Also, I would also like to know what the point of the exp potions is. Without them, ex gain is almost 0, with them, it feels (I say feels since I am a normie and I dont have the tools to actually see the values) like the amount of exp one would gain normally. So basically we to pop one once an hour or our exp bar wont move. Seems like an odd qol decision.
The point of getting so much LESS experience is, that i like to have a much longer levelingphase: without XP-Potion you should be not much higher then level 10 when completing act 1 with all sidequests done, and that is just on Normal/Veteran, in Vanilla that should have given you nearly 3x levelamount, and i really do not like this fast progression. Therefor as OPTION you can set it to the speed YOU like with the given XP-potions Also this is to compensate the increased amount of given spawns accross all difficulties, AND if you read the pdf, you will find out, that there is a XP-BUFF to ALL bosses on all difficulties! HF
Absolutly TRUE, that borked me aswell so often that it has to be changed, but giving options will still make it viable for those who like it faster Have a nice day.
Didn’t have much time to play it until today. Loving the changes. The issue I have is that SR is time constrained and the careful planning in regards to pulling and such makes it sometimes very hard to beat the time.
But I like the tactics involved… So I don’t want that to go away either. Do I just have to be bleeding edge geared and/or make faster decisions to reliably get through the time limit?
Depending on your design philosophy there are a few things that can be done I suppose, but I’d prefer not to make suggestions as I don’t know your goal here and I don’t want to undermine your creativity either.
Also, only now saw your PM on Nexusmods… Sorry about that. I’d prefer to keep the conversation going here as I do with all things GD.
Hope it gets more exposure just like Nydiamar needs. Creativity deserves to be rewarded
Hey good morning No worries about the PM on nexus, i would like to prefer make this public aswell! Thx for your kind words, appreciated! About the SR timer → have not checked this for a final balancingact, it is still RED in my pdf, so changes can still be done to it, make your suggestions and i will dive into it I GUESS with the new version coming, that will be a bit easier to plan out, as i added various unique mapnuggets that will indicate the various evil mechanics, have just tested that and it really gives a better overview about what is coming up against the player, which gives a “fairer” feeling The new version will be up when i am done with T1 Immortal Mercs, i guess in approx 1 week. Have a nice day!
new video up: Grim Dawn ComboMod TESTING #004 - YouTube
→ Quick run for act 2 boss Darius Cronley, showing also new hero archetype mechanics, this has been done on veteran difficulty at charlevel 13 without any bigger issues as you can see, equipment is also not the best and me was even pretty stoned while doing it xD Check it out and see HOW you can survive the madness! Also showing new upcoming MAPNUGGETS to make life easier and to get a clue on WHAT is coming next ;D HF!
CHANGE + NEW: various unique mapnuggets have been created for the hero archetype mechanic to make it way more clear on the minimap;
CHANGE + NEW: ALL heromonsters have been granted a new mapnugget aswell → look out for the STARS on your minimap;
CHANGE + NEW: search for the CORRUPTED archetype, it will drop Aether Clusters ALOT which you WANT to use against various deadly mechanics to keep you alive much easier! this archetype is a new source for this craftingmaterial → you WANT to collect them for crafting an Improved Aether Cluster lateron aswell!
CHANGE + NEW: T1 Immortals Mercs are complete FOR NOW: restructured, rebalanced and readjusted; there are 9 T1 Mercs available right from the start, added all to first questreward which you will receive from THE EMISSARY as usual → see the according section in the pdf to get further details on this;
NEW: added a new recipe to Ashdim in the Conclave: Improved Aether Cluster → can be crafted for 3 normal Aether Cluster + 1 Blood Shard + 1 Hero Soul and 10000 iron → requires characterlevel 1 and is soulbound → has 6 sec. uptime and 120 sec. cooldown, applies the same buffstats as the normal one + additional buffstats → you will MAYBE need this to SURVIVE THE MADNESS
Have a nice weekend! I am on tour for a few days, next update has to wait a bit, except there is something VERY messy :)) Cheers
omg. this is my dream mod. I always wanted try DoM with omega or Shattered Affixes.
