šŸ”° Beginner Build Compendium - 93 guides for AoM & FG expansions

Both good and not what Iā€™m looking for as I donā€™t consider ABB an AA replacer for what most people are looking for with gun play in this game

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But you can make RF Dervish and ABB just for LA and/or as nuke. But that probably requires the purple gun.

Also possible I guess is cold Bero+ABB Infiltrator (tpm build?), PS Vindicator is also decent with that MI crossbow.

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I dont think ppl that starts playing GD even know what AA replacers and WPS etc are :slight_smile: They just want something that is fun and easy to play and make :slight_smile: At least I had a great time making that ranged ABB WH char back in the days. That was also before FG and all these new ā€œpower creepā€ mechanics like affix bias etc

Added Dragons PB reaper [] Beginner's To-Be-Named Reaper I know its WIP but just in case I forgot to add when its complete :stuck_out_tongue:

Added stun jacks + storm box purifier [] Beginner Storm Box + Stun Jacks Purifier from scratch

Edit: added [] Beginnerā€™s Sparky Elementalist

Eddit: added [ -] Budget dw ranged pierce Paladin


I think I came up with a rather interesting budget Rutnick setup that eerily makes sense. I want to make it my next character.

28 sec dummy time on the prototype :heart_eyes:


Sound promising, hope build also can survive other foes than target dummy :wink:

No promises :rofl:



Added [] Beginnerā€™s Fire Blade Arc Commando COMMANDO!!!


here i was expecting phys fw levelingā€¦ and then i see the title of ā€œFire Blade Arcā€ā€¦ :no_mouth: - colour me intrigued


If you happen to drop a good Sunherald weapon with casting speed instead, I am sure one can do a pretty decent Fire FW build too :slight_smile:


Added [] Pure Soldier [HC] Beginner Forcewave 1-75 Leveling Guide + Endgame Options and Class Combos as the first mono class entry


Added [] Budget S&B Physical Battlemage

Edit: added [] Budget Alkamosā€™ Scythe Cold Cadence Blademaster

Edit: added - Budget Physical Cadence S&B Warlord and The Budget Brigade: Ritualist Aether Pets starter build


How would you ssf-level Physical Vindicator :wink: ? I think I would get Viper Sandspitters on Korvan Plateau but I would love
to play with Cesarinā€™s Conviction but I donā€™t think you can get it reliably (by farming Totems / Crucible at low level for example).

Sandspitter gunner is probably the most sane way of going about it.

I suppose you could also use a single Sandspitter and Korvan Spaulders for 80% Elemental->Physical conversion if you wanted to try something like Physical FoI. But good luck with building skill ranks to it. Legionnaireā€™s Rebuke looks like it would fit extremely well here allowing you to sub the Korvan shoulders for the +3 to FoI ones from Log but like Cesarinā€™s Conviction, itā€™s a random drop. Later on Beronath, Reforged just straight up covers the conversion for you.

Probably not what youā€™re going for but pets is an option. Briarthorn + Primal Spirit already do Physical and Bleed damage, Devouring Swarm does Bleed RR and Physical with the Korvan Casque. Zariaā€™s Pendant/Bloodsworn Codex/Wendigo Gaze are givens for a significantly buffed Briarthorn. Plenty of room to support them with Word of Renewal, Seal, Wendigo Totem for constant heals and Primal Bond.

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New beginner builds move to the OP.


Did Ulvar leave? :open_mouth:

Well, heā€™s not been seen for a while.


Added Budget 2-handed ranged ā€œThe Desolatorā€ Fire Strike Fire Purifier (Fire)(Purifier)(The_Coyote)


As a returning played (I last stopped at the end of the base game, perhaps around the time Crucible DLC was being talked about) I really appreciate this compilation since my main character isnā€™t exactly easy to gear because he is a spellbreaker.