It is the task text overlap (it must be used for translation, and English does not need it). I sent a screenshot above to explain the situation.
Their task paths and file names are the same:
Yes i know that this is the mq_spiritguide.qst, as it has no impact on the game to swap this quest with the Omega (Supply) Quest, this is also the way the original mod was handling it Sorry but i do not see the issue here Do you mean that is not translated correctly into chinese maybe?
Hi, I have question regarding shattered essences. Is that drop number depend on realm level? or how many floor cleared in one run?(Like chest). currently i’m farming d3 bosses. so, every SR run until 9th floor, if i use waystone, and run 5~9, It will be reduce essence drops?
No, no, I have said before that it is OK to play this mod in English, but if you translate it, you need to export the text first and then translate it. However, mq_spiritguide.qst Although the file name is the same, the exported text content is completely different. (you may not understand this.)
My previous screenshot was two with the same name mq_spiritguide.qst the cross reference after exporting the text. Therefore, two texts with the same name cannot coexist in the language pack, Can only choose between two.
Sorry, I’m not fluent in English, maybe I can’t express it accurately.
Used when playing ComboMod mq_spiritguide.txt:
Used when playing OmegaMod mq_spiritguide.txt:
I am unsure wether running 5-9 is the most effective. I think for a quick stack of essences running a single shard at level 1 will award 5, 10 and 20 of legendary, epic and normal ess. Respectively.
For bosses i think also running single shards would technically be fastest.
For loot, running exactly 2 shards has proven optimal in vanilla, woth regard to time spent per legendary drop.
Is there any way to change in your Mod mq_spiritguide.qst file name, do not make it the same as OmegaMod file name?
I try to change it to mq_spiritguide_combomod.qst After , you can’t receive tasks in the game.
Thanks, Good to know.
Ah i think i got it now, you can NOT change that name of that quest qst_file, as renaming quests (or creating even completly new) will NEED us to work with the mapeditor to create new Quest ID’s, therefor the mqspiritguide.qst has simply been used to avoid this as the original vanilla quest has zero impact on anything else. I hope that will help you. I try to avoid the map editor too
Yes, the number of dropped essences is according to the shard you have currently been finished. Nothing will be reduced, extra rewarditems from extrachests lateron are even stacking
A quick but worthy update is on the way to get your hands on
→ 0.3c:
- CHANGE: enemy balance globally → added some flat item base damage of min/max 1-10, increased armorabsorption by roughtly 5%, added a tiny amount of percent current life damage, added 10% damagemultiplier, added 30% retaliation damage, added some base flatlife of 100, some baseregeneration of 1 and increased totalspeed by 12%;
- CHANGE: BOTH newly created mastertables have been adjusted again → this WILL raise the chance to get gearitems accordingly to your level way more accurately then before, this is especially noticeable on higher levels → WAY less Minor gearitems
- CHANGE: added missing second mastertable for “highlevel gear” to needed places (via chestloottables);
- CHANGE: Oneshotchests → added Shadow Dust;
- CHANGE: Tonic of Mending → useDelayTime increased from 15 to 20 seconds, bonusLifePercent increased from 20 to 35%, bonusLifePercentSlow increased from 40 to 45%, bonusConstitutionPercent increased from 8 to 12%;
- CHANGE: Elixir of Spirit → useDelayTime decreased from 30 to 20 seconds, bonusManaPercent increased from 40 to 50%, added constitution gain of 6%;
- CHANGE: Innate Skill → “Block” → cooldown 10 seconds, no more selfheal, damage absorp increased to 90%, increased energy usage to -5% energy per tick, increased resistances against controll effects by 100% at 50% chance while “blocking”;
→ this TRINITY between Tonic of Mending + Elixir of Spirit + Innate Skill: Block has a HUGE impact on the overall difficultylevel! - NEW: Innate Skill → “Sprint” → simple skill that grants 50% runspeed over 3 seconds with 3 seconds cooldown and 25% energy needed;
- NEW: Innate Skill → “Emergency Teleport” → simply removed from the already known Starter Medal and added to Innate Skills;
- NEW: Innate Skill → “Meditative Rest” → 20 seconds REST FROM THE BATTLE → regenerates life, energy + constitution to full BUT makes the player VERY fragile and stunned for the WHOLE duration… xD → cooldown 10 minutes;
- NEW: Innate Skill → “Suicide” → simple skill to kill yourself if you like this cooldown 1 hour;
Just a few moments to check it out
Can’t wait to try this!
Hiya Ashbrain
I have spent some hours today running SR, and i gotta say, the Headhunter potion feels veery similar here to how it does in PoE Zoom zoom!
There is a CLEAR improvement in the level of the drops since the past patches! Actually feels like you’re getting useful amounts of lvl 94 loot now! BUT (and this MIGHT just be my RNG) i have noticed that i keep getting the same item drops… Is this just me? Today i have had multiple duplicates of “Ember’s Calling”, “Veilkeeper” and “Goredrinker” itemsets drop. There will drop at least 2-3 of these items each run, which seems strange. It might just be my RNG, but are the probabilites evenly distributed? This led me to really try out the gambling mechanic, which turns out is quite fun What is a “Zonk” item though?
