ComboMod Testversion

lol cant wait.

An update is waiting to be uploaded in a minute :slight_smile:

→ 0.2o:

  • CHANGE: all bosses, heroes and common enemies have set their MINlevel to 1;
  • CHANGE: rare enemy specific gearweapon dropitems → decreased itemlevel by another 25%;
  • CHANGE + NEW: rare enemyspecific dropitems → done so far, alot of space to adjust and finetune these items over time, if someone wants any specific combo on these items simply tell me;
  • CHANGE: Legendary Essence has been renamed to Mythical Ore;
  • CHANGE + NEW: the mapnugget for special bosses has been changed → done for Nemesis Bosses, ONB’s, Treasure Guardians, Ultimate Treasure Guardian and Diablo 3 Bosses;
  • CHANGE: Immortal Merc 08 / Stonyco → changed visual to a less aggressive one → Thanks to Violesta from the Grim Dawn Forum for this suggestion!
  • CHANGE: added a TAG to the dismantlepanel for showing the chance of getting a Mythical Ore to make it more clear → Mythical Ore is granted with a chance of approximately 40% when dismantling a BLANK LEGENDARY gearitem!
  • CHANGE + NEW: irondrops all accross Cairn have been increased;
  • FIX: the file for “old Blood Shards” has been deleted, this was the reason it was not vanishing xD
  • CHANGE: generic Blood Shard lootdrops have been decreased;
  • CHANGE: heromonster lootorb → drop of Blood Shard decreased, drop of Grim Soul increased;
  • CHANGE: devotionshrine loot → more Mythical Ore, less Blood Shards, chance of getting MORE in general and per difficulty;
  • CHANGE: monstertotem loot → added Mythical Ore, decreased Blood Shards, chance of getting MORE in general and per difficulty, higher chance of getting an epic/legendary gearitem;
  • CHANGE: Shattered Realm → chestloot specials: removed Blood Shards and added Mythical Ore; increased chance of getting legendary gearitems on higher shards;
  • CHANGE: adjusted various chestloottables to give more epic and legendary gearitem dropchances;
  • CHANGE: oneshotchest loot → added Mythical Ore;
  • CHANGE: added epic and legendary gearitem dropchances to challengeevent chestloots + sandsacrifice chest;
  • CHANGE: XP Potions → useDelayTime goes down from 3600 to 120 sec → if you die you will be faster able to use these buffitems again → THANKS for this suggestion to Daniel_B from the Grim Dawn Forum → if you like, you can now even use both buffitems together (after first one is of cooldown), this is a new option for getting even more experience and speeding things even more up :smiley:
  • CHANGE: Hero Archetype Defender → adjusted visual to be less aggressive on the eye, also adjusted mechanic to be less annoying and draining on courage! also more unique now and different from the original skill from Diablo 3 Boss Tyrael;
  • CHANGE: Hero Archetype Charger → adjusted mechanic to be less annoying and draining on courage! added new loot to this Archetype Spawn → Shadow Dust, which is used for crafting Aether Clusters at Ashdim in The Conclave of the Three, also added this new craftingmaterial to monstertotemloot and SR lootchests;
  • NEW: added a new recipe to Ashdim in the Conclave: Aether Cluster → allows to craft NORMAL Aether Clusters now → needs 1 Shadow Dust + 3 Aether Crystals + 3 Blood Shards + 3000 Iron to craft 1 Aether Cluster;

Happy testing!

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did u decrease the mobs pack size back down to original? or put it on metal dude? dl it now.

edit: nm on pack size right now doesnt seem to be an issue. I was afraid if there became too many it would become a slog to get through.
Love the change on the graphics! I think only one remains but my pets chewed through so fast I couldnt get there in time to take screenie what a shame. Its a bright green one it overlaps & fills up the screen. But im totally loving the fact u cut down on the times on them. Added plus to that is the game plays much faster for me. I dont know how many times I had to stand & wait for the crap to dissipate so I could look around.
Started a fresh char. yea u increased gold drops all right. lol I already have over half million.

