šŸ”° Beginner Build Compendium - 93 guides for AoM & FG expansions

Added Budget Physical Two-Handed Melee Savagery Archon (Physical)(Archon)(The_Coyote).
The first Archon in the Compendium :partying_face:

@The_Coyote Your guy has been parsed by GT as you can see: Grim Dawn Builds
but not included in Beginner builds well because itā€™s missing Beginner in the title: Beginner Builds - Grim Dawn Builds

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That should affect all of my builds - as I so far have never used ā€œbeginnerā€ in the title (only the tag)

If you want them to be included you can change it or even better you can ask Dammit to include Budget as the keyword for Beginner builds as it has in practice the same meaning. Or maybe parse forum tags.

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Heā€™s done so and change is retroactive. Thanks Dammitt!



Btw authors @mostmost @JY_626 have mercy and up your formatting game next time based on other beginner builds :wink:


To add to what Nery said, you could also opt for a Cold focused Shadow Strike Spellbreaker. I recently did a guide on that below.

But personally, after spending over 1,000 hours with the character, Spellbreakers are in aā€¦weird spot.

It cuts through the story content on Ultimate Hardcore like a hot knife through butter, but suffers when it comes to post endgame content ( SR / Crucible / Nemesis Farming / Some Rougelike Dungeons / Celestial Superbosses) because it is tough to optimize well.

While I canā€™t speak for others who build spellbreakers following the Flash Freeze / Sky Shard Route, a DW cold build who focuses on Shadow Strike does not have a BiS Legendary set. Even The Morgoneth Set (the most popular one) feels more attuned to the Reaper class (Nightblade + Necromancer) rather than a spellbreaker.

Also, you are pretty much going to have to sacrifice some survivability if you want push for a spellbreaker than can do Ultimate content post end game. I have tried to achieve 50/50 offense/defense with middling results, but it seems to work well enough if you throw as many skill points as you can into cold/frostburn damage + rewire half your attribute points into spirit and become the personification of a glass canon; which essentially, means that most enemies can tear you up if your piloting skills/ muscle memory isnā€™t up to scratch.

Not to say that Spellbreakers are bad, but it feels like a class for masochists like me. Especially more so if you choose to play hardcore. Most other classes usually have no problem with splitting offense/defense and still getting high damage output at the end of the day. Ranged / Casters have the benefit of range and mobility for survivability. DW melee spellbreakers just donā€™t really seem to enjoy that balance. I would suggest a blademaster (Nightblade + soldier) if you want to be good at both damage and survival.

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@JY_626 Check this one.

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Ok, Iā€™ll check that out.

Looks like it is building off from what I started. On paper it looks pretty good since more frequent SS might work out better than I expected.

Iā€™m just happy that Spectral Longsword is getting some recognition since everyone seems to be sleeping on the huge damage increase for some reason.

Iā€™m not sleeping, Iā€™m finishing the Infiltrator guide with them.

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Nice, hope it turns out great.

But as of now, I still remember getting a lot of recommendations that I should swap out to loxmere instead.

Maybe Iā€™ll use GDstash just so I can mess around with that.

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Added Budget Physical Melee Dual-Wield Righteous Fervor Oppressor (Physical)(Oppressor)(The_Coyote)


RIP making a beginnerā€™s guide HC approved. The guide will live on, unlike my character. Have to find a way to make a character appear like a budget guide, but with appropriate MIā€™s and such. Iā€™m not going to lie. This stings a lot.

EDIT: The guide is done!


Spams F in chat

Gabalā€™Thunn is that one pushover with an absolutely brutal haymaker for pre 100 builds who try to tank him a little too long. I rage quitted for half a day after that BS before I re-rolled.

I know your pain. Lost three lvl 100 spellbreakers with SSF legendaries. I didnā€™t give up though, and my fourth is currently alive. Heā€™ll persist as a monument, since I think completing your build should be the true endgame for any HC character (Unless youā€™re a gambler, then your charc will just die in battle one day lol).

I think I managed to add it without making a mess.



Yes, thanks for adding


Thanks for updating the compendium :slight_smile:


@eisprinzessin got me thinking by using just link instead of

I mean using


instead of

[Beginner build guides Compendium (for AoM + FG expansions)](https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/beginner-build-guides-compendium-for-aom-fg-expansions/106137)

For example letā€™s look at @Neryā€™s build entry using the 2nd type of link:

Looks alright? Yes but click on it. You get:

[] Beginnerā€™s Lightning Vindicator caster

because @Nery changed build type (a long time ago), the ranged one is out-dated and in the wrong category.

[edit] No, itā€™s ok. I now understand. Nery has 2 build entries in the compendium that lead to the same thread / have the same link. I thought incorrectly thereā€™s should be only one build entry.

What do you all think? Should I change all links to be dynamic / of the first type?
The drawback is that the titles might be longer and also constain [version] tags.

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I think itā€™s alright as it is right now.
The title might be different, but itā€™s descriptive enough.

Though if it saves you time in the future, versus the time it would take you to change the existing ones to this format, you might as well do it. IMO they are both fine.


I can use regex in Notepad++ to quickly change showcase how this would look:

Now we have

Cooldown caster

After change

Cooldown caster

[edit] I was for changing it but now after some thinking Iā€™m for leaving it as it is. Let me know if you prefer one form over the other.

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I would go for the ā€œnow we haveā€ version - as it is a list - shorter elements are imho better readable - and following the link should not be too hard

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