I know, my response was earnest. I have nothing against you but do think you’d be aided by not letting your sense of self-reasonableness let you believe you’re more objective than you are (which is to say that you shouldn’t let yourself believe you’re capable of that level of objectivity because from my point of view NO human is able to be that objective in stuff like this). I also consider myself to be very reasonable but I’ve realized with games that there are many different opinions on what’s good, acceptable, balanced, how things should be and many of them aren’t inherently right or wrong. It’s because I like you that I’m always a bit put-off when I see you falling in the “dramatic reply” camp of voices because with just a little bit more thought you can probably figure out some potential reasons for the changes you disagree with/think don’t make sense.
- Overtuned-ness is not a factor for your argument, I wasn’t saying it’s not a factor for consideration for future hotfix/balance changes. You were making the case that some of the changes don’t make sense. It being overtuned is not a factor. Z doesn’t have time to balance test everything, build making is time consuming and he’s very busy. Praetorians aren’t balance testers, we just try to find errors/bugs. Us giving little bits of balance feedback is secondary.
I said it wasn’t a factor because it’s easily addressable. It’s not something that “doesn’t make sense.” Z is only human, he can’t visualize the final performance of everything he introduces perfectly, and it’ll be tweaked as feedback comes in. Make a post about which shaman off-hands it makes obsolete and give some examples of performance and it’ll likely get tuned. But even then you should consider, to what extent is it making those other items “obsolete.” Are they stylish enough to see some use as off-meta funsy picks? Are other builds using them? A little item displacement here and there is fine, we’re more in agreement that if a new item suddenly makes another completely unusable by comparison then it deserves a look at least.
Valdun used to be under-powered, people complained. Now it’s over-powered. You can expect there will be changes in a hotfix to tone it down. I’d personally like to see purifier valdun gutted a bit and cadence tactician valdun improved. Piercing Cadence Valdun was always true valdun in my heart and in terms of a sniper theme. Again your initial point was that “buffing” explosive strike didn’t make sense but now you’re talking about valdun specifically and not ES. See the issue in your approach to consistency of thought and communication? Obviously Purifier Valdun is super over-performing now. It’ll be addressed, but that’s neither here nor there as to why Z made the ES strike change. The conversion factor and the consistency of dmg output are good things. So I have explained one reason it could make sense and just now you provided the other with the conversion point.
Suggest them in a thread. Again I’d like to see less drama from players and hyperbole and instead of civil calm expression of why they didn’t like a change and how they’d prefer to see it rebalanced instead. Shocking news, Z is likely to be more receptive to this kind of feedback. He tries to read through all feedback no matter how it’s given but he’s only human and earnest, polite, rational, thought out feedback is obviously going to take priority.
For SBoE you’d have to show me the builds and where they’re dying to get me on board.
“But we aren’t playing under these same older conditions” again see my point about acceptable disparities between builds. Some of us might think wider disparities in end-game performance with sets are more acceptable than the range of performance you’d like to see. Depending on what you can show me I can be reasoned with to come on board suggesting tweaks for them.
Not necessarily to be honest. But I agree deathguard getting some thoughtful bumps would be nice and welcome. I’m just saying one has to consider naturally synergetic combo’s that sets supports vs. the more converty weird stuff sets support. As for Deathguard, I wish you could see the list of things Z has to keep tabs on, the hours he puts in just out of care for the community since further balance stuff at this point in development is financially pointless from a business perspective given that they could just make more DLC/new games instead (this is objectively true).
Then on top of all that consider that for every piece of feedback Zantai gets he also probably has a lot of other voices telling him the exact opposite is true or what should be done. All of it makes sense. Some things fall through the cracks, some things are further down on his to-do-list, some things he forgets, some things under-perform or over-perform outside of his projections when he makes changes, etc. etc. etc.
As for you agreeing with my 7:30 point. That was more for builds going into damage. If truly immortal but super fucking slow tanks were a thing I wouldn’t mind their clear times being even higher if you could basically fall asleep and not die.