Like the changes so far…downloading patch atm. Excalibur graphics look way better. big THX for that. :smiley:

Hello Ashbrain, thank you so much for this mod! It’s a lot of fun! It’s immediately obvious how much effort went in to this (by looking through the pdf O.O). I have been playing this mod for the past few, and there’s a few things that stand out to me.

The following is based on my experience playing a fire EOR Crusader+Oathkeeper. Max resists, 26% phys res, 260k sheet dps.

  1. Bosses: It seems to me that d3 bosses are… overtuned. Even in Normal SR 75 (bossroom), these guys do 3x the damage and take 3x the time to kill than regular boss monsters. Not a big deal on normal, but in Ultimate it’s the same thing, but way tougher. On SR 15 Ultimate these guys will easily hit for 15k through maxed resists, whereas regular bosses are nowhere near this damage output. I understand they are meant to be hard, but as it is they serve more as a “insta-reset” than a challenge (At least to me). I might be missing something, but are they supposed to be this hard?

  2. On the other hand, ONB’s seem… Undertuned, these guys don’t seem very dangerous at all, and quickly become farming fodder. Again, i don’t know if this is intended. If they’re intended to be tough i feel like they would be fine with a ~10% damage increase across the board. Their Health and Kilrian seem fine. (Kilrian is also fodder though, he could use a little buff too). Another option for making these fights a bit harder (more fun) could be to have them cast the pentagram every 20/30s so that you have to keep moving them or else you will have to deal with the debuff?

  3. SR: Occasionally i’ve had cases where the meter to progress is almost filled, but it doesn’t hit the threshold for marking the “remaining enemies” on the map. In such cases you’re stuck running around searching for a single non-hero enemy and it just feels sort of bad and awkward. I wouldn’t know how to fix this in a smart way, but my immediate thought is to reduce meter requirement veeery slightly (5%?). Not gamebreaking by any means, but noticeably throws off the pace once in a while. Mostly noticeable on Normal, and in low Ultimate shards. Elite doesn’t seem to have this issue as much, though that might just be my RNG.

  4. : “Bugs?”: I’ve noticed that the charging component “Might of the stricken” behaves strangely. It seems to have an internal cooldown of about 1s for stacking, and stacks fall off all at once, as opposed to RF which has no internal cooldown and stacks fall off 1 at a time. EDIT: If you go out of mana while using it ALL stacks fall off immediately, pretty sure this is unintended :sweat_smile:

Also, would you consider making a discord for the mod? So that we can report bugs more easily, and so that people can share builds and ask questions? :smiley: I think that could be cool!

And i’m wondering what type of synergy-shenanigans i have to get up to in order to reach SR 201+ for the shattered weapons :thinking: … Again, thank you so much for the mod. I could go on at length about all the things i love about it, with one of all time highlights being discovering the Omega Hyperdrive boots :laughing:

Hello welcome gooseduck :slight_smile:
Thank you alot for your kind words and i see you obviously dived very deep into the mod, giving me some very good input about several things that i really needed :slight_smile:

1+2. About the D3 bosses, ONB’s and bossbalance in general: implementing the D3 bosses is a while back, and after all these updates in the past weeks i guess they have become a bit overtuned now as i have not touched them in a while, simply too much to switch back and forth every day between the single mechanics, but i will get to them again for sure :slight_smile: not tested them in any way for weeks :smiley: About the ONB balance, yes i really wanted them to be a bit easier as they can spawn anywhere in the world so that this ambush will not kill the fun too much, noticed they dropped a bit on difficultystrenght but i will investigate them again for sure, same as for the D3 bosses → long not touched, even longer i guess haha :smiley: but will get to it, good insights from your side, also about more pentagrams for advanced mechanical difficulty increase is a very good idea!

