Buffs v nerfs discussion - again


this time I’m even happy that Z’s going to come here


he’s close

I’ve already lost my pants here so whatever.

don’t be ashamed, we all lost them

being proud

I hear Aleksander’s got some spare pants to share if you need a pair.

Well he’s taking a damned long time. You made this comment like 12 minutes ago.

Too busy adding Loxmere to crucible


He is just waiting for the :popcorn: to come out.

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Maybe he’s writing the next chapter of your, umm, novel.


Oh boy, this thread…

First, let’s get some misconceptions out of the way…Monsters in the Crucible are Not weaker than in the campaign. On the contrary, they are stronger due to the Crucible’s scaling.

They do, however, have some fine-tuned modifications to make the experience better. Some examples…

  • Hero+ monsters have reduced health. The campaign health pools do not create a more challenging experience in an arena setting. When that many infrequent enemies show up together at once, if they had Campaign-level health pools, it would drastically slow down the pace of the combat and create tedium.
  • Monsters have reduced Retaliation effects
  • Monsters have reduced CC effectiveness
  • Nullification effects are disabled
  • Monster % Health debuffs are reduced
  • Monster % Fumble effects are reduced
  • Certain, but not all, boss phases are skipped

These, and other, changes came about from playing the game and realizing that they are not conducive to an arena-style game mode.

In contrast, monsters do in fact have higher damage in the Crucible, among other things. The player also has access to powerful power-ups. All this comes together to create a Different experience from the campaign. Which is, shockingly, the entire point. If gameplay felt just like the campaign, what’s even the point?

Yes, the purpose of the Crucible has shifted dramatically from its original intent, but there is designer intent and then there is fighting the playerbase for the sake of claiming moral high ground. Player feedback shifted the experience from a challenge mode to more of a loot farm. That is absolutely fine. There is no wrong path here as long as the end-user experience is positive.

Now as for this obsession with buffs versus nerfs. Crucible clear times used to be 10 minutes. Now they are pushing 4. To suggest that we are somehow punishing builds is just hilarious to me.

Builds that used to be fine are now underperforming almost exclusively because the meta has power-creeped to ever faster clear times. Where once a 6 minute Crucible clear was top tier, it is now trash and how can the devs not buff it?!

So yes, when players pull off results with a gear combination we underestimated, we may have to tone something down, but alongside that we’ve brought countless playstyles to prominence, made skills that were not remotely on the radar of elite builders to the top of the list (*Cough, AAR, Cough). The statement above of 90% of each patch is buffs is not an exaggeration. Hell, it might be an understatement.

Also, someone that openly admits they haven’t beaten Gladiator Crucible 170 talking at me about endgame and bad design decisions may want to rethink their angle of approach.

I’ve read every bit of feedback of this forum for nearly 9 years now, but that does not make every bit of feedback equal. For example, I wouldn’t ask Powbam for his opinion on superbosses. Actually…to be safe, I just wouldn’t ask Powbam for his opinion on anything. :wink:



but no, seriously, don’t ask me about superbosses :smile:


You nerfed the time flow, resulting in 1 second being 2.5 seconds long.


The real reason GD2 isn’t out yet - imagine another 9 years of these threads.

Truly, the forums are an eldritch horror beyond the likes of Ch’thon.


I predict we’ll still see these threads 9 years from now with or without GD2.


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Thank you for your answer but… blaaa. I shred them more easily than I do in main Campaign.

:rofl: never used it anyways! I hate arcanists…

OK! Then…

Is it!? Then why are people whining so much about it!?

You shouldn’t falsely estimate anything after X years.

Lol! no offense meant!!

I am a lazy player. Challenge me? So, no I will not rethink. It was the FIRST! and only approach I ever tried, so…


And this was the answer:

And that was the answer.

If this is true, I am fine.

What the hell is this thread?


Welcome to the forum - a place where many “elite” builders congregate and desire to show off the size of their peen and to that end desire “faster times” to make their peen bigger… and thus you get “whining”.