But, It has all!! I can’t wait try it out. hope my duty time finish soon…
i hope you are not underwhelmed by it because i just grabbed the stuff related to grimmest additional spawns from DoM, additional classes only from the D3 Mod have a great time anyways
Howdy THX to all who provided some feedback and help on various issues, an update is coming for you to test it out in a few, happy hunting! →
CHANGE + NEW: basegame updated to newest version
CHANGE + NEW: Diablo 3 Classes updated to newest version 4.1;
CHANGE: Doombringer (Vanilla amulet) → Renamed to Warbringer, Granted skill renamed to Herald of War → added D3 class Barbarian skill Warcry +2 to it;
CHANGE: Kanai’s Relic: Tall Man has been removed. Now the amulet is an unique item as its description says → NOT REMOVED → the amulet is even a ring here
NEW: all new D3 items are also available via gambling as usual;
CHANGE: proxyinfos adjusted again, readded all pools and adjusted again → was simply overdose at many places;
CHANGE: “balancingadjustment_mp+difficulty_enemies01.dbr” → rebalanced all enemies again → was simply too strong partially;
CHANGE: adjusted all heroarchetypes again for better balance, visibility and synergy;
CHANGE: integrated from Grimarillion → “records/proxies/limit_area000.dbr-008 + limit_unlimited.dbr” → much better spawnbehaviour, also deleted “limit_unlimited.dbr” from all proxies (+SR), this was NOT needed;
CHANGE: amount of received Aether Clusters from The Emissary Quest increased to 12;
CHANGE: added Aether Cluster to allowed dropitems in the SR;
CHANGE: SR rulesets adjusted again, looks much better too me now, hope all these changes will fix the problem with it that we can not complete the shard sometimes…;
CHANGE + NEW: SR-heroes now also have a mapugget like all other heroes;
Good morning Just noticed, the level of enemies are a bit too high… will be a bit more difficult then intended xD do not wonder, will be changed in next update ;D HF
CHANGE: enemies will always be AT LEAST +1 level above your characterlevel → this is working now as it was intended → in addition enemies will have a startlevel of lvl 50 on Elite difficulty and a startlevel of 75 on Ultimate difficulty → so NO MORE RUSH INTO ULTIMATE THAT MEGA FAST! → this is a combination of MinDawn + Grimarillion;
CHANGE: veteran difficulty adjustment: characterLifeModifier decreased from 200% to 160% → from +80% to +40%;
CHANGE: further SR adjustments and balancechanges;
CHANGE: minor cam adjustments, also adjusted the grimcam.ini;
Good evening An update is just about to roll out in a few moments, hope you all have a good time checking it out ;D Some cool stuff is coming for you →
CHANGE + NEW: Grim Souls will drop an essence that grants a buff when you pick it up (autolooted) → this buff is chargable and has 6 charges, chargeduration is 21 seconds, the buff is not dispellable, it grants → up to 6% damageabsorption, up to 12% increased damage, up to 30% increased experience, up to 24% increased run/attack/castspeed and up to 12% life/energyregeneration, in addition the drain of Grim Soul itself has been adjusted to drain 3% life, 3% life over time, 6% energy and 15% constitution → idea by Navith666 from the Nexus, thanks for this
NEW: added Grim Souls to Crazy Mike;
NEW: option at Crazy Mike for increasing maximum reputation for all GDX2-factions to maximum;
NEW: added an option to give 1 AP at Crazy Mike (for vanilla characters ONLY) and another option to give an AP potion (also works for non vanilla characters) → SOMETIMES when the mod is updated, somehow, it CAN HAPPEN that the attribute points are reverted to normal vanilla value, PAY ATTENTION, use this function for now IF you encounter this; this issue will be investigated over time;
SMALL ISSUE → it can happen that you are able to choose your second class as usual on level 10, this is not intended and can happen through an update i guess, not so evil, just to let you know; this issue will be investigated over time;
CHANGE: Hero Archetype: Defender → adjusted: removed lifeleech offensivestat from Minor Excalibur → made it nearly impossible to kill under some circumstances; increased healing from shieldbuff, further increased defensive and offensive stats, added some minor manaburn;
CHANGE + NEW: Diablo 3 Classes updated to newest version 4.1 Update 1;
CHANGE: Diablo 3 Classes Mod → Added D3 sound effects to Demon Hunter crossbows and hand-crossbows. Vanilla crossbows were not affected. → also added to D3 setitem: Natalya’s Slayer;
CHANGE: Personal rift has new visual and sound effects now → not updated as i still like the one from Path of Grim Dawn slightly more;
CHANGE + NEW: adjusted various Minor D3 Items to be more usefull and balanced for their according level;
CHANGE: gamecamera settings reverted to vanilla → simply use GrimCam with the provided ini-file for more zoomin/zoomout and higher farclip to see itemlabels on the ground from a further distance; → these values also have been adjusted so please update the ini-file to see a difference;
CHANGE + NEW: added a new mapnugget to all normal nemesis bosses → better difference to normal bosses, also did this to ONB’s, D3 Bosses and Treasure Guardians (inclusive Ultimate Treasure Guardian);
CHANGE: the questmonsters when you go out of Homestead for the first time have their mapnuggets and experience reverted to vanilla values but still can drop Fresh Meat (at a low chance), it is just a one-time quest and a minor new source for this new craftingmaterial;
CHANGE + NEW: ERROR RESOLVING on quest: “The Final Seal” → 100% working now! PAY ATTENTION → up to 6 Basilisks can spawn now for a really evil encounter! → setting this up nearly got me crazy!
CHANGE + NEW: various adjustments to Immortal Mercs, also refreshed the broken T3 Mercs (happened while restructuring) and added one more → Kaisan, T3 Poison IM; → see the according section in the provided PDF for more informations on this;
CHANGE: Immortal Mercs → various balance and style changes, prices adjusted to be more affordable;
The next update will arrive when i am done at least with T3 IM’s or any big issue happens
AUTO LOOT from GDinternals can be activated again! The drain of GRIM SOULS is now not that evil on HP anymore, so no worries to turn it back on. IF you feel it is STILL too much drain on HP, please let me know! Have a nice weekend!
Thanks About more classes, that will not happen anytime soon as there is still alot to synergize and to do with the given characterclasses, also alot of changes will come and the given “mechanics” that are already in should be optimized alot more before thinking about new classes in my oppinion. But feel free to decompress it and make a new mod with even that on top, happy synergizing :)) If you need the sources just tell me Have a good time!
PS: something from Grim Quest is on my list for a long time, you guess it → BOWS needed alot of time to grab all the needed knowledge, could not do it a year ago, but now, with my extra file structure, which i can integrate without having the needed asset, well yes, that might NOW work with this structure, but will take some time to figure it out anyway guess that will happen anytime after i am finished with Immortal Mercs or so, just a small look into the future Peace
Yes sir, learning by doing, not an easy task with all these amazing classes! But as you say, check the Tutorial section and simply check other mods what they have done, extract and check every piece you can grab :)) Have a nice sunday!