  1. About the remaining enemies in the SR, yes i noticed this aswell and after hours of testing i did not came to a better solution than this to be honest, at least the behaviour that you can not even finish the shards seems to be fixed, your suggestion about reducing the meter requirement slightly “might” work, will check this in a while, but i guess that will not do the trick as to setting this up requires mostly all values to be in line, so to say :smiley: but will give it a try again for sure, it is quite well at the level that i wanted though :slight_smile:

  2. about the D3 Legendary Gem → oh this is strange, just looked this up and yes i think i made a mistake on setting up this granted skill, according to the charges, that should be easy to fix :slight_smile:

What’s a discord? xD Well, i will think about it :wink:

Thank you alot for testing out this modcompilation, more updates will arrive soon :slight_smile:


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Hello good morning :slight_smile:

An update will be available today in the late evening → various fixes for the loot have been implemented, FINALLY i think i understood what a BELLSLOPE is ;D loot will drop now even MORE fixed to your level and the items from the newly created mastertables are now dropping CORRECTLY at the places that i want them to drop! adjusted ALL chestloottables again for this, be prepared for a big change in lootvariation :smiley:

Furthermore the Archetype Defender was granted another styleadjust, the bubble was clearly not visible that good anymore, should be alot better now!

A tiny bugfix for the SR has maybe been found to fix the behaviour that it doesn’t hit the threshold for marking the “remaining enemies” on the map → simply increased progressgain on dropped items a tiny bit → thanks for this suggestion to gooseduck from the Grim Dawn Forum!

Clearing a bit up and running a few more testingruns and will upload as soon as i am happy with it sofar :slight_smile:


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Wow, you’re faster than a Blitz Warlord :laughing:

Looking forward to take the update for a spin (hehe)! Is there anything that you would like players to look out for or try to test? Might aswell ask, since i’ll be playing anyway :grin:

Howdy :slight_smile: RUSHRUSH xD

I guess there is quite ALOT of stuff that you and everyone can test out, nothing is set in stone, alot of changes will come :slight_smile: I like to have feedback and work with that, keeps me a bit couraged :slight_smile: As you can see in the next update that will follow in a few moments ;D

→ 0.2p:

  • CHANGE: the newly created mastertables that give a chance to drop ALL epic + legendary gearitems from both vanilla AND the Diablo 3 Mod have been adjusted → their according loottables have a new configuration according to the NEEDED bellslope, this will make all epic and legendary gearitems drop according to your level at the given lootpoints;
  • CHANGE: lootdrops have been increased at various lootpoints, especially for epic gearitems → totemloot, devotionloot, SR lootchests, chestloots and breakables; all chestloottables have been REadjusted for this;
  • FIX + CHANGE: added D3 Setitems to loot at the given lootpoints → simply forgot to add them previously!
  • CHANGE: heromonsters → added epic gearitems to their lootorbs;
  • CHANGE: added affixtables from D3 Gambling to dropped rare gearitems (gearaccessories, gearhead, geartorso and all weapons") → this will result in a really tiny percentage of items from loot that have a higher levelrequirement then your character is → this has to do with the given affixes i guess, please let me know if these items appear too often or if this is fine :slight_smile: → this is mainly to bring some more variation to the rare enemy specific loot;
  • CHANGE: Shattered Realm → all progressItems EXCEPT the “Overwhelming Shattered Soul” have their progressAmount increased by +1 → maybe this fixes the behaviour that it sometimes doesn’t hit the threshold for marking the “remaining enemies” on the map in time, can be a bit annoying → thanks for this suggestion to gooseduck from the Grim Dawn Forum;
  • CHANGE: Shattered Realm → added Aether Crystals to allowed dropitems;
  • CHANGE: =ESSENCE OF A GRIM SOUL= Buff → increased life/energyregeneration from 12% to 24% at max charge;
  • CHANGE: Tonic of Mending → increased granted constitution from 5% to 8%;
  • CHANGE: Improved Aethercluster → levelrequirement has been increased to characterlevel 65;
  • FIX + CHANGE: readjusted Heroarchetype Defender for better visibility of the dome itself; mechanic → offensive aura has its radius increased by +2; this will let you fight at the EDGE of the bubble but still have some damageinput that you have to deal with :smiley:
  • FIX + CHANGE: Hero Archetype Charger → removed dropped white gearshoulders and slightly adjusted spawnsettings;
  • FIX + CHANGE: Hero Archetype Bruiser → slightly adjusted spawnsettings → this Archetype Monster can have some cool additional loot in my opinion, any ideas? :smiley:
  • FIX + CHANGE: D3 Legendary Gem - Bane of the Stricken → no more energy cost, offensive stats adjusted (was a bit too OP as i revisited it now, maybe this is not the only gem that is a bit OP, simply tell me and i will investigate any issue!) → should work now as intended, can be used with all weapons by the way :smiley: → thanks for this suggestion to gooseduck;

About making a “Discord” on this, feel free you can do it if you want, will join for input, but i do not want to maintain that in addition :wink:



Ok tried new version. Its going good thx for toning down earth merc hes working great.
On other issue not quite sure on how u can get a happy medium. I wish there was a way to let the player choose the effects inside a mod. But maybe put a ring on outer edge of auras so one can see how far out the effect is?
& speaking of auras & their effects. I have good machine so it takes a bit to lag me out. 1 aura is definitely lagging me out. I believe its one of the grim souls bad effects. Its blood red & when it dissipates it goes away in this huge black ring. Its a temp effect but it is noticeable. It lags down for a few seconds then go back to normal speed. Might want to take another look at that black ring lagging.

For those curious about the buffs & exp gain etc. I just finished warden & im 31. I was running both the starter buff & the 1800% exp buff. I believe that combo is close to norm & nice. the starter buff does make u op but it is fun. I like the fact he gives u the options to choose how u run his mod exp & difficulty.

Hi Violesta :slight_smile:

Yes i think i know what you are talking about, on the Grim Souls Buff there is this “black ring” effect that swaps all over the screen, i just thought this would look cool as a finisher for this buff, took it from Diablo 3 boss Diablo itself :smiley: i think that is a bit too much for the whole world to summon this effect, also noticed this is casted to friendly npc’s aswell and then you enter Blood Grove in a heavy NPC fight and yes than it really gets a “bit” laggy haha :smiley: will tone that down or change this effect completly for a better synergy :slight_smile: Already found 1-2 things more that cause some more lag then usual, will be fixed for next update. About the XP, yes → when using the 1800% buff it should be nearly normal experience gain while maintaining the Bookworm Buff and the Grim Souls Buff most of the time, i think so too :slight_smile:

Have a good time!

Finally got around to playing a bit. Some notes on the latest changes:

  1. Loot drops feel pretty good! Going through the campaign you have a steady stream of loot coming, awesome! Need to run through campaign on a new character with 0 gear to start, to see how leveling for a fresh player is like.
  2. SR feels good too now, with the small increase, though i want to test this a bit more. Although i am saddened by the fact that Earthquake swarms, shadow clones, clusters and Excaliburs no longer drop progress orbs. :sob: That was fun while it lasted :laughing:
  3. Regarding the D3 bosses, i noticed that it is specifically Tyrael who is out of line balance-wise. Haven’t been doing much SR for the past week, and instead leveled a new character. I will report back once i’ve dealt with the bosses a few more times.

Mod is making very nice progress, can’t wait to play more. Amazing job man!

I also have a few questions for you as well, that i have been wondering.

  1. What is your vision for this mod? I can tell that it includes a general higher level of difficulty, but what else?
  2. And do you intend to include more features/things from the other mods, such as the skills from the PoE mod (Kinetic blast, etc.)?
  3. And while i haven’t actually gone there yet myself, I imagine getting to SR 151+ is going to be really hard, even with the possibility of all these extra buffs that we can get, have you succesfully tested these shards yet (and if so, with what build :smirk: )

Looking forward to more fun changes! I also started to think about some fun boss-mechanics to include, but i need to refine these a bit more before i suggest them. As always, thank you for the monstrous effort!

