Armor vs Phys res

No. But I’m also ignoring phys res debuffs. Let’s assume -40 phys res debuff has been applied on the aforementioned cabalist

(13k - 1800) * (1.1) = 12,320 damage <— THAT’S what i’m scared of

EDIT: In reference to your “multiple 5-6k hits”…

(5000 - 1800) * 0.7 = ~2200.

Yeah, whatever. I’ll heal that up immediately.

I agree that against a very heavy single hit %physical resistance is better. But I’m more concerned by being chain-hit with 5-6k hits while other monsters cast skill disruption, stuns and so on. and you stand in DoT pools up to your knees. At least that is what killed me in GD not a single hit that I can easily dodge. To each his own I guess.

Forgot about life leech resistance?

Mate, I feel like we are arguing about the same thing. I’ve always made the claim that armor is great for negating a barrage of smaller hits.

My point to @BOG has always been that armor isn’t necessarily the only for of damage mitigation against such sources, and that he is myopically focused on it, which has led him to trivialize the very vital function of phys res.

I. Love. Armor.

I’ll stack that shit all day if I could. But it is a balance

If my adcth is high enough, or if I’m playing a darkone’s cabalist, who tf cares about armor or phys res?

I have 15 - 16khp, 30% damage reduction, 40% adcth, and 22% of my total hp is healed every 0.5s thanks to wendigo totem

If you have access to high enough %physical resistance values then yes. I do agree - go for phys res. So what do you have against 3k and 10%phys res of BOG I dont understand . That is a pretty viable choice too.

Not it isn’t.

You’ve posited the claim that builds don’t need phys res, because armor is the best.

I’m refuting that claim by saying that your armor value is largely irrelevant. You are tanky because of damage reduction from censure + adcth.

Also, 18% adcth on FW is NOTHING compared to 6% adcth on AAR given the fact that it hits 6-7 times a second, and pierce a gazillion things

I think it’s gonna be good if moerators can import the comments from the other section here.

So I have to repeat what I wrote in my guide. Armor and physical resistance have different purposes but they have to be teamed in order to feel safe against enemies physical damage.

I personally think that physical resistance often can be more important than shear number of armor. Also Internal trauma bypasses armor, that’s very important!

So on builds with high armor and little physical resistance, you’re prone to both heavy physical hits and internal trauma. Back to you @sir_spanksalot

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My issue with it is the fact that he keeps going around making the claim that “phys res isn’t needed”. He calls other caster sets “shit” because ONLY light’s defender can allow a build to get 3k armor.

The entire point I’ve been trying to make is that there IS build diversity.

There are PLENTY of ways to become tanky, and to deal with the constant stream of tiny damage that any character will indubitably be subjected to.

To say that “phys res isn’t as important as armor” is plain wrong, and I don’t want less experienced players to walk away with that misinformation.

EDIT: For the record, my dark one’s ritualist has shit for armor and phys res.

And it’s obviously tanky af

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If I had a choice of having 3500 armor and 10% physical resistance vs. 2500 armor and 20% physical resistance I would choose the latter. Cos of Balance ! :smiley: I’m for balance. Just don’t say armor value is ‘irrelevant’. Which is not true

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I’ve never once made the claim armor is irrelevant! I think you’re looking at the exchange between BOG and me out of context here.

I’m merely refuting his claim that phys res CAN’T (edited) BE MORE BENEFICIAL than armor. They BOTH have their uses.

Orly? I’ve started that build from scratch and well-remember timesi havent yet laid my hands on Light’s Defender set and Iron Maiden’s Mantle. Back then i had ~2k armour, and felt very squishy, despite having all res overcaps, ADCTH, seal and aura of censure…

Since when FW doesnt pierce things? And hit rate isnt actually relevant VS 1-2 enemies, as i recover ~3% HP per tick.

Yeah. Because you’re not capitalizing on your adcth at all. Your damage is absolute garbage.

Do you honestly want to compare the range of FW to the range of AAR?

And hit rate does fucking matter. It’s multiplicative.

Does that really matter when most non-trash enemies charge close, and to those who dont, YOU want to charge close to get use of Aura of Censure and Inquisitor’s seal proccing elemental storm (so your damage would actually have an impact)? Sure, AAR range is great to wipe out range trash quickly, but aside from that, it doesnt bring any advantages over forcewave.

And the whole reason for me to start this discussion was to break your claim, that stacking high physical res is MANDATORY for endgame build. It isnt - there ARE builds, who can feel good without stacking it overboard.
and i didnt claimed that phys res is ALWAYS worse than armour. I’ve claimed that it’s worse in majority of cases, which makes it not mandatory (though still good if you can get it without sacrificing much).

Um. I never bind seal to ele storm. That’s a terrible skill to bind it to precisely because of the reason you’ve mentioned. And again, I’m telling you you need more DPS to truly benefit from AAR’s adcth. Believe me, don’t believe me - I dgaf. I’m not the one with the gimped build.

^Please quote me. Demonstrate to me where/when I’ve made this claim. I’ve done no such thing.

In fact.


Maybe I don’t get something I’m not as experienced as you are but could you tell me what to do when Goulish Hunger is on cooldown . It has about 20sec downtime even with 20% cooldown reduction. And losing 18% of physical resistance is huge. Armour has such an advantage that it is permanent.
For example Nery’s AAR MH has 41% physical resistance but only when Ghoulish Hunger is active. Otherwise it is only 23% which is not that much more than 10% of BOG’s build.

You have enough physical resistance even before Ghoul. Ghoul just amplifies it.
Also it’s boost Spear and Ultos healing ability.

For glass cannons, Ghoulish hunger is meant to give you a “can’t touch this” window during which you obliterate the biggest threat confronting you, so when it’s over, you’re no longer in danger.

My ritualist actually chains Ghoul with things like MoT & bloodthirster, thereby still allowing me to be incredibly resilient even when ghoul is on CD.

Well, i dont have a choice there - nor Widow, nor Alladrah’s phoenix can be bound to it. Should i just ignore Alladra’s Phoenix andbind elestorm to Storm box? But most enemies charge to melee anyways…

Lol. You ALWAYS have a choice. For example - are you using seal of corruption?