nah i do not have any discord, you can pm me at anytime or even create one if you like to lead one spoilers? no also not really, i just keep modding until i have reached a state of satisfication for this initially small project, which pretty obvious already got out of control if i would tease something then maybe the integration of âBowsâ at some point to get our Demon Hunter some more funny gameplay but i canât give any ETA on that because as you can clearly see there is SO much to do, that it might take some time, maybe not ;D ANYONE who wish to speed up processes is invited to join btw
Cheers, have a sunny day <3
processes running good, Diablo 3 mod nearly fully updated, only need to bring all those cool new items to their according seat in the global mastertables and portable npcs now as a finisher, a task for this afternoon so i think an official update might happen this weekend, also need to add things to the pdf before as usual, worst part xD
Have you upgraded to the Nil version?
Yes i update the nil-version nearly daily atm, another one is uploading just right now while i am writing with more fixes and updates foremost for the D3 mod by Grimer, check out the revamp of that Echoing Shade, also all Blood Knight gearitems should be in loot now, check and tell me if you see that i missed anything not so much left, mainly my own stuff and cleanups, ah yes and the Blood Knight cosmetic shall also not be forgotten quick view on whatâs left, doing that tomorrow in the morning, going party up something in a while:
- lootset âArmor of the Crimson Realmâ â âcrimson_amulet.dbr - crimson_torso_myth.dbrâ â âitemset_d331.dbrâ + âitemset_d331_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs a RORG + check transmute list + needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC;
- Unending War â 2h Axe â âaxe_unending.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC;
- Horns of the Hexed â âhead_hexed.dbrâ + âhead_hexed_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC + needs to be put to SHATTERED BLACKSMITH;
- Fernamâs Birthmantle â âshoulder_birthmantle.dbr + shoulder_birthmantle_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC + needs to be put to SHATTERED BLACKSMITH;
- Chiropteran Chestguard â âtorso_chiropteran.dbr + torso_chiropteran_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC;
- Rootvein Gauntlest â âhands_rootvein.dbr + hands_rootvein_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC + needs to be put to SHATTERED BLACKSMITH;
- Nightflayerâs Legguards â âlegs_nightflayer.dbr + legs_nightflayer_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC;
- Voidstriderâs Greaves â âfeet_voidstrider.dbr + feet_voidstrider_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC + needs to be put to SHATTERED BLACKSMITH;
- Swarmspeakerâs Amulet â âamulet_swarmspeaker.dbr + amulet_swarmspeaker_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC + needs to be put to SHATTERED BLACKSMITH;
- Toothdrinker Crest â âmedal_toothdrinker.dbr + medal_toothdrinker_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC + needs to be put to SHATTERED BLACKSMITH;
- Reverent Hunter â âaxe_reverent.dbr + axe_reverent_myth.dbrâ â TODO:needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC;
- Cruel Vendetta â âaxe_vendetta.dbr + axe_vendetta_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC;
- Castellatia â âfocus_castellatia.dbr + focus_castellatia_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC;
- Primordial Soul epic off-hand â âfocus_primordial_myth.dbrâ â TODO: needs to be put to EXCHANGE NPC;
- checkup tags!
- Blood Knight cosmetic set adding to XXX;
also the pdf needs some love, not even had time to bring in the D2 section ;D so i am aiming for saturday in the late evening for an update i think beware the hangover delay! xD
newest nil-preview will be ready in a few moments: ComboMod_preupdate_testingAIO_nilVersion
Ours and really a lot, Iâm looking forward to seeing the new changes and additions Iâll check it out right now
a full database rebuild, a âquickâ upload and, as promised, an update will arrive today in approx 1 hour i think it will be available for testings
CHANGE: UI â the right side of the inventory has a new CLOSEBUTTON which was taken globally for most window closeactions to get rid of the unnecessary closebuttons of vendors, blacksmiths, inventors and caravaners â the ILLUSIONIST may stay with the basegame closbutton that is no problem while having that big window anyways
CHANGE: the âtags_combomod_classes.txtâ got revamped for all new classes and their combinations, some names have been adjusted, some classes now have their equivalent female pendant available;
CHANGE + FIX: ârecords/level art/riftgates/riftgate_personal.dbrâ â cleaned up + removed sound1+2 + changed bumpTexture + changed Physics variables;
CHANGE + NEW + FIX â vendor/factionvendor + inventor + blacksmith + caravaner â UI elements rearranged and adjusted to fit better into the mod theme overall;
FIX: nametags for T2 Combomod Minipets!
CHANGE: further database cleanups and a few leftover rearrangements â components mod internal like gems + skillrunes â MOST items from here MUST be reaquired ONE LAST TIME, SORRY â simply needed a better structure on those aswell!