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Howdy gooseduck :slight_smile:

  1. Great to hear this, i have already further optimized this part for the upcoming update that will be released, i guess, on sundsay evening. It will be even better dropping for your levelrange and in addition the variation on gear lootaffixes has been increased slightly again, more will come for sure!
  2. Great that this small change helped with this issue :slight_smile: About the “ripped” progression items from the named enemy spawns → that was just “too” easy :smiley: sorry! ;D MAYBE i could add minor progress items to them as it maybe is a bit “unfair” to have nothing from them at all, i guess that would be fine :slight_smile:
  3. The D3 bosses have not been touched yet, but i guess the difficulty is simply too much for their appearence on “low shard”, as it was initially intended to bring them out at higher shards :slight_smile: Will check for that at a given time, the base is nearly done, and this will get some love and balancing in a while for sure!

Thank you for all your kind words! My vision for this modcompilation is to, as you can see, increase the difficulty to a way higher level and to synergize all the mods that i have integrated to make this great game even greater :slight_smile: For sure, i have a lot of things in mind that i would like to integrate, if you take a look at the END of the pdf-file, there are some insights about this :slight_smile: Not on my list are POE mod skills atm, but i will have a look at them at a given time, there is already ALOT on my list now, and i do not want to extend this list at this moment in time, hope you understand this, but for sure, MORE will be added, as soon as the base is “stable”! About the shards 151+, NO i do not have tested this in detail above shard 80 WITHOUT cheating :D, i really must admit, just tested the chests and the mechanics for extra rewards, but that has been done with the “Testing Amulet” as i remember, this is already some month ago :smiley:

You’re welcome gooseduck! Have a good evening!


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Hello, excuse me:
Text_EN\tags_combomod.txt > tagStyleMinor=Minor
Minor What is the meaning of this noun? Unable to understand when translating.

Good morning tt300 :slight_smile:

“You use minor when you want to describe something that is less important, serious, or significant than other things in a group or situation.”

Hope that helps, just an “affixname” for the added basegame & D3 epic + legendary gearitems that have been lowered in levelreq and statvalues for low level progression :slight_smile:


Spent the evening yesterday playing some SR and farming some ONB’s. Got a few adjustments to previous notes:

  1. Loot: It feels plentiful, but i noticed a quite big difference in the amount of lvl. 94 loot dropping for my lvl 100 character. Loot feels skewed toward midlevel and “minor” legendaries. I suppose you are already aware and are including changes in tomorrows patch?
  2. Mythical ore: I love this change. Makes it realistic to actually farm for good shattered affixes in the overworld.


  1. Tyrael set (treasure bonus), seems a bit janky when it comes to the set bonuses. Wearing 6set gives you all the bonuses properly. Putting on the 7th piece will cause some of the 6set bonuses to not apply properly. Most notably the resistances, which will not be applied when wearing 7 pieces.
  2. Bane of stricken still misbehaves. Stacks fall off correctly. But still suffers from internal cooldown. Tested with DW and with 1h+s. 1h+s takes 30 seconds to stack to full with 2.55 attacks per second. DW takes about 20s.
  3. I’ve been experiencing a much higher frequency of crashes to desktop, with seemingly no rhyme or reason, sometimes even happening on loading screens. However, blackscreen crashes are entirely gone.

A thing i noticed is that you have changed some of the shattered affixes for helmets. Most of the affixes are very cool and interesting, especially the ones that change cooldowns and give RR. But i can’t help but wonder why you removed the CDR from Blitz, or the %WD from EOR, or the “Area” from Forcewave. I wonder especially about adding damage conversion to them, which seems strange, as there is already a source of damage conversion in the shattered affixes mod (boots), so why have them as affixes on helm also?

