šŸ”° Beginner Build Compendium - 93 guides for AoM & FG expansions

Added Budget Physical Cadence-Blitz S&B Witchblade (Physical)(Witchblade)(The_Coyote)


Added SSF Dreegā€™s Evil Eye Sentinel - leveling and beginner build (Acid)(Sentinel)(tqFan).


Now also sorted by masteries and classes:

You can find which class has no beginner guides.


Now also sorted by authors. Make new builds to climb to the top of the list! Perhaps you can beat our forum Nerdy.



All I can think about right now is how Iā€™ve seen people on the Grim Dawn Reddit complain about how thereā€™s a lack of beginner guides.

Iā€™m like. What.

Just look at this beautiful compilation. Well done. (And I may be having a look through later, to see if I can make a beginnerā€™s guide of my own thatā€™s not been done)


Well now when someone asks I suppose they can be linked to this thread. A couple of these have certainly helped me~

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I think we could use some beginner leveling guides that end up with Epic sets like Myrmidon, Blind Assassin or Luminari Regalia since thereā€™s cheap trasmutation for them if RNG fails you and one can accrue a couple mils by selling greens in main campaign.


Thank you very much for this tqFan. As the number of beginner builds increases, sorting by mastery is definitely a great addition. I always struggled to find how many beginner builds a certain class had. I remember a long time ago my first char was a Witchblade and I couldnā€™t find a decent budget build for it and neither wanted to reroll it. It wouldā€™ve been so much easier thesedays.

I am surprised Nery (Nerdy lol) has more beginner guides than the mighty Stupid_Dragon. Writing 15 build guides is a lot of work, damn.

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Something like this (obviously non tested in game, just quick and dirty grimcalc constucts, going full blue set and avoiding MIs as much as possible [only using MIs if there is no blue set item or faction gear available] - and if MIs are used, the sketches have no affixes)?

But without MIs - they seem weaker than the current beginners builds (well, being more standardized has and likely should have a cost), but also with certain green faction gear in some cases a better build is possible (e.g. my dw ranged pierce paladin vs the above Luminari Paladin sketch)

edit: added some more sketches


These are some very interesting builds. Maybe Iā€™ll add sketches section somewhere in the OP.

Builds with fewer MIs are always useful for players because farming them can be really boring. I didnā€™t finish some beginner builds because they had so many to farm after leveling and was very relieved that the Dreegā€™s Evil Eye build has all the gear in one place.


I currently have a lightning AAR templar (almost finished the stuff I want to play) - and there I had the same issue. There is one MI that is rather demotivating to farm (and necessary for the build) - I even dropped another item idea while levelling because of the farming issue to keep the required farming somehow ā€œhumanā€.

The ā€œissueā€ with the above sketches is that they are from level 94 onwards - for the levelling phase faction gear would be an better alternative to avoid long farming runs. But with such faction gear snapshots, it can be that at the end of gear levels - before you get the better version, the character starts to fall apart. And even than, at least when playing veteran, reputation farming is likely necessary in some cases.

And for levelling (and even final builds), MIs with its in-build boni also provide some kind of baseline - and often enough, normal affixes work well enough (and the gear must be changed while levelling either way). But I think for this aspect has a good enough explainer in the OP. However, I also think that the unstandardized aspect of builds using quite some MIs can be discouraging for beginners.

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Luminari Paladin and Myrmidon Oppressor look really strong on paper. Maybe Luminari Purifier is stronger though? Really cool builds nonetheless. I would try a different devotion setup for Luminari, but I am too lazy to build it right now.

Why not infiltrator for blind assassin though? I think it is a sin that there is no beginner pierce infiltrator guide in this compendium (Blademaster is too popular I guess). I would definitely build an infiltrator with that set.

Stormserpent trickster looks like a really cool concept. I am not familiar with this kind of build, but there is already a build in this compendium that uses Stormserpent - the Stun Jacks purifier from teppieteptep.

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Oppressor looks for me to be the most promising and fun build, not sure if the Paladin is better than a budget pierce DW gunner. For blind assassin - I wanted to make an auto-attacker, therefore the second mastery should have an attack skill (which excluded Inquisitor), which is a bit sad as the skill cooldown reduction from the set is somehow wasted than.

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Added Beginnerā€™s Albrechtā€™s Aether Ray Spellbinder (Aether)(Spellbinder)(Nery)


Is non-belgo pierce infiltrator auto attacker that bad? I was thinking that maybe with enough WPS investment it would be decent even if there is no auto-attack replacer. You could also go for beronathā€™s fury, but that would convert a little bit of your physical damage to elemental, which is annoying. There should be more alternatives for auto-attack replacers imo.

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Wouldnā€™t say the a pierce-infiltrator must be bad - only that for the Blind Assassin build above I wanted a mastery with AA skill as second mastery. Shard of Beronath and Mistborn Talisman both have its opportunity costs (either one augment slot or the relic slot is blocked) and are a loss of damage compared to mastery AA skills, but infiltrator has double RR and a bit of flat damage as compensation

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Hey everyone, guys. Any thoughts about Best class for meelee cold dw or 2h build in current meta?

Anyone alive in here?

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For 2H build perhaps your best bet is Winter king weapon. It have bonuses to Shaman class, so you can try it as Trickster or if use the granted skill by Winter helm as Infiltrator.

For DW build cold isnā€™t super ā€œhotā€ right now. But Saboteur gear was buffed, so Nex and Ortus Sabo with green head and medal + blue rings is really good and worth making.

Other than that Deathmarked set or DW green weapons Infiltrator/BM/Spellbreaker is classic cold attacker, Korba Trickster was buffed if you like Ring of Steel and Morgo Shadow Strike if youā€¦ hate yourself :sweat_smile: