[Asterkarn] Berserker class name guesswork

I think they’ll post one correct one either in the next misadventure or either from September to December ones

Three of these are correct!


{compares with his own original guesswork} The chances of Berserker + Nightblade = Reaver being correct just skyrocketed…

And I don’t think that one was even a TQ class dyad name!

+Soldier: Thane
+Demolitionist: Bombardier
+Occultist: Prophet
+Nightblade: Reaver
+Arcanist: Evoker
+Shaman: Cryomancer (We have Pryomancer)
+Inquisitor: Assassin
+Necromancer: Executioner

+Soldier: Thane
+Demolitionist: Conqueror
+Occultist: Doomsayer
+Nightblade: Reaver
+Arcanist: Evoker
+Shaman: Skald
+Inquisitor: Stalker
+Necromancer: Tombkeeper (I’m banking on a sense of needing to know how draugar can be called forth to keep them in their barrows)

Three of these are correct.

Three of these are correct.

I think we can safely say now that Berserker + Soldier = Thane, Berserker + Nightblade = Reaver, and Berserker + Arcanist = Evoker. Now we just have to try to figure out the remaining five. That will probably take a while, though.


Not sure we can since Zantai said 3 in the OP were correct and one was spot on. The spot on one seems to be Reaver and we know Oathkeeper is Zealot, but nothing else in those 2 latest lists match the OP list.

Check my summary. Thane, Reaver and Evoker exactly match OP condition: 3 correct and 1 of them spot on.
If even “1 spot on” mean “1 more spot on” not “1 of them spot on”, we alredy checked several combos.
Harbinger is not Demo or Occultist;
Desecrator is not Occultist or Necro;
RelicKeep is meme name that could not suit any other combo than Inq whitch incorrect;
Soothsayer is Myth Apothecary set name that have no room for Bers, but still could be renamed.

Subsequent attempts will be difficult because we don’t know if we are suggesting correct names.

But they don’t match. Yours:


The only match is Reaver, none of the others do. Not saying you’re necessarily wrong given Zan said 3 of these are also correct.

But until Zantai actually tells us which ones are …

Looking at them I’d say probably right about Thane, Reaver and Evoker, but then that leaves 2 from the OP that are correct as well.

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Thane is 1st correсt name but it placed on incorrect OK
Evoker is 2nd correct name but it placed on incorrect Shaman
Reaver is 3rd correct name and it is spot on


+Soldier: Thane
+Demolitionist: Slayer
+Occultist: Hellion
+Nightblade: Reaver
+Arcanist: Evoker
+Shaman: Prophet
+Inquisitor: Redeemer
+Necromancer: Cryomancer

Three of these are correct.

+Soldier: Thane
+Demolitionist: Electromancer
+Occultist: Sadist
+Nightblade: Reaver
+Arcanist: Evoker
+Shaman: Stormcaller
+Inquisitor: Slayer
+Necromancer: Bone Eater

These are more or less confirmed:
Berserker + Soldier = Thane
Berserker + Nightblade = Reaver
Berserker + Arcanist = Evoker
Berserker + Oathkeeper = Zealot

My suggestion for the remaining ones:
Berserker + Demolitionist = Conquerer
Berserker + Occultist = Juggernaut
Berserker + Shaman = Skinchanger
Berserker + Inquisitor = Slayer
Berserker + Necromancer = Harbinger

Three of these are correct.

Three of these are correct.

3 of the remaining ones or the usual 3?

I’m not sure he considers his rules to allow confirming whether it’s specifically Thane/Reaver/Evoker. But figuring out which three from my original guesswork was my main consideration, so that part is about 98% likely to be accomplished.

(I’m still a little amazed that the exact one wasn’t one borrowed from TQ.)

+Soldier: Thane
+Demolitionist: Conqueror
+Occultist: Haruspex
+Nightblade: Reaver
+Arcanist: Evoker
+Shaman: Taskmaster
+Inquisitor: Renegade
+Necromancer: Dominator

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+Soldier: Thane
+Demolitionist: Pillager
+Occultist: Herald
+Nightblade: Reaver
+Arcanist: Evoker
+Shaman: Augur/Augurer (two different forms of the same concept, and I genuinely don’t know which you’d use)
+Inquisitor: Deadeye
+Necromancer: Haruspex