Having played with Shattered Affixes on it’s own before, the CDR for blitz essentially allowed drastically increased itemization options for the build. EOR was “just” a big buff. Forcewave also was very interesting, drastically increasing the AoE potential of the build. I’m curious to hear how come you changed these. I’m not very knowledge on ALL the affixes, but most of your changes look fun, but i can’t help but wonder about these ones.

As always, thank you for making this, you really revived GD for me :smiley:

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Howdy :slight_smile:

  1. Yes absolutly, tried alot of things to make this work alot better, and i think i finally found a solution on this, after a few hours of running with a few different chars, finally i found not a single dropped item or enemy that was out of my levelrange, changed the whole enemy scaling for everything and this seems to work like a charm, also no more enemies with 15 levels above the character ;D Has been massivly adjusted for tommorows update, yes :slight_smile:
  2. Really great addition isn’t it? :smiley: make some suggestions for more lootitems from addonspawns from heromonster archetypes if you like :slight_smile:

About bugs:

  1. not tested in a while, in general the mod “Lost Treasures” had not much love from my side, and aswell it is pretty old (a few month at least) and untouched for a while, will investigate this for sure when the time for this part comes :slight_smile:
  2. There is something i don’t understand → 1h+s SHOULD be slower then DW, that should be correct or am i disinformed about this? and internal cooldown is absolutly intended because i do not want the player get max charges that mega fast, therefore i increased even the time every charge has :slight_smile:
  3. Yes, on my side, no blackscreen crashes since over 2 month now, praise the RNG , maybe :smiley: On crashes to desktop, that could be related to many many reasons, starting with hardware, drivers, etc etc, ending with gamesettings :smiley: where do you want to start? xD not experienced this, just blackscreens BEFORE setting up the scripts for good (i guess xD), had alot of blackscreen crashes with ONB spawns, therefor i heavily adjusted this part back over a year ago to make this work! :slight_smile: I bet you already disabled item tooltips for items on the ground, that also is a big reason for crashing into darkness xD not so much done here for making it work, simply clean system with everything up to date, just added GD to the systemtool “Process Lasso” which i use to get more control on core usage and system resources for the application, maybe try this tool, its freeware →

Ah and about the affixes, these are also very old and one of the firsts things that i integrated and was flooded with ideas back then, MAYBE i overdid some parts, no doubt :smiley: will investigate that when the time for that part has come aswell, do not worry and take it as it is ;D No need to delete them, will simply readd the old ones on top i guess :smiley:

Thank you aswell for testing alot :slight_smile:


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My pleasure!

Regarding shattered affixes, no rush, i just got curious. Some of the old affixes would be cool, but i think there are lot there that are also slightly boring. Perhaps a middle ground between the two could prove quite interesting :thinking:

I feel like i need to point out that ALL the old affixes would dilute the pool thus reducing the chance to get the affix you’re after, and i feel the chance is pretty good atm, took me abt 50 ores to get my Forcewave affix. And about another 30 to see both EOR and blitz affixes. Although with the increased myth ore drops it might not be so bad… What do you think?

Regarding Bane of the stricken: ah okay, then that’s fine. I noticed the fall off time was about 3s, which is a good place. So i guess this one is working as intended then!

Yeah i have disabled the item comparison since i read your comment in nexusmods. I will try to see if i can find a pattern in crashes.

I will think about interesting loot items for heromonsters. Already have a few small ideas, need to flesh them out a bit more, will let you know.

