Can we have the game save rifts between reloads?

The main issue for the more recent versions of the game is lack of compatibility with grim internals, a very old mod where most of the features were later added to the core game.

Except for one feature, being that grim internals allowed fast teleports. This allowed players to get to enemies they intended to farm without a 5 minute walk every time they wanted to reach the area the mini-boss was in just to get a chance at their drops. In short it sped up the more tedious farms.

If the game saved where you put your rift between reloads it would essentially emulate the positives of the grim internals feature, without being as broken as it was in grim internals(as grim internals allowed teleports even where you cannot set a rift gate)

i’m not sure this is the one i was actually thinking of, but Zantai had a direct response/reply last this was suggested (post GI death :headstone:, may it rest in peace :pray:)

semi TLDR is we directly got 100% MI drops and increased affix bias because of it, but teleports/pseudo teleports were a nogo
*we’re also getting affix transmutation and drop manipulation in FoA ofc, tho not quite sure how remotely related to GI death that QoL/feature addition consideration is :sweat_smile:

If they do not want jump to dungeon bosses, they could prevent rifts in dungeon.

judging by Z’s old reply i don’t think it’s so much about “dungeon”, but direct “instant” access
there’s a bunch of bosses outside dungeons too

he also posted that reply about 2 years ago, and there were not a lot of new teleport nodes created in that time.

even though he said he would add them

there was in fact 0 created as far as i’m aware, :woozy_face:
but like mentioned we got 100% boss MI drops because of it, and increased affix bias
none of the other solutions/suggestion or alternatives got accepted, including the very one you’re also suggesting here was mentioned back then too

i’m not quite sure that’s what he said tho? - if so atleast i dont’ remember it and can’t seem to see it, :thinking:
either way it was merely to relay what was and the outcome Can we have the game save rifts between reloads? - #2 by Gnomish_Inquisition

Well, you can still teleport by using GI’s replacement.