CHANGE: gems now have an unique tagfile for better overview of inmod gemstones from both D2 + D3 â âtags_combomod_gems.txtâ!
CHANGE: gemstones â now has a 5th tier and all names have been equalized, also their levels/tierlevels have been equalized!
NEW: Crazy Mike â has a D2 section now for further additions down the road â not that much in yet
CHANGE + FIX: skillclasses â added the âextra resistance mechanicâ to all new classes;
CHANGE: factionvendors globally â removed from ALL factionvendors â Tonic of Reshaping + Tonic of Clarity + ALL XP potions + removed SIMPLE TORCH from DC FRIENDLY â ALL of these items now can be crafted at Ashdim in the Conclave, also added them to the FORGEMASTER DEFAULT CRAFTINGLIST to be available at ALL blacksmiths globally! HAIRSTYLES have MOVED to the ROVERS factionvendors, including the hairstyle from Grimer for the Blood Knight <3 WEAPONSTYLES are still available and exclusive from DC ONLY! ARMORSTYLES are now available from GDX2 FACTIONVENDORS (The Enclave of the Three) ONLY, including the 2 gearitems from Grimer for the Blood Knight cosmetic <3 â the Blood Knight COSMETIC ITEMSET has vanished and a tag therefor has been added to all 3 cosmetic gearitems, which can be combined with anything else and do not need a lootset to bind them to it in my opinion furthermore a small ISSUE encountered while setting this up, also a bit of a reason to do it tbh â FACTIONVENDORS seems to be LIMITED in their vendorwindow Y-SIZE by its grid as i could not raise the overall amount of items that can be shown in that gridwindow, maybe tried the wrong values here, try harder next time
CHANGE: Fresh Meat â changed MSH to an appropriate one (-> simply a gib-msh with some size adjustment)
MODNOTE: buildtime reduced to 1-2 sec again after D2 Mod integration with NP++ as usual, down from over 60 seconds each time by simply removing the zeros again
D2: -
NEW: the D2 Classes Mod by DenisMashutikov (->â[Mod] D2 Classes aka Noble Paladinâ) has been integrated with a few changes by myself as usual; â further optimizations, synergies and additions will follow as usual over the next few month, also curious about the next official update on that;
CHANGE + NEW + FIX: D2 â textures for the Horadric Cube Blacksmith Device have been assimilated from ROT for optimal visuals <3
CHANGE + NEW â the Horadric Cube has been transformed into a new PORTABLE NPC â Gambling Blacksmith III â can be crafted for the usual amount of currencyitems according to Gambling Blacksmith I+II;
FIX: D2 â grabbed missing tex files for MSH files of D2 items from ROT <3
FIX: D2 â blueprints â added amount of iron to the COSTEQUATION to avoid a big chunk of errorcalls;
NEW: D2 â ALL loottables for EPIC + LEGENDARY GEAR have been injected into the RANDOM01+02 MASTERTABLES to bring them to global loot accordingly!
CHANGE: D2 â Gems â can now be used with gearhead + gearshoulders + geartorso ONLY and have their names changed to not get confused with D3 gems ;D â Amethyst is now called Fluorite; Diamond is now called Moissanite; Emerald is now called Tourmaline; Ruby is now called Red Spinel; Sapphire is now called Tanzanite; Topaz is now called Citrine; stats UNTOUCHED FOR NOW for the most part;
CHANGE: D2 â skills âdragonclaw.dbr+dragonflight.dbr+dragontail.dbr+dragontalon.dbrâ can now only be used with DAGGERS! unfortunatly i could not make it viable for UNARMED only, at this point⌠furthermore added some bleeding damage to âdragonclaw.dbrâ and cleaned up, also cleaned up tags of these skills and changed specialanimation âAttackKickâ for these to some animations that are available for 1handed;
D3: -
CHANGE + NEW: the Blood Knight Update by Grimer for the D3 Classes Mod has been integrated, with changes by myself as usual;
NEW: added the Sapphire from D3 Mod, adjusted + linked accordingly!
CHANGE: D3 â Legendary Gems â will not need Blood Shards anymore to be crafted, instead it will need an additional Sapphire and the amount of gems needed has been set to 1 for all Royal Gems here! (maybe this will change to Radiant Gems down the roadâŚ)
CHANGE: D3 Legendary Gems â levelreq increased from 75 to 80 to be on par by that with T5 Gemstones!
