An update is coming up in a few minutes, targeting a few issues in the Shattered Realm and switching the lights out even more haha also the lowlevel area has become a bit more fair to new players i hope by still maintaining the chaos at endgame ;D Happy testing, will be available shortly.
- CHANGE: adjusted Grimcam + GDinternals INI files, absolutly not needed as usual, just a personal preference at this point → time set to 3 o clock in the night, overhauled bar colours, decluttering of health numbers, added a tiny extrabar above the playerhead for better overview in chaotic situations;
- OPTIONAL: added 2 optional addonmods via the SETTINGSFOLDER that you might want to add aswell → 01. “GrimTex”, you will find it here → GrimTex at Grim Dawn Nexus - Mods and Community → this is an INCREDIBLE texture overhaul that will bring some fresh air into the overall graphics around Cairn, i really like this! and 02. “Hide the compass’ north indicator” addon from Grim UI, you will find it here → [REL] Grim UI → just to get rid of the N in the compass, handy if your map does not rotate → absolutly RECOMMENDED!!
- CHANGE: Starterbuff → decreased overall power, decreased duration to 1 hour! added +100% increased lightradius;
- CHANGE: REMOVED Blood Shards from Breakableloot!
- FIX: Novice Gems → TAG now correctly shows that they can be applied to medals ONLY;
- FIX + CHANGE: solved the behaviour of the lightradius that, if it reached -101%, it bugged on zoomout and zoomin → now the world got even darker and the added lightradius really gives a bit of a new shine to the world you will start in darkness and you will really NEED the added Wisps to enlighten yourself ;D also a bit of red has been taken from the nightlight;
- NEW: Crazy Mike → new option: Give me some ComboMod WillOWisp consumables please…;
################################################################################ - CHANGE + FIX: there was a big issue that the bossrooms in the SR lost their bossvariations, and especially the low shards were nearly impossible to beat, this was due to the changed bossroom values to have always a “big room” like on hte endgame shards, this introduced this behaviour and has been reverted to basegame values, ONLY the amount of bosses have been changed now to make it fair and issuefree ;D
- CHANGE: Shattered Realm TOO overwhelming with the added heroarchetypes, especially at the beginning, therefor → massivly adjusted rulesets, once again, see the updated Shattered Realm section for all details in short: it has become MORE fair now, especially for the start of the game on lowlevel, still kicking in at high shardlevels;
- FIX: added Hero Archetype generatorskills to leftover heroes in the Shattered Realm;
- CHANGE + FIX: Shattered Realm balanceadjustment files → added runspeedJitter of 15, REMOVED the added runspeedmodifier, REMOVED added dodge/deflect;
################################################################################ - CHANGE: Diabolic Bosses have a MINLEVEL of 75 now and the player needs to be level 80 to spawn them in the Shattered Realm exclusivly on Elite + Ultimate difficulty; all their UNIQUE gearitems have a levelreq of 80+ now;
- CHANGE + FIX + NEW: D3 Diabolic Boss → The Cowking → Drop: Defender of Westmark → revamped itemstats to be more useful for endgame, itemskill is way less laggy now → overhauled setup and projectilestats ajusted, casted on melee hit now at 75% chance;
- CHANGE: D3 Diabolic Bosses → adjusted alot of settings again to give an overall better experience → controllers adjusted according to their petAnger value, viewdistance value and some more minor adjustments;
- CHANGE: D3 Diabolic Boss Adria → increased damage from her mainattack, also scaled her lifeleach as it was intended and increased it even; added flat lifeleach to her passivestats → now she is very vampiric xD
- CHANGE: D3 Diabolic Boss Azmodan → increased damage from his lavavortex → not a big fan of this effect (especially because it can’t just simply target the ground and flies over it in any settingcombination xD) but i also found nothing better for him at this point and i can’t create/edit a mesh
- CHANGE: Diabolic Bosses → changed behaviour versus playerpets, bosses will ignore pets way less but angertransferrate to the player is slightly increased, therefor the intervall for choosing the behaviour itself has decreased → INTEST!
################################################################################ - CHANGE + FIX: ALL Archetype generators and monsters → spawnsettings adjusted again for a better experience especially in the Shattered Realm, LESS initial spawns and cooldowns increased, especially on lowlevel not that hard impacting IF GDM turned OFF, obviously
- CHANGE: Archetype Defender → initial spawnsettings for the beam adjusted → faster recasting, less uptime, further optimized movementsettings and did some styleadjustments; the spawned Hunter has 2 new skills to make it a bit harder for the player as he now has a lifetimer and will vanish together with his parental beam, if not killed before; another addonspawn has been added to the initial beam → another FAST TRAVELING beam is summoned SOMETIMES that hunts for the player, HIGH cooldown, this beam also can spawn the hunter on hit at a low chance, to increase it’s threat further also for range and caster playerchars;
- CHANGE + FIX: Archetype Frozen → chance to freeze decreased to prevent freezelock, you still need to take care… xD
- CHANGE: Archetype Shielded → changed behaviour of the mortar according to petAnger → should not attack pets that frequently anymore and also should only target the pet with the highest amount of health and the least targeted one;
- CHANGE + FIX: Heroarchetype Vampiric → further optimizations of spawnparameters to avoid permanent despawning of the worms, also minor style adjusts and a bit increased damage + lifeleach added;