Meanwhile i have the urge to just mention a devilish idea i had… “Omega Celestial Bosses” :smiling_imp:

:smiley: Yeah i had this idea aswell about “Omega Celestial Bosses” kinda somehow a while back while checking out this mod → Helliquary Source released → this would be a perfect place to bring something like this out, maybe even with an Empowered Callagadra :smiley: There surely has to be done SOMETHING at some point with the all this given content around the Omega Faction, what came to my mind was you can fight such an UBER ONB in this arena room, or even better, use that mod as a HUBZONE, maybe called Omega Sanctuary, which has some portals that will lead to special rooms where you can fight different UBERS where you need some KEYS for, gathered by the normal ONBs :smiley: so many ideas with this, but at this point there is soo much to do, that i can not tell you when the time comes for this tryhard act :smiley: (already tried it in one night to integrate that amazing mod, its a mapmod, not so easy, as it will cause many issues that i could’t solve in a short time and i do not like to work that much with the map editor, cause it is very very clonky :D, but we will see what the time brings).
About the shattered affixes, yes i think i should not add too many more, absolutly correct, would drain the chance to an absurd chance to get what we want, even was thinking more about making a second NPC when it will come to shatter D3 items later on, that will also take alot of time :slight_smile:
I was speeding things up today a bit, as i have no time tomorrow, but guess what, i have finished up for today and a patch is incoming in a few moments when packed together :smiley:


  • CHANGE: ALL enemies have been adjusted again to balance their level to the characters levelrange (massive changes in all needed enemyfiles and proxyequations have been done, this is what i was aiming for, i bet still not 100% but near, finally :D) → this will also fix the issue that loot is dropping WAY too high in levelrequirement;
  • CHANGE: added vanilla gambling affixes to rare gearloot to bring even more variation to this gear;
  • CHANGE: increased drops of Blood Shards slightly again;
  • CHANGE: Grim Souls Buff → changed visual for each charge → now ONLY the last charge has an increased visual effect and a special endingeffect that should not be that draining on FPS then the one before; increased granted damageincrease to 24% at max charge;
  • CHANGE: added new animation on both male and female for ranged1h (CrusaderSmite) and dualRanged (CrusaderSmite) → both mainly for “Bone Spear”, but i guess other skills will like this too (only for 1h guns);
  • FIX: itemskill → summoned pet from D3 item “Visage of Gunes” has been adjusted for better performance, mainly the deathparameters were causing lags;
  • FIX: itemskill → summoned pet from D3 item “Blackfeather Raiment” has been adjusted to fix the spawn issues;
  • CHANGE: D3 Class - Crusader → skill “Blessed Hammer” now has a duration, a cooldown, increased energycost, a new castanimation, can ONLY be used with melee weapons (also daggers and scepters), needs a target to attack and should have been fixed that it sometimes not triggering after zoning, removed tag for “prevent high castspeed” as this is no more issue with the new config as it seems;
  • CHANGE: D3 Class - Demonhunter: “Ballistics” empowers now to dual wield ALSO melee weapons, added tag;
  • CHANGE: D3 Class - Demonhunter: “Fan of Knives” can now ONLY be used with 1h melee and caster weapons, added TAG and updated TAG for statvalues (was outdated);
  • TEST: changed Minor Excalibur monsterclassification and empowered it to drop items, will this lead to dropped SR progress items? ALSO REMOVED BLACKLIST ENTRY → need some feedback on this as i do not have that much time to test today and really wanted to push this update out TODAY :smiley:



Oh man that Helliquary mod looks INTENSE! That could be cool! Looking forward what you come up with for Omega Celestials :wink:

Regarding v. 0.2q:

  1. Enemy levels feel good. But Totems+SR Chests+Devo shrines still seem to have a preference for dropping lower level loot. Going through SR 65-66 on Ultimate will drop 2-4 lvl 94 items, with the rest being mostly lvl 75 items. This goes for Elite also (shards 75-76), did not test normal. However, double rare MI chance feels really good!
  2. Blessed hammer now requires a target for casting, which it did not use to do. Unsure whether this is intentional behaviour. Requires target to cast.
  3. Minor Excalibur feel alright in SR, to me at least.

Also, when doing some SR runs today i noticed that the hero archetype spawns are very frequent. Like, VERY frequent. While i don’t really mind, it can be a bit rough for my GPU :sweat_smile: Looking forward to more cool things soon!


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