ComboMod Testversion

seckill = one hit to die, before azimondan black circle and adria skill 1~2 Hit can kill char in sr 125.

ok , but keep in your mind, try give some AI to bosses, dont like normal MOD, otherwise I can go , main game, why come to MOD.
edit: I understand u do lots work for adjust for equipment, but less for enemy balance, or say adjustment is not good enough (then u will again tell me this not finial version :sweat_smile: , but at least u should try, then u can get some good feedback from this MOD player)

not avoidable? i think it is pretty good seeable, but have to check the values again for sure, and as said, i rescaled (most) D3 skills a while back because i thought they partially too strong and too weak xD will give them some love for sure at some point, do not worry xD

“this is not final” xDD yes it is 0.5 and things are not set in stone at this point, and as you see we really try to fix errors now ;D you come to mod because you want to see something new i would say xD yes sure we want some more challange partially but we will get there :smiley: be patient and better tell about more things that could fix crashes ;DD next update will be at weekend, and as said before, i even have not really time for heavily mod, so we “just” fix errors :smiley: and btw, already fixed the “draining” lighting effect on the shadowclones just before i was writing this xD

by the way, the hero (burning、frozen、some others)ground debuff dot demage very very high and with stun or frozen,slow, sr 115 start, 3~4s can kill pets and char if in ground, Imagine sr 140 may 1~2s kill pets. and more deep I one hit to die… seems unreasonable.
I come this mod because some omega set up different (like hero ground debuff and someothers) with other mods, then I try to play, but u also make good combo work and increase some new affix equipment , item for it. Until now, I have played for so long, I think u need to inject your personal soul into this mod to make some different. otherwise I don’t feel very different from others.
Take your time. It takes lots of time to do these things.

dont stand in it… there is even a symbol for it on the minimap, simply avoid this, lead your pets… there is no need to rush everything…

ehm, wth? xD if you see this so all my work was from a different soul? very good xD

understood very well, sometimes fighting with monsters, if not watch care they will run to char side spawn debuff. thats dangerous. if sc mode i will not care even 1 hit die.

hahaha. I always support u until this mod
construction complete

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it is intented to be that heavy you/we must find a way to go against this, but for sure the balancethingi is not over yet xD

appreciated :slight_smile:

Yes totem instead of skeletons would reduce the lag on my computer for sure as well as reducing the max summon.

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will see what i can do about it :slight_smile: already fixed the skilltree and all enemies with a “gap” in between their lootvalues :slight_smile:

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Yes I was thinking totems with a reduced max limit (reduce lag because the AI and animations of totem use less ressources) and a death explosion skill , so summoning more totems above the limit would make more damage without lagging the game.

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cool idea, will try to make this real for an Headhunter overhaul to a max of 20 charges :slight_smile: absolutly not finished this mechanic :slight_smile: also what i experienced, is that devotionshrines really needs a bit of a tonedown, i really exaggerated it a bit on them with spawns and scaling i think :smiley: still want them to see like “you want my devotionpoint? do something for it” but at some, especially on Ultimate, its blank overkill xD

Howdy :slight_smile: Just got it working, yeehaa xD The Headhunter Leatherbelt has now 20 charges (open for more maybe) and has the ability to spawn seperatly as many pets as we want, already included “totems”, took the unused Sentries from the D3 mod :slight_smile: looks very good, a few more testruns and an update will be loaded up. furthermore alot of issues have been fixed that “maybe” could cause crashes, hopefully :slight_smile: 1-2 hours i think then i am done with testing, be curious :smiley:


