ComboMod Testversion

yes i raised these two values to increase the spawnchance drastically :smiley: and yes i noticed even on Omega Level 15ish i had as said 7 ONB spawns just in Burial Cave, that clearly is a bit out of pace xD could for sure be a cause for the crashes, think so too, and will be adjusted to a suggested value :slight_smile:
about windowmode, good to know you have the last picture shown then, will do so aswell.

have set both values to 9000 to see if it really helps, that should be a chance to spawn an ONB at 1,2ish percent at Omega Level 100, is that correct?

furthermore fixed everything GDstash showed up, except the thing about missing TAGS like “TXT_OFF_ABS_PLUS_PERC_RANGE_DUR_CHANCE”. searched whole mod and whole basegame for those tags and found 0 results, what might this be? :smiley:

made further testruns after fixing everything except for the unknown tags now, much faster with game.spawn “records/interactive/devotionshrinea01.dbr”, thanks for this, this really speeds testing up by unknown dimensions xD spawned 16 shrines in The Enclave, even 1x three at once, and no crash, IF this is the real reason now and will fix all crashes, we will see, further testings will be done.

edit1: 0 ONB’s in this “run” while having the value at 9000, will tune it to 4500 for further testing.

Further testing, different chars, spawning shrines all over the place, spamming everything the char has, went down to 8 fps on total madness with 5+ active shrines inworld and all minions etc etc but no crash xD but also no ONB, on Omega Level 1 - 15, next few testruns with Omega Level 100 :smiley:

If the crash comes from one of the Omega nemesis it could explain why you didn’t encouter it, will do more test with ONB

I think not only from Omega, because when I black I didnt kill any ONB.

Yes but it could have been the game was crashing because it was trying to spawn an Omega boss and couldn’t find a file for example, it could spawn on any hero death on ultimate difficulty currently you have 10% chance at Omega level 0 and 100% chance at omega level 100 (it will be fixed next update).

I tried spawning all ONB with om_spawner_pet_XXX and didn’t have any crash so it’s not the cause of the crashes.
Also only Moosilauke had this error message but it doesn’t seem very important (I didn’t find the skill to spawn the chest from him or his minions so I don’t know why it has this message) :

Also some time this error, not sure when this script is called :

With both value at 9000 (first (1,9000) second >9000 at omega level 100 you would get
a random number betwenn 101 and 9100 and if it’s above 9000 it triggers so that
100/9000=1,1% chance
At 4500 2,2% chance, it seems fine.

No idea, maybe @GlockenGerda has an idea ?
Will wait for next build to test if there are still crashes

@ashbrain I Can edit and send you the 4 tables for tdyn_omega_bossgear01 so each gear (waist, feet, head, torso) has the correct affix pool ?

the script does spawn ONBs from bosses, not from heroes anymore, that was too much overkill, especially on Grimmest difficulty added spawns, so i swapped the function to bosses only, that’s the reason i increased the spawnrate values :slight_smile:

thx but i want them to drop with these affixtables for more variation on these items, i doubt this is a reason why it is crashing :smiley:

as said, fixed all the errors, did hours of testing with different chars without any crash, was trying to crash it by any means, spamming and panning hard, no clue if it is solved now, will update it in a few hours to have you take a look.

btw, you can use Crazy Mike to spawn all ONB’s at any place :smiley: also did that without any issue

ok I will do more testing in the next version.

I have a little time this week so if you are interested I can do a smaller effect mod balanced skill, radius decreased and obviously damage, but I will only do one effect, are you interested in one in particular ?

yes absolutly, still have this mod in my todo list and have not checked for a long time but yes if you like and adjust it to suit the styleplan it will raise in priority and i will clearly put it in as soon as i can :slight_smile: Yes a bit tone down clearly is needed, i will decrease the fx on Omega Endless Buffs aswell, as this also too much heavy overlapping :slight_smile:
Furthermore, nearly another hour of intensified testing without any issues beside dropping fps to 10s xD will make the update ready and you test it for yourself, even tried hard to crash without success, even have set to window mode to check last picture, but luckily no success xD maybe really something totally random, because with this amount of loot, ONB spawns, Immortal Mercs, effects and doing stuff like spawning gearitems from various mechanic with Crazy Mike in between, and this all without crash, holy i hope it is solved now xD even adjuted the spawnrate up again (both values set to 1250 which should be a chance of approx. 8% chance to spawn at Omega Level 100, ONLY from bosses, that’s why a bit higher then initially, becauce on that value it simply was spawning way too infrequent in my opinion, now on this last run with Omega Level 100 and shrien spawns, there was an ONB approx ever 3th - 4th shrine, this seems to be a good value.

edit1: maybe it was just simply the added ui notification with additional lootbeam for the ONB gearitems, but we will see :slight_smile:

Are these the summoned altars? My English is poor, I can’t understand how they came out. :rofl:

;D simply this command: game.spawn “records/interactive/devotionshrinea01.dbr” as shown by okami to summon anything, nearly xD tried with monstertotems and that did not work as i could not activate them after summoning, but works perfectly fine with devotionshrines :slight_smile:

not a biggi today, mainly for curing out crashes!

→ 0.5c:

  • CHANGE: adjusted spawnrate of ONBs again to approx. 8 percent chance at Omega Level 100 to spawn an ONB;
  • CHANGE + FIX: removed the new extra lootbeam from Boss + Nemesis Souls + ONB endgame gearitems because completly useless and maybe cause for some crashes;
  • FIX: missing tags from newly added D3 gearitems at the Shattering Blacksmith, simply forgot to add;
  • FIX: various missing/broken links and tags according to GDstash errorlog, big THANKS for this goes out to okami29 for letting me know about this :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE + FIX: level of Nemesis Bosses should now be at characterlevel, also on lowlevel (added needed scripts and adjusted min/max level to 1/200 for all difficulties);
    → did a few hours of testing with spawning shrines in various places with different chars on different Omega Levels without any crash, IF crashes still persist, please let me know!

will be up in a few moments :slight_smile:

I haven’t installed 0.5b yet, but you have updated it to 0.5c. Ha ha ha~

;D could not resist :smiley: getting crashes also drains my courage :slight_smile:

what you think about this? = make Blade Vortex an itemusableskill for a new component (only for weapons) as a new type, maybe additional Omega Rewards, to bring also more PoE skills (maybe from Path of Grim Dawn mod) over here in the same manor. and then in extra addition try to make the itemusableskill able to be leveled (maybe via devotionconfiparamets added) :smiley: unsure about the last part but first should be a good way to synergize it in :slight_smile:

some problems with 0.5c??