ComboMod Testversion

for example if you want to check a value that is a number except 0 then you can use

By the way I tried food02 in consumables, it casts a skill with an autocast skill attached …but it doesn’t seem to crash the game so I don’t think it’s this item.

ah you mean i can use “placeholders” for a range with that? xD i was always searching one by one xDD that would make things much easier, need to check this, its an addon for NP++ or can i use it nativly?

yes that’s an autocast, in general i would say autocast is not the issue, as long as this autocast is not assigned to any gearitem, you can easily check this with a new mod, take any basegame item, assign any simply itemskill as autocast and try to sell it to a vendor = crash :smiley: so yes, autocast on items will not work whysoever :frowning: maybe template related or hardcoded, i am pretty unsure but absolutly sure it wont’t work on items that a char can equip.

that is clearly the reason i had to do this food mechanic and the new headhunter mechanic the way i did, with scriptspawn to not let the autocast on that item be “compared” with what the character is wearing, that absolutly works, even if its an autocast, so somewhere on this “grab” from the engine itself, there must be an issue related to this, if i am correclty assuming since a long time.

but i can not tell for sure as i am not a professional, but with the power of the forum we might solve this issue for all people someday in some way :))

I tested the new version, I still have crashes.
Usually it takes less than 3-4 runs to crash the game.
In order to crash it fast, you can used both GrimInternals and GDstash :

  1. In Ultimate difficulty with GDstash reload characters, uncheck the Devotion shrine Burial Hills (Act 1)
  2. Go to the Burial Hills cave, near the devotion Shrine.WIth GrimInternals Save position
  3. Start the devotion Shrine encounter, it will spawn some bosses , kill them fast with the OP amulet
  4. It usually crashes there or when your mouse over some specific item (I think mostly green items but not sure as it’s a new character so there are a lot of blueprints)
  5. Exit Game, reload character with GDstash to uncheck shrine if it didn’t crash,
  6. Load the game and teleport right near the shrine with GrimInternal (last position Burial Hills cave)
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will check after lunch :slight_smile:

could not resist, did first run with endgame conjurer, headhunter, rorg, skillrunes, shattered gear, 7!! ONB spawns in the Burial Cave, no crash :frowning: saved position and will do second run after lunch now :smiley:

I will post pictures of the possible items that could trigger the crash :
Here I am suspecting the puncturing Exalted Cleaver of celerity
Your lootfilter should show rares, and magical items since it could be one of these that crash the game

what might it be on that item that could cause the crash? any affix related config setting?

yes, second run, maximum madness with down to 15 fps, after shrine was cleansed and i was still in fight with Ravager ONB, not hovered over an item, it just went black :frowning: i am pretty clueless about it i must say, can be alot things xD was wondering why it did not crash while in heavy madness fight, just instant after shrine restored…

will investigate this for sure this weekend, today not that much time left, if YOU find any solution on this, pretty much welcome, and i bet you have a higher chance of finding the issue :slight_smile:

maybe it is proxy related comes to my mind as i was really sceptical about this part while i was integrating and adjusting it to what it is right now :smiley: and yes, while playing around with the level gap fixer from the gameengine.dbr i experienced crashes to black aswell but i reverted this part to basegame value, still the whole levelscaling could be an issue that could maybe lead to the given black screen :frowning:

\records\items\gearhead\b209a_head.dbr has a modifiedskillname2 without a modifierskillname2

reference records/skills/playerclass09/eyeofreckoning.dbr which doesn’t exit.

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nice thank you :slight_smile: will add this when i have time to fire up the AM, how did you find out? the way you showed above with GDstash?

yes with GD stash.
I suggest you remove onAddToWorld,omega.scripts.bossMIonAddToWorld
to all 11 items in xmod_omega/items
Its called hundreds of times for no reason and it’s only purpose is to cast an fx effect, it’s not necessary (hum maybe it’s becaue I have equipped some omega items that it’s called).
Even if it’s nt what’s causing bugs it should be removed.
It will be easier later to track the bugs.

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ah this is the function to output the new lootbeam and the ui info on a dropping Omega items isn’t it? yes that should be no issue to remove it if it can solve any issues :slight_smile: will check this and try a few more runs on the shrine to see if it still crashes then. me also had in mind that it maybe is something with the rate on which ONB’s are spawning or something in that formula, which i had changed to make them spawn alot more on higher Omega Levels, if you like take a look at this as it is your script initially :)) if you not already have done that aswell :slight_smile:

cool thx, will check that later this day when back in AM primary to see it for myself, did not know it can show me this, or maybe i simply ignored that :smiley:

After doing some test I think the faster way to test the crash is to spawn

game.spawn “records\interactive\devotionshrinera01.dbr”, kill the monsters, destroy the orb and repeat until some of the loot on the ground crashes the game.

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but how do i find out which item has just dropped and caused the crash? i mean it instantly would black out, maybe i record it then :))

I don’t know if it’s an item that cause the crash, I am playing in windowed mode so I don’t have a black screen just a frozen screen that allow s me to see what is the last image before the crash.

About spawn rate, it needs to be fixed !
You current script value has

spOMbossRandomizer = math.random(1,10)

This should be at spOMbossRandomizer = math.random(1,1000) at least
then change

if spOMbosschance > 10 then

It should be changed to something like 900

At omega level 100 this happens :
A random numbe between 1-1000 is drawn
Then you add Omegalevel 100 so it’s as if a random number is drawn between 101 and 1100
So chance to trigger would be 200/1100=18%

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