Adding Prioritized button on integrity repair or just a repair button!

Because sometimes we need to build a 1 case road.

I thought the wiki was written by you.

You actually can ā€œtrickā€ the game by pulling the road until it is long enough, but then reverting to your 2 length road.

(Zantai please donā€™t remove this :angry:)

Itā€™s an oversight in the code I guess. If the road is longer than 3, it basically says canPlaceRoad = true, but it does not revert it to false when you pull the road to less than 3 again hehe

I donā€™t think it works for 1 lenght though

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Zantai #deadroads :upside_down_face:

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I confirm, doesnt work for 1 lenght.

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then with respect, how come you guys designed it like that then in the first place and omitted any way to effect wall or fence prioritisation (other than one segment at a time) from the early access?.. seems like a fundamental must-have to build large walled cities or crop fields of equal if not higher importance than wall repair, salvage and upgradeā€¦it was a problem just waiting to happen that everyone who plays the game spotted immediatelyā€¦ why was it left out?

To really answer that, Iā€™d have to go into the issues and features we had to address leading up to Early Access.

For example, I imagine running the game at 1fps at 500 pop would have been kind of a deal breaker, but slowly building walls is annoying but manageable.

So ultimately the game wasnā€™t ready for early access, since this a sore point for many players. :grinning:

Thank you.

Not necessary true, it just we are more cranky then the testers. :slight_smile:

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Well it would be positive if you do manage to make a priority feature for all of these mentioned and including mine for obvious and desperately needed quality of life functions this game needs, based clearly on how many people who have complained about it. It would make the game more enjoyable (and less annoying) to play and ultimately would benefit you and your gameā€™s success.

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