Hi guys
I rarely see a build using this skill, let alone using it as main nuke.
I really like the nova effect and would love it it was possible to have a strong build for endgame based around it.
Any ideas?
Hi guys
I rarely see a build using this skill, let alone using it as main nuke.
I really like the nova effect and would love it it was possible to have a strong build for endgame based around it.
Any ideas?
Not really. It’s good for levelling, but doesn’t really work against bosses and falls off later in the game. I think you can make it reasonable for endgame, but it needs very specific items.
freeze + RR doesn’t work on bosses
generally people don’t like to “waste” skill points, much less form a build around a skill, that doesnt’ work on the main/hard targets, since trash will die easy regardless
that said, there are some OFF meme builds using it, and stacking -freeze resist items like the mageslayer set
if one were ok with “wasting” the skill points, one could also slap 16 points in it as just for the trash screen clear
With mageslayer set OFF works pretty good as a support skill and when converted to fire its a really strong aoe clear.
Might wanna add that the aforementioned mageslayer set is the only way to make OFF work in Ultimate+. Nothing else.
wasn’t it possible to use luminari set + neck now too?
Idk what changed in test patch but it’s not gonna hit the most resistant bosses.
Yeah. Stacking with with the Conduit, Luminari sits at -50% freeze res. Still worse than Mageslayer at -55%.