Thx for bringing some clarification to the table Yes i am right now working on this entrypoint, already found a good solution i think, just needs some testing now, i really want to give OPTIONS to the player! bit much todo in reallife today, i hope to bring up a small update today aswell, guess later this evening! here are already the patchnotes that will come in 0.2b, but as said, some testing needs to be done, there is 1 issue remaining as i see, but i will get it right i think.
CHANGE: starterbuff stats adjusted to be harder to kill;
NEW: added a new XP Potion to all factionvendors on friendly status that grants +1800% gained experience for 3600 seconds;
CHANGE: first questreward from The Emissary will grant you a LEVELUP to level 2 to choose your class instantly; in addition you will be granted with a few XP-Potions to give an option of leveling near the speed of the basegame (as usual this is ONLY on Normal/Veteran difficulty);
CHANGE: ComboMod lorenote → gives 0 XP now, adjusted TAG for better visibility;
CHANGE: XP reward from The Emissary in The Conclave of the Three reduced (Normal/Veteran ONLY);
CHANGE: all XP Potions have a useDelayTime of 3600 seconds now and have shared cooldowns to prevent firing up a second one while first is on cooldown, and to avoid getting double XP-Potion boost (-> ALL vanilla consumableitems have set their shared cooldowns to FALSE for this!);
CHANGE: added an option to The Emissary dialog in the Conclave of the Three, so that the player CAN choose if they want to continue with the starterbuff OR not → highly suggested IF you want to start with doing the Shattered Realm;
Small qql thing for peeps like me with not so great vision. Reading the lore note is difficult. Can u change the type back to black? White on gold is hard to read.
Another thing if possible. My biggest problem with these hero gang bangs is seeing what the bloody hell is going on. Is there anyway to tone down the AE graphics effects? Especially when theres multitudes going on?
Also even though im a fire build Im using the cold archer because the melee merc is too slow. I dont suppose u could turn him into an archer as well? And if u plan on making any more would u consider a poison one. Ive always wanted a pet spider to go with Bysmiel however thats spelled, the spider B. I dont suppose that goes with ur merc for hire idea. So maybe a rogue type?
And they are right about starting exp. Apparently most are going to jump over to FG w/o talking to peeps in DC if they did they would find out they get level 2 right away. Ive been using Crazy Mike cheats because I cannot afford the exp buff potion necessary to level with. You do need to find a better way, cheaper potion? I really dont have an answer either on whats best. & yes with buff & potion way op. im 30 & just reached wardens cellar. But been having a blast. lol. Before i gave up because I found it was just too hard for me. Giving peeps an option like crazy mike is very nice. thank you for ur hard
work on this.
O yea forgot the totems are expiring properly now all ae are going away. Even ran into blood shooting totems? they die out too. Havent run into anything else that doesnt expire yet. Though u do need to figure out you have kill certain things in order to kill other hero monsters. Like my picture above have to kill the red swords before u can kill the defenders. Which again goes to need to see better in this type of mess to figure things out.
Great suggestions and i am happy that you had a blast! Great stuff! Yes i also noticed the white text in the lorenote is pretty much not visible that good, so i already changed it , had the same feeling About the mercs, yes i am planning to get a merc for every element, alrdy prestructured it, needs inspiration, the idea about the spider for poison is on my list now! there are already 2 T3 mercs ingame for endgame, those are miniONB’s ;D About the visibility of those addonautocastskills from hero archetypes, YES i must say i could put some effort to make it MORE visible, clear thing, also on my list, maybe i can set a better TAG or get some kind of shading to that given cast animation, but we will see I was working on an update to give some more blast, really trying to give the players ALL options they could need. Up to date patchnotes are coming in another reply below Have a nice evening and big THX for testing Violesta!
CHANGE: starterbuff stats adjusted to be harder to kill;
NEW: added a new XP Potion to all factionvendors on friendly status that grants +1800% gained experience for 3600 seconds;
CHANGE: first questreward from The Emissary will grant you a LEVELUP to level 2 to choose your class instantly; in addition you will be granted with a few XP-Potions to give an option of leveling near the speed of the basegame, a Delicious Meal and some Fresh Meat → explanations on what this is see below (as usual this is ONLY on Normal/Veteran difficulty);
CHANGE: ComboMod lorenote → gives 0 XP now, adjusted TAG for better visibility;
CHANGE: XP reward from The Emissary in The Conclave of the Three reduced accross ALL difficulties;
CHANGE: all XP Potions have a useDelayTime of 3600 seconds now and have shared cooldowns to prevent firing up a second one while first is on cooldown, and to avoid getting double XP-Potion boost (-> ALL vanilla consumableitems have set their shared cooldowns to FALSE for this!);
CHANGE: added an option to The Emissary dialog in the Conclave of the Three, so that the player CAN choose if they want to continue with the starterbuff OR not (Normal/Veteran ONLY, on higher difficulties this option is NOT given!) → highly suggested IF you want to start with doing the Shattered Realm;
NEW: added new recipe to Ashdim in the Conclave of the Three (he can ALWAYS craft this from the beginning) → new item can be crafted for 10000 iron, 1 WillOWisp, 1 Fresh Meat and 5 Blood Shards: Delicious Meal (level req. 1) → has 900 seconds usagedelay, will spawn a Meal that you can consume to refill 50% of your constitution, it is soulbound and reusable → this is the 4th item that will grant you constitution, i think that is ENOUGH to compensate the GRIM SOUL mechanic!
