B27 Hotfix 1

Since your pushing for someone to pay, or something, I invite you to go re-read the massive change-log and then also factor in the game isn’t even officially released yet. But sure if you want some witches to burn I suppose we can rustle some up for ya.

Much appreciated pushing out this hotfix on Labor Day weekend here in USA - now take a day off and have a beer or something! :slight_smile:

On a sidenote: Which is the new mace that was added?

New items are always welcome :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not pushing for anyone to pay or a witch to burn, not sure why you’re escalating it. Cutting a skill in half a week after its released sounds weird to me and makes me wonder what they saw from players this week that made them do it over internal testing prior to the release.

Peoples…peoples…Calm down please. Please remember this is not final build. We are still in Early Access build. The balance is not perfect. Crates is tweaking class skills as they go. Play the hotfix then come back and post what you thinking of it before you spit out negative comment that benefit nothing to help to develop Grim Dawn. Yes…I know some of them got squashed. But Crate can revert them or improve them after nerf so they wont get too OP if you provide enough proof that they go too far with the skill.

For me Storm Pact was the absolute only reason I ever picked Shaman :(. I don’t care for any of the other skills in the tree. Primal Strike is really pretty looking with all the lightning, but I’d much prefer to cast Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning myself. None of the other skills do anything for me at all. Way to many boring Pets and Totems. Savagery is just bland and basically the exact same thing as firestrike.
Maybe I will use Devouring Swarm with Sigil now that it’s spammable.

Agreed, my fingers are still crossed for a transmuter to a totem or something that allows a player-casted chain lightning.

Shaman is dead, sky is falling, woe is me [this is not sarcasm]. As someone who doesn’t use 2handed weapons, but loves lightning damage, Stormcaller’s Pact was a massive draw. It’s now hella lukewarm.

Its like crate doesn’t want anyone on melee range unless they dual wield

my 2h melee/lightning druid RIP :frowning:

I feel bad for you guys who relies on flat elemental damage mostly for melee builds… :eek:

The more I think about it, the more I would like to see total speed added to Storm Pact with the loss of the flat damage. Total speed would give the skill much more flexibility. Not sure about the values though.

While I agree, they just got done removing a bunch of speed off of Savagery in addition to the Storm Pact nerf, not that they were the only users of it, I just doubt they’d add it back in. They should add something though, man does the skill look bland now for 50 point investment.

Are you guys going to tone down the energy drain from Cadence? I understand the logic behind it, but my Soldier’s built around Cadence and Fighting Form, and with those maxed out my Energy goes down to zilch in a few minutes. All those Spirit elixirs he’s downing can’t be good for his liver.

Ouch, near 5k dps shaved off my Warder. Suppose it was kind of warranted, pretty strong class that.

Enemy physical damage range slightly increased on all difficulties

Unaware there had been an update, I got absolutely wrecked by Swarm Queen Ravna now, I could tank her just fine pre-hotfix.

Just get some energy regen.

The 7% elemental damage / energy regen augment for rings fixed my energy thirsty cadence / callidor toon. You can even get the DC revered augment that gives 15% hp and 15% energy regen.

Dancing through the game using just one skill is plain wrong and i guess that’s how you know that the class needs balancing and nerfing.:stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not saying it didn’t need rebalancing just saying I really like lightning damage that I wasted 50 points just to grab it. Then only get 26% of the flat damage it gave since phantasmal blades 18/16 only has 26% WD :slight_smile:

All these weird changes, and yet NO CHANGES towards upheaval? The skill is useless. It’s stupid that this skill can’t activate from the crits of at least Auto attacks of skills like Cadence, Savagery, and Fire Strike. If you don’t want the skill to be OP because of making it work with other attacks, then reduce the damage output of it. Don’t make it only activate with crits from normal auto-attack.

It does work with those skills. The only skill you listed that it can’t proc on is cadence’s third strike.

How many more times am I going to have to say this…

Will there be a new version of the text files? My collaborator signaled me a bug where elements are not translated in the “char II” tab description of the inventary.