Attak Seru, Blind Sage, Ultos, Ulzuin and Leviathan comparison

65-66 maybe maximum.
75 and above? No way in this life. You can’t take specific piloting and gameplay style and throw it on the whole community.

Actually, an experienced pilot took her spec to Crucible Gladiator 150-170 and died like 5 times. I played her spec too and as much as it is fun - it’s the least efficient way to play Iskandra’s Sorc. I have struggled in Shard 85 a lot and I have a similiar spec with pure fire focus in devos that feels much easier to play in comparison.

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In the perfect scenario, after ~4.5 seconds with a good proc skill, with high conversion, no obstacles etc yes it is high dps potential, but so are other devotion powers. It is one of the most costly devotions already, I don’t think the path needs to be that frustrating.

I have a suggestion though to the OA issue. Chariot of the dead really needs something in the era of multiple t3, chaos has abomination option now, acid has 2 t3 options and Fire has phoenix. Chariot is far weaker than it used to be. Would it be broken for chariot to provide 2 purple affinity on top of its current rewards? I think that would be nice.

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The only problem I have with Seru is the path to her. It’s super costly. Also, of course, the proc, which, I think, still getting destroyed by obstacles easily.

Both these problems fixed - Seru is top notch.

2 Likes Melee sorcerer example. The build is okay, not OP but not weak either. Now the thing which withold the build more powerful is it has no procs like sage or seru and I tried every almost every way to get Sage proc without loosing too much OA, DA, Resists, sheet dps, RR etc. And if the build loose those stats, it would be weaker because everyone knows that with a melee build if you can not survive you can not hit. And for the love of survivability I choosed blue path and tried to gain damage from gear and in the and I maxed speed. So of course there will be OP builds that uses Sage or Seru but that doesn’t mean those devotion can improve every build.

Seru nodes are weak, it’s pretty obvious when you compare the net gain per point requirement to other t3 devotions. But the proc is strong indeed, no complaints here.
I suggest to increase % DA to 5% and add smth on top like phys res.

Blind Sage is also good but it’s often hard to justify going there on single element builds. Maybe +30 cunning to first node for thematic trinity? And disrupt res on it is very, very useful. It allows to escape disrupt pools using movement rune.


to quote myself from else where. the extra 300 oa and 19% crit damage from the spear path are not enough to out weigh the strength of a converted seru proc… that particular seru path even is forced to take trash devotion like nighttalon just to fill requirements

I actually do think the addition of total speed or movement to seru or sage or even both if it was smaller amount would be a nice change. When going that deep into green/purple movement speed does suffer, so it would be a nice bone to toss in for QoL.

I also would say wait for 1.7 as there already were some potential minor changes slated for some of the purple devotions before this thread came into being. (Plz Don’t kill me Zantai :sweat_smile:)


So what if that one build is better with seru? The devotion powers have very different proc methods, one has a much lower activation chance than the other, one benefits far more greatly from conversion than the other, one is more costly to access, they provide different access to different parts of constellation map. There are positive and negative to all.

I don’t think improving purple pathing would upset balance.

Thread was intended to compare the different devotions; I provided examples of it working well in several different builds with similar results to other supposedly superior paths (I have more if that is really needed)

There are much more examples of strong builds with Ultos/Ulzuin. Cold builds don’t take Leviathan much because of lacking stats with purple path. Seru has very bad nodes and works well only with conversion and/or CDR, while others T3 work well by itself
Giving example with my build is poor move since it’s Iskandra and Sorc that do the job. I chose Seru path only to make smth decent with it finally

I too find the truth hilarious when the top physical retal build uses five purple devotions (Anvil, Targo, Assassin Blade, Messenger of War and Vire).

Essential devotions for elemental builds, indeed.

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Because missing the entire point is hilarious. And by all means, dump OA in purple devotions, those physical retal builds need it and it’s not an unwanted side effect of trying to help elemental devotions.

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Owl is a fine candidate, for example. Or add OA to Seru itself

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Because then that’s buffing pierce builds that love Harpy, Scythe, and Wolverine for more cunning dump because it gives DA. Not to mention phys retal builds using Wolverine, and Throne for CC res.

But again, by all means, put more OA in purple devotions. At this point i don’t really care if it ends up making some builds overpowered by accident. I’m just gonna sit and enjoy the show.

Oh, irony.

Looks like completely normal devotion path for elemental purple.

Better suggest some solution than scream about OP retal and 20% bleed res. That would be much more helpful for the thread and the game

There is indeed some fundamental disparity in OA distribution.

For instance, many acid builds cannot stack too much crit and don’t need crit for proc activations either, yet green path is flooded with OA. At the same time OA is essential to pierce and phys gameplay while purple path has very low amounts of it.

On most builds you can compansate lack of OA with gear, augments and mastery bonuses. But when you can’t and you start giving away big chunks of power to meet the OA mark, it’s very frustraiting.

Very few ele builds with high crit values and crit triggers like Ultos and Blizzard can afford to go for Seru.

Seru -> Being as your second suggestion is to rebalance the nodes of the constellation, why is your first suggestion to rebalance the route leading up to the constellation? If a Seru path is lacking a core stat, put it in the constellation itself so as not to upset the balance of builds whose devotion paths intersect with Seru’s.