CC or res boosts to Mark of Mogdogen wouldn’t hurt. :man_shrugging:


btw, you haven’t ansewered my question. Still interested in your opinion here.

Well… I don’t doubt that, since I have Pet Battlemage at this point…

I don’t think anyone would disagree that interms of QoL, having 135% move speed is worse than having less though, even if they might disagree on how to achieve it.

Except you do have alternatives to stacking movement speed. Lets not pretend that you only get it from devotion here, 3/9 of the current masteries have it as a core stat with gear/components acting as further methods as well.

Even if you do think I’m dodging the question, you can’t argue that every character has multiple avenues for finding movement speed if one is not available.

I think this is where it being subjective starts to come in. A few players in here that voted in favour of movement speed getting added to other places play characters with move speeds in the area of 115-125%. Whereas, I’d personally consider speeds around these just fine and have no problems getting up to this number on characters I play, if anything, I’ve never had issues with slow move speeds because Eel or Sailor’s Guide are often prime and cheap constellation picks anyway.

it’s kinda contradicts with what Dmt has shown us.
114 MS is low. Other Sorcerer’s, who have chosen different devotion setup have 0 problem with MS.
So devotion path is still a huge factor, when it comes to MS.

But what I am saying/asking is, even if someone were to consider say 125% move-speed fine, would they be against it if they could have 135% instead?

Builds won’t become overpowered because they run at capped move-speed. But they certainly feel too sluggish at lower percentages to everyone asking for more MS.


dmt’s example of 104% movement speed on a Sorcerer is with a mutator. I’m sorry but do you really think you can suggest changes to the devotion map based on random RNG? If anything, you may as well just ask for the mutator’s movement speed decrease to be made smaller or removed altogether if it is really a detriment.

In some ways yes, in other ways no. More mobility is always valuable in any ARPG, just look at how movement augments or how EoR being the first skill that allows you to deal damage while moving changed things between pre-FG and post-FG (And I just saw the Sonic video pop up while typing that, ninja’d by powbam).

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DW Bleeding Builds beg to differ. :wink:

Adding Movement Speed to Green/Purple would buff most of my builds because they always take this route. I really don´t need it but what makes me wonder a lot more:

Why this harsh discussion now? Movement Speed was never a real issue, it was “nice-to-have”, no more,no less. This discussion is a lot exaggerated and too heated for something which hasn´t been a problem for a long time.

Or am I missing something and there is more to it than the “QoL”-factor?


I’m really curious about cases when people wouldn’t like higher ms.

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so 104=114 now?

To highlight the point here though better than a joke post - more movement speed means you farm things faster, you’re able to move to packs faster, you’re able to respond to and dodge attacks faster or have an easier time keeping away from enemies gangrushing you and so on.

It’s arguably more than just a QoL stat.

So are you saying that every build having 135% move-speed will be a cause for concern interms of balancing?

Movement Augments are essentially class restriction less Blitz, Shadow Strike, Teleport. And EoR as you stated allows you to dmg and move (kind of like pet builds, heh :P).

So I can see them causing balance issues. But Move Speed, if it is actually having that big of an impact, I would say warantees even more attention.

Perhaps devotions are not the best place. If so, then maybe the items that the builds go for while taking these MS less devo routes could have them :woman_shrugging:

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Than I have a solution:
Drink more alcohol and get a belly like I have done. Much more enjoyable. :wink:


+1. Would be my preference hence when I said above…

Hey, could we have a little more movespeed in devotions for QoL?


That’s how your counter arguments look like