Adding Prioritized button on integrity repair or just a repair button!


Would it be possible to add a button on a building menu to prioritize the repair of that building? So they dont get ignored by builder and stop collapsing?



Right now i have 50% of my building that are under 50% over 20 laborer and 15 builders with almost no construction site undergoing, yet nobody are fixing those building!

I’d personally like to have an option to remove building repairs entirely. Some sort of durability disabling checkbox or something to that effect.

Or just fix the issue as it stands now. But seeing as how it appears to still be a major sticking point with most play testers I’d say the devs are looking into it closely.


There is a little tool tip that appears (a small circle with crossed tools in it) with the health bar showing the deterioration of the building. My suggestion has been to make that tool tip hot so that clicking on it summons a builder or builders to repair the building before it totally degrades and is lost. Pretty much the same.

Welcome aboard!


Now i see a tool tips that say Select to repair or Destroy… but no option to repair when selected !

Coming back to this, as I know there are still a lot of people making “bug threads” about it.

Today, I had about 1/3 of my hours show a status of yellow needing repair. I upped my builders to address it. It did take them 5 or more years to get it all repaired. I wondered why it was taking so long and watched a few of them. They weren’t prioritizing low status repairs, they were doing ALL repairs. This means it took them awhile to get to the ones the NEEDED it, vs the ones that were just a little low.

So even if we don’t get a button, at least making sure the builder prioritize low status buildings over high repair statute buildings.

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I found a somewhat workaround solution, just relocate your buildings into the same place and they will get done fast, also relocating buildings repairs them COMPLETELY for no material cost, only some workforce is needed.

This may be a bit morally vague, but I choose this over either my village being completely collapsed after 30 years of gameplay or paying more resources for repairing that it costs to just build a new structure.

Adding a way to prioritize specific repairs is one of our top priorities.


Have I told you how awesome you are Zantai? Yes? Well I’m going up say it again. You’re awesome. Keep up the good work!


I wish you would say and do the same about the ridiculous wall prioritisation system; the one by one segment clicking makes large scale wall building the most laborious thing in the game so far… we need to be able to prioritise large wall builds at inception or using the X wall key… not have to struggle to click every single wireframe one by one… it takes HOURS… without prioritisation walls literally never get built…

I mean…


Who says we’re not. :wink:

Wall building is another issue in itself though that requires changing how the builder AI distributes its tasks. Presently, walls end up getting treated as one giant build site as far as the AI is concerned, which means you could have 40 builders available, but only 1 gets sent to build a 100-piece wall. Now, there are ways to circumvent that, which is why you often see more than 1 builder on a wall at any given time, but the fundamental issue exists.

We have a solution for this in the works. We might actually slip that in by the end of v0.7.6 testing. We’ll see how stable it ends up.


It does not work. I tried several times though.

Even that tip from the wiki doesnt work:

What doesn’t work. The thing that doesn’t exist yet?


Hmmm, I wonder why…

For the wall, i misunderstood what you have written. I’m not english speaking.

And for the road ?

What’s your issue with roads?

« While placing roads, hold shift to ignore strict requirements for roadplacement: Length (minimum 3 squares), elevation changes and more. »
Impossible to ignore strict requirements.

Well yeah…why would we have a way to ignore requirements, haha.

The wiki isn’t written by us, so I don’t know where that tip came from.

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Devs. Please add the option to build things on extreme and impassible terrain.