ComboMod Testversion

Yes, I used to be pretty active on the original TQ forums, haven’t been on the new one much (or at all really).

Shame on you! :wink:

what dificulty should i start the gameplay one? is there an optimal one?Also is there a place where i should look for some builds( as i notice from reading the mods that there are alot of new masteries)?

at anytime :slight_smile:

with a new character i would start in veteran i would say :slight_smile: i think most builds for the D3 classes mod will work, as these are the additional masteries, and there will be no more classes added, at least at this point, you will also be able to create alot more new viable builds i guess through new upgrade processes and additional items + rewards.


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1 : The pasives that you get after you put a number of points in a skill( rend from barbarian for example) is for that skill only or is global?

2 : If It says require a melee weapon, then the skill is not a wps right? so i can put as many points as i can and not be afraid of override if i have 5 more wps skills that can activate with 20% chance each( so 100% chance in total)

3 : Frenzy skill has this : bonuses also affect other skills.What it means?

4:Does The bonuses that you get is when u put hard points in it or it works from skillpoints from gear?

  1. if the skill is a passive you get the stats mostly global, else it is a skill transmuter or modifer which grants stats to that specific skill, mostly everything is stated in the skills’s description.

  2. each skill has independend chance to proc, so do not worry at all. that chance is not going to 100, it will stay 20 for that one skill, 20 for the other and so on.

  3. means if you trigger the buff you will be granted with bonus stats (globally i think at least, sorry can not look it up right now as i have no access to the files right now :D), i think it should work like on Shaman skill “Savagery”.

  4. bonus will be granted along with points spent up to an ultimate skill level which is mostly +10 levels over the levelcap of that skill.

hope it clarifies it a bit :slight_smile:

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Regarding the questions i asked, i might forgot to specify some stuff:D

For 1) i meant the bonuses that now you get when you put a number of points in a skill( like the d3 new classes.An concrete example. rend ability gives Blood lust(unlocked at skill level 10), that give 30 of the atack dmg is converted to health.And i was wondering if that 30% is to that skill proc only or is global? There are also bonuses for other skills that have specific description for that skill( and that i know that only works for that skill only).And to be more specific: if is there a bonus from a wps skill, that doesnt specific mention that skills name, is that gobal or only for that wps skill if procs?

For 4) To be sure , i need to spend those points( from skill points i get from leveling), not to be added like for example a gear piece that adds 10 points to X skill, so that the bonus activates right?

You need to put at least 1 point into a skill for the + level gear pieces to go into effect.

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so as long as i put that 1 point, if i get the other points needed from gear that should get me the bonus

Correct. So if you have gear that equates to lets say +6 levels of summon skeletons, it will be level 7 with just a single point. Likewise, if you remove that 1 point, it will return to 0. You cannot remove the point and still use the gear levels.

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  1. as described, that is only for that skill, else it would say so in the description.

  2. you can use both to get to an ultimate level for that skill, only one will not bring you there, it is a combination likewise. if you put 1 skillpoint in a skill you will get the additional points for that skill from items aswell.

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Bane of the Stricken seems a bit OP with 50% RATA. I used it and had about 2.5 million sheet DPS. Maybe it should be toned down?

will check for it, sounds a bit too OP yes, thanks for sharing :slight_smile:

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Howdy :slight_smile: An update is loading up to test out, more fixes, new adjustments to D3 Bosses and finally all cool Blade Vortex skills are integrated as new Exiled Skillgems for the Lost Treasure Mod, check it out in a few :slight_smile:

→ 0.5h:

  • CHANGE: updated gameversion to;
  • CHANGE + FIX: removed various doubled and irrelevant files, fixed various minor linking errors;
  • CHANGE + FIX: various bosses correctly readjusted in terms of loot (i.e. Infestation Fieldspawners, waveevents etc.) → simply forgot this last time on closing gaps…
  • NEW + CHANGE: full integration of “Blade Vortex : 6 different skill Effects - Faster than PoE” → goes to “Lost Treasures Mod” as new components → 5 new components → 5x new “Blade Vortex” Exiled Skillgem → Hot, Toxic, Electrocuting, Physical and Aetherial → can be looted from Treasure Guardians now aswell;
  • CHANGE: Lost Treasures lootset02 → petskill changed → Cold Blade Vortex changed to Physical Blade Vortex;
  • CHANGE + NEW + FIX: D3 Bosses overhauled again → new scaling of all skills, should now correctly scale up to charlevel 100, also revamped some of their skills in terms of performance and behaviour, needs more feedback on this, what is too strong - what is too weak here…! new controller and bios settings to make them more challenging again, hopefully :slight_smile: cleaned up the whole D3 boss mechanic to get a better overview internally, also a bit of preparation to maybe add more bosses here, maybe even can bring ONB’s in here with some adjustments lateron, when finally fine and satisfied with their balancing :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE: D3 Legendary Gem “Bane of the Stricken” → added weapon + retaliation damage reduced from 50% to 20%;
  • CHANGE: Headhunter Leatherbelt → chance to proc the starterbuff increased to 100%, added basestatvalues for armor, OA and DA;
  • CHANGE: Hero Archetype “Burning” → decreased burn duration and decreased its overall offensive value → simply was a bit too hot… xD;
  • CHANGE + NEW + FIX: Devotionshrines → proxies: all shrines have a new setup with increased delay and adjusted packsizes; pools: all configurations and scaling adjusted and on one level now, NO SCRIPT OR QUEST RELATED BOSSES HERE anymore! created new folder for devotionbosses → atm only copy/paste from the basegame but can also create completly new here, just remember to REMOVE scriptcommands, questvalues and deathpoolspawns and set to boss classification → “records/creatures/enemies/boss&quest/devotion/”; minor issues with the delay on shrines here, still trying to figure out why some shrines can have a delay and some can’t have a delay :smiley: furthermore removed the “grimmest spawncommand” completly from devotionshrines for now, to ensure this is not a reason for crashes, as i encountered another crash near a devotionshrine, and i could not reproduce it in any way and i was not hovering over any item at all… just to be sure on this…!
  • CHANGE: monstertotem proxies → setup accordingly to the devotionshrineproxies! also changed pools → champion chance goes from 100 to 85 and “ignoreGameBalance” is now set to FALSE!
  • CHANGE: Shattered Realm rulesets → decreased timers a bit for all difficulty levels;



Hello, I want to find out what the role of this folder is?

it is only there for the reason that i can not change that link in the according msh-file, which is needed, therefor all those files have a “COPY” in their description. bit messes up my own structure but i did not find another way.


Oh, but according to my analysis, this folder does not exist in the original Mod, so it seems unnecessary.

it does, and it needs that link, else the effect is missing ingame, because the file is linked in the according msh-file.

What kind of effect do you mean? Can take a screenshot to see it?

yes, just did xD →