  • CHANGE + FIX: Grim Soul Buff + Bookworm Buff → radius further decreased to 12 for better performance;
  • FIX: playerchar skilltree → changed Innate Skills from skillTree80 to skillTree17 to maybe avoid crashing;
  • FIX: adjusted all enemy miscloot, no more “gap” in between available lootitems to avoid crashing;
  • CHANGE + FIX: D3 gearhead, “Visage of Gunes”, itemskill “From the Shadows” → the spawned pet has a changed msh-file and adjusted parameters to avoid the big performancehit from the Shadowclone msh-file because of the lighting, which i could not remove and so i simply changed the msh-file to give it a new look, which does not have this extreme lighting radius involved, not sure how to make it better atm, the “normal” shadowclone msh-file clearly looks a bit better but now it at least works better :smiley: → adapted this also to the according Immortal Mercs to avoid this draining lighting effect;
  • CHANGE + FIX: Immortal Merc T3 Pets → adjusted, removed the second “big” Shadowclone as it had issues with the controller, now only a big AOE on dying, also fixed the lighting effect for this! this Immortal Merc and his Shadowclones now scale with petbonus → Immortal Mercs I + II Pets now also scale with petbonus;
  • CHANGE + NEW + FIX: complete Headhunter revamp:
    → restructured for better overview;
    → Weak Headhunter Elixir: increased buffduration to 180 seconds, scales the charactersize to a maximum of x2; granted buffstats at MAX CHARGE: +10% damage absorption, +160% total damage, +80% hp, +40% totalspeed; granted skills: Fireaura, Chainlightning, Chaotic Fireballnova and Weak Headhunting Skeletons (scales with playerstatvalues); cleaned up tags; adjusted pets and all skills to be more balanced for this “weak” elixir;
    → Headhunter Leatherbelt: the granted buff scales the charactersize to a maximum of x3 now; grants additional buffs to summon pets now, as this would not work if trying to summon them in between the mainchain! Headhunter Essences will spawn additional Essences via script → can be FURTHER CHAINED here, this “chainmechanic” is for spawning all pets for this Headhunter Leatherbelt mechanic, because spawning pets in “between” the mainchain from the Headhunter itself DOES NOT WORK, only like this OR at the END OF THE CHAIN like on the Weak Headhunter Elixir! all “addons” (Headhunter Essences) will grant another buff, the first starts the Headhunter chainmechanic itself, all following are here for spawning pets seperatly, more can be added! granted buffstats at MAX CHARGE: +18% damage absorption, +320% total damage, +160% hp, +80% totalspeed; granted skills: Fireaura (increased stats), Chainlightning (increased stats), Chaotic Fireballnova (increased stats), Lightningstorm, Summon Headhunting Skeletons (scales with petbonus and grants petbonus) and Summon Deadly Sentries (scales with playerstatvalues); cleaned up tags; adjusted pets and all skills to be more balanced for this STRONG ENDGAME belt;
    → 1 issue remaining, if someone can tell me what this causes, i would be very pleased :smiley: → getting a “skillManagerError” on animation for charge 2-3… i really don’t see any issue, it is just in the log,…needs some confirmation or tweak to get rid of it, i don’t know why and how as i tried many many things, really absurd as it is nothing different from the rest and there is no other issue xD maybe minor…

packing up in a few :slight_smile:

This is not the cause of the crash at all. Of course, it doesn’t matter where it is.

i think so too but at least to rule it out and close this gap :slight_smile:

Took new char through warden had nps. totems devotions all good. No crashes. Loving the mini pets.

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Very good, working on the devotionshrines atm, maybe found another cause for some crashes, i added bosses from which some are questbosses, maybe can lead to issues, also some at least are a bit too intense, will be completly redone for next update :slight_smile:

hi, first of all an amazing mod u have here.Is my first time trying to play with a mod and i have few questions.

1:Is posible to select what mods i have activated from the compilation?(i love the endgame improvements for example but im not too much in classes or skill changes for example)

2: To get to level 2 seems i need 3 k experience and a mob kil gives around 10, is that intended?

3: I noticed all the 3 dificulties are unlocked when i select them from the main menu.Is that also intended? Is ok if i want to do each one of them and not start from ultimate?

4: How much time it takes for the npc that spawn when you use the summon skills you get at level 1 to go away?

I have few more questions but that for later:P

1 no
3 normal for mods, idk why just the way crate left it for whatever reason.

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Howdy :slight_smile:

great you like it, alot of work from alot of people involved :slight_smile:

  1. as Asylum said, no not possible, everything is twisted and tied to each other. can be excluded by modding it or taking the original mod, as seen at the top, all links are listed for the standalones.

  2. yes, you will need much more xp, IF you do not use XP-potions, there are 4 around, 2 for faster leveling and 2 for leveling stop, so you may choose which speed you wanna go along with.

  3. as Asylum said, absolutly normal.

  4. not 100% sure right now but i think its infinite as long as you stay in his radius, will disappear when leaving the radius.

Happy hunting.

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holy crap that was a fast reply, thank you both.If i have more questions can i post them?I will start playing tonight the mod, thank you alot for it( and Asylum101 i think you are on the TQ forums to right? havent entered there for ages but i played alot TQ years back:D and theat was the place for best guides