Hey guys, this is a post to show how rediculous Mythical Beronath, Reforged is, especially for retalitation builds.
As we all know, Mythical Beronath, Reforged now has a -16% all retal damage penalty. Few people pay attention to this Item. However, Z said that some issue is going to be fixed in v1.1.9.7. The issue is, retalitation damage from conversion can now benefit from Cunning/Spirit, depending on its type.
That topic is: Retaliation Build Feedback - #73 by Zantai
So I decided to have a test on how Beronath, Reforged performs in v1.1.9.6 and the result is, quite funny.
I did two Ravager of Mind runs with a ele2phys retal RF Warlord (GT link:Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator). It’s just a traditional ele2phys retal builds so I can’t say I’m abusing “the issue”. One of them is with Beronath buff OFF and the other is with Beronath buff ON. Here is my result:
Buff OFF, begin at 0:33 and end at 2:47, 2:14 is consumed.
Buff ON, begin at 0:22 and end at 2:41, 2:19 is consumed.
Both of them are slower than expected, as a retalitation build, and the one with Beronath ON is even the worse one. Lmao.
Videos here: GD v1.1.9.6 Beronath, Sword of shame_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
This is because, physical retalitation damage converted from other types, is reduced by armor, after v1.1.9.2.
Let alone that, to the best of my knowledge, few non-retal physical builds are using this sword.
According to my calculation, if “the issue” is fixed in v1.1.9.7 or in the next PTR, a -3% to -5% all retalitation damage penalty is going to keep the sheet phyical retal the same as in v1.1.9.6. Considering how rediculous it is now, I think it’s time to fully remove the penalty.
Any idea on Beronath, Reforged is appreciated.