D3 Mod further UPDATING!! â SOME items (D3 internal AND basegame MIs!) have ALSO been granted with D2 skillaugments + skillmodifiers to bring in more diversity and synergies;
CHANGE + NEW: SOME basegame shields (epic + legendary) now also feature the Blood Knight with some skillaugments and a few additional modifiers;
CHANGE + NEW: D3 â players are now able to get RANDOM D3 setitems from Etram Fald in Tyrantâs Hold (Elite+) for an according cost!
CHANGE: D3 â Echoing Shade â is now LEGENDARY GEM 14 â adjustments + cleanups + a few optimizations done as usual â now it summons more but smaller Chaotic Shadowclones which are ravaging around <3 this gemstone now ALSO can be used with 2HANDED RANGED WEAPONS! it does NOT support vitality damage anymore therefor!
################## -
CHANGE: D3 â UPDATING â âThe mod now uses a custom file for animations. If you notice any missing animation/character freezing, please report on this thread.â â NOT USED! see below!
â MISSING specialanimations from D3 mod which have been replaced TEMPORARY IN ACCORDING SKILLS WITH ANOTHER BASEGAME/ALREADY INCLUDED REF as long as there is no increase by Crate:
RavageCold â TEMPORARY REPLACED WITH SPECIALANIMATION âWallOfWindâ! â MODIFIER ONLY HERE: ârecords\combomod\skills\skillmodifiers\diablo3\soulrend_modifier.dbrâ!!!
ForcewaveChaos â TEMPORARY REPLACED WITH SPECIALANIMATION âForcewaveFireâ! â MODIFIER ONLY HERE: ârecords\combomod\skills\skillmodifiers\diablo3\vendetta_modifier2.dbrâ!!!
WhirlingStrikeFire â TEMPORARY REPLACED WITH SPECIALANIMATION âCripplingFireâ! â MODIFIER ONLY HERE: ârecords\combomod\skills\skillmodifiers\monsterinfrequents\vilgazor_modifier2.dbrâ
â because all these specialanimations do NOT fit into the S-HANDED CLUSTER i have replaced them in the according SKILLS (value SpecialAnimationName) so this temporary replacement will also be applied to 2H etc because of the swapped REF for this animation! KEEP THIS IN MIND WHEN CRATE INCREASES THE AMOUNT OF THESE CLUSTERS, ALL OF THEM CAN BE REACIVATED PRETTY EASILY, to NOT replace any already given ones; -
CHANGE: D3 â ârecords\skills\playerclassd302\consecration.dbrâ â changed specialAnimationName âConsecrationâ to âGroundStompâ (was the same linked animationfile just with increased speed!) AND INCREASED the speed of the âGroundStompâ animation in âanm_femalepc.dbr+anm_malepc.dbrâ therefor from 1 to 1.25 in ALL animationclusters here! so the âConsecrationâ specialAnimationRef has been removed from the playerchar animationtable to free 1 place â therefor added âWhirlingStrikeâ back to SINGLE HANDED without replacing anything here! furthermore cleaned and synced both player animationfiles, including the floating ones!
alot of things have been done, an end is not in sight, keep hunting and if you find anything missing or mismatching, simply post it here or pm
Donât be Simply a combo to make the best out of it to suit the mod theme <3
but it not suit at all.
why?= i just donât wanted to make a simple copy out of it and until now i see no issue with it.
Because it literally doesnât match 3d model.
And now?
There are different models: RoT uses default crate model with custom textures, while D2C - totally new model.
I canât extract ComboMod v0.9e from archive, itâs damaged!
still, i do not see an issue when i want to create a new cube that does NOT look like one of the othersâŚ
is it the archive from mediafire or the archive from nexus? as the nexus one got reuploaded because there was some strange issue with uploading it there yesterday.
From Nexus
alright, yes then i am not wondering, as there was an upload issue like nexus has it sometimes xD got reuploaded and should be fine then now, thanks for reporting <3
Pinhead looking for it already i heard btw xD <3
Good morning
A new enemypack will be added with the next update, the Crocmans have arrived, revived from unused ROT files <3 more to come, was initially trying to recycle the ambient crocodiles from the GD Internals Animal Package, which was provided by tt300 and tqFan a while ago. That did not work due to missing animations and myself not beeing able to edit that msh-file as usual, so this was the best choice, not final but at least nearly what i had in mind for it
Will take a while but as usual it can be tested in a while via the nil-version.
It turned out good, by the way I liked more of the last mod update, the new items, everything was perfect.
I was watching a video Diablo 3 Push Build: Crusader - Aegis of Valor (Fists of Heaven) he was almost all the time on top of a mount, the horse looked just like a very good lightning horse, and I asked myself, why not add a mount here? Since grim dawn is the greatest representative of diblo?