[Asterkarn] Berserker class name guesswork

These are not correct.

These are not correct.

These are not correct.


I suppose I will tell you some incorrect conclusions have been made already.

It’s a bit harder than mastermind because I’m not telling you which are correct but in the wrong combo (there’s been like 4 or 5 of those now). :wink:


Getting dangerously close to a brute force solution.

What’s the character limit on posts again? :stuck_out_tongue:


Rainbow AAR incoming

95k give or take a few iirc. Guess away! :wink:

Sold/Ber - Zentai
Demo/ - Marauder
Occ/ - Zesty
Night/ - Zimbabwe
Arc/ - Ziplock :tm:
Sham/ - Zygote
Inqu/ - Zoomer
Necr/ - Zombie
Oath/ - Grava

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Assuming that means what I think it means, that rules out ‘Harbinger’ from being an option too.

Which makes sense, given the Harbinger set for Occultist.

+Soldier: Thane
+Demolitionist: Grenadier
+Occultist: Hellion
+Nightblade: Gladiator
+Arcanist: Seer
+Shaman: Defender
+Inquisitor: Champion
+Oathkeeper: Zealot
+Necromancer: Wraith

Soldier: Warmonger
Demolitionist: Fire Eater
Occultist: Hexer
Nightblade: Brigand
Arcanist: Wild Magus
Shaman: Altered Beast (lol)
Inquisitor: Runemaster
Oathkeeper: …
Necromancer: Hecatomb (…what?)

One of these is correct!

None of these are correct.

Must be one of these three: Soldier : Thane, Arcanist : Seer, or Necromancer : Wraith

I’m already do not undestand rules You play.
When You say One of these is correct! you mean “One of name correct” or “One of combo correct”? If it mean “One of name”, why you revealed Oathkeeper + Berserker = Zealot, but not say “one correct and on right plase”? If it mean “One of combo”, why you revealed Zealot, but not reveal others? If You reveal Zealot, why You not reveal correct combo from openinig post?

When I say “one is correct”, I mean someone guessed a mastery combination and its name correctly. I am not including Oathkeeper + Berserker when I say that because that one had already been revealed. It is the free space in our bizarre bingo.

Would that mean Zealot’s Gauntlets would get renamed like how templar and necromancer named gear were renamed?

Just smack on some Berserker skill bonus and it’s good to go, these gloves don’t really seem to be thematic in any way and already support Oathkeeper

Items like that either end up renamed or skill bonuses get added to make them thematically appropriate.

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Awesome, can’t wait to see older gear getting some love in FOA.

Hellion. Based on the Darkest Dungeon class… it’s the GD Berserker spitting image.

Thank God.

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I’ve been pining for Hellion for Berserker/Demo for a while, but I don’t think that’s the case. :zantai:

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My first guess had Hellion as demo and had 0 hits. Possible that its +Occultist, but I doubt it now. Might have gotten two hits on my last guess.