NEW: Fresh Meat can be obtained from from ALL bosses on ALL difficulties;
Another small update is rolling out in a few, sunday funday! xD Have a good time!
CHANGE: prices of all XP-Potions reduced to 5k iron;
CHANGE: further adjustments and optimizations to hero archetypes → there were still some effects that were not vanishing from those autocastskills, hope this got it finally fixed now;
CHANGE: Grim Soul adjusted → way less drain of healthpoints, a bit more drain on constitution → had to change this because the playerstat “increased healing” also increases the given drain of healthpoints;
CHANGE: reduced usagetime of Delicious Meal to 450 seconds;
CHANGE: added Fresh Meat to ALL bosses via miscloot → so it is possible that 2 Fresh Meat CAN drop from any boss on all difficulties;
NEW: created Immortal Merc → T1 Poison → Violesta - Poison Arachnoid → added to questreward (The Emissary) + factionvendortables as usual; (-> see the PDF for further details on this)
CHANGE: adjusted all available Immortal Mercs again to give a good base in balance for the missing ones that i will create
CHANGE: Immortal Mercs → cooldown increased from 180 to 240 seconds → I do not want this to be too OP!
Still some archetype autocastskills not vanishing but i am working on it again, still has to do with the deathparameter i think, investigating it right now Also some autocastskills still too stronk, for example FROZEN → do not wonder, balance is an ongoing process
I have only tried the latest release, but I am getting tag not found issues all around. When I reached level two, all D3 classes were tag not found on the left hand side when initially choosing a class. I had a lot of random qol items in my inventory that had the same issue. I am sorry I cant post a screen at the moment. Have no clue why this is happening, have no issues with RoT, DoM or Grim.
Thank you for putting this together by the way, it looks so fun. If I could get this sorted I would be stolked!
Also very much appreciate the grim internals and cursor edits!
No worries, that would be my first suggestion too Cool you got it “fixed”, thx to Xeneonic helping out! I am atm testrunning the coming update, gone through ALL archetypes again and adjusted QUITE alot of stuff again! also i made a mistake on last patch → i forgot to put a minus on GRIM SOUL values so you will not encounter any hp drain out of it ATM patch should be rdy this evening, looks already pretty promising, also fixed the “issue” not seeing WHAT to do for example on encounter with the Minor Excalibur Have a good time all!
I assume u already know but lightening totems once again are not disappearing. Looking forward to next patch. Just did a shaman/witch & i was 28 when I got done with Warden so thats a good keeper on exp potion.
yes noticed it, some others aswell, bugged me good down, did adjustments and testruns all day long, that was great fun :)) i THINK i figured it out, had to do with several values in deathparameters and i guess it also had to do with teamsettings,… looks way better also in terms of balance and style now i guess, could not stop… xD update is uploading and patchnotes will follow in a seperated post. Have a nice evening!
CHANGE: Grim Soul adjusted → forgot to set a minus on the drain value on last version, this has been fixed and the drain has a bit increased again;
CHANGE: further adjustments and optimizations to hero archetypes → adjusted them ALL again to correctly despawn the autocastskills (mainly it had to do with teamsettings and deathparameters!), a lot of balancework and a bit of stylework has been done to all autocastskills → check the pdf for further details on this → tell me what you think, what is still too strong - what is still too weak!?
CHANGE: all heroarchetype passivestatmodifers are scaled now to give correct buffs according to characterlevel → check the pdf for further details on this;
Thank you for the update, I totally didnt die earlier this afternoon to hubris! Im starting to think I should should play this mod sc for a bit till I understand it
Good morning Totally understandable, i was just playtesting it and balance is still not good in my opinion and i have encountered some weird behaviour with the given autocastskills, investigating it right now, be patient
Figured it out! Patch is coming up in a while well, this took me some energy to understand what was happening xD but now, dang, that looks sweet, see for yourself
CHANGE + NEW: adjusted ALL autocastskill again → after hours and hours of testing not seen a single mechanic NOT despawning, the only thing that will last for a bit longer are the leftovers of the Corrupted Archetype; alot of balance and stylerework has been done aswell;
NEW: autocastskills of available Archetypes are shown on the minimap with some tiny clues to plan your strategy against those evil new mechanics → an exclusive mapnugget for this will be available in the near future;
What you are doing here is amazing, it has been a long time since we have had something new (even if new referes to to a mismash of other mods, hell you are still modifying what they do to work together, that coutns!).
I enjoy dying, I will continue to do so, thank you. Continue the good work