Hero soul and Boss soul droprate feels really good now! I have farmed enough for my second character now, and i think this one will be able to go to SR 120+ Time to find out… Enemy balance feels alright on high level, i can’t say for sure how this one is before i try to level a new char (which i already have planned ) Potion rebalance might also be prove fune when leveling. Feels alright on high level, but the true test is on low-levels. I will keep this in mind when leveling the next char.
Amazing job man, thanks for your efforts!
Howdy gooseduck!
Yes i had such a fun creating this Headhunter a while ago, i think it comes near great that you like it too!
About your RNG, i am not 100% sure about the BELLSLOPE i really must admit, MAYBE this has something to do with this value, i will investigate this further for sure. Had not SO much time to run SR over and over again and spamming more then 200-300 chests of that, and the variation felt quite good, but for sure, there were also SOME duplicates popping out, as said, that COULD maybe because of this value not 100% correctly setted up We will get there to where we want
A ZONKitem xD is an item you get for gambling instead of getting nothing, i thought that would be better then destroying the item or make it unusable trash atm the zonkitem is simply the WillOWisp, which at some sometime could be handled as some craftingmaterial for anything that comes to my mind
Yes the balance feels alot better now, small adjustments will be included in the next update that is around the corner, which will have another GREAT addition → Zeke FINALLY not spawning anymore when he wants xD → you will simply get another Innate Skill which is able to summon him for free, always at your side, also updated the grimmest tables from uptodate Dawn of Masteries, BIG THX goes out to this mod and their creators!! Also some small additions to the Innate skills and minor style/TAG adjustments will be there for you Playing with the blockmechanic and using the sprint skill is totally awesome when playing with gamepad BTW I noticed with this mechanic, i might adjust the difficulty even more, what do you think?
Hahaha, looking forward to Zeke finally relaxing
I am unsure what exactly what the bellslope does, as i have not played with that part of modding (yet ), but it does seem to me like this isn’t an issue for Epic items. Only legendaries. I have enjoyed a big variety of Epic items, but a lot of the Legendary items that i get are dupes. I will test a bit more today.
Regarding the skills: I like the idea of these, but i have not had a chance to play with them properly yet, as my last build did not have leftover skillbuttons. And i think this is worth considering. Piano-builds will not be able to utilize these properly. Consider also that the shattered and infused items can grant even more additional skills, and suddenly you have wayyy more options in vanilla. And having options is fun! But at a certain point you run out of space in the hotbar and have to start prioritizing, which i think is OK. I will have to try to level a character before i can comment on the current state of the balance.
A small note on the giftbags you get from Omega Supply Quest. These are GREAT! Very nice idea! But getting 100x per one completion is a bit much . Mostly because it feels like once you reach Omega Level 100 on one char, you have infinite materials, which (to me) goes against the idea of having to farm for these in the overworld. They also make getting your shattered affixes much more nice, so I’m conflicted, because on one hand the implementation and functionality is spot on, but it is also such an overwhelming boost to your accounts power-level. Perhaps the amount of boxes should be toned down from 100x, to something a bit more balanced for the regular supply quest. How about having a larger amount of boxes as a possible War Reward, and having the regular Omega Supply Quest give like 5-10? This way, you can specifically farm for them if you need a lot of materials, and you will also be able to just pick up a few from doing the regular supply quest at Omega level 100+.
Finally, a question. Are the Omega items droppable? (Katana, sacred shield etc.)? I have a handful of of hours farming at this point, and never saw anything besides the Mace and the Hyperdrive set. Maybe my RNG is trolling me, i can’t be sure . Can you confirm that these are able to be dropped?
As always, thanks!
Oh yes, that triggered me since a while that Zeke was not relaxed and jumped out of pocket when he was in good mood xD That has 100% been fixed now
The bellslope modifies the weights as it seems according to the parentlevel, but that is pretty much unclear to me, i just have tested that for over an hour again, new bellslope has been set up i THINK the variation, also for legendary/mythical items has been greatly increased with that, you will see a difference, did that to both new mastertables so low- AND highlevelchars will have something from that
About the new skills, yes i get your point absolutly, i even thought the same while playing with my Frostbeam Wiz yesterday, bashing throughout Ugdenbog BUT, then i simply swapped a few skills here and there, brought a few points into passives and that worked very good, still not highlevel for sure, tested it also on mainchar and there it really has to be considered HOW to include it into an already working build, for sure, but after a few respecs it surely worked aswell, it is really something new and i really think this mechanic can handle a VERY HIGH difficulty, when utilizing this mechanic as a “standard thingi” atleast Needs further testing and adjusting, the usual way. I really do like it atm, see how it continues on more intense playhours. Also awaiting alot more feedback, but think a start is there
About the giftbags → i think something was riding me in that night i was setting this up haha 100 is for sure a bit much, i guess i wanted to be nice to the first testers xD your IDEA swapping the amount over to the War Officer is NICE! i like this, and will apply this for one of the next updates At least you can fast test it now ;D In the end, for sure, a bit overwhelming and too fast in accoundwide progression, no doubt!
About Omega Items dropping → YES, atleast when i was heavily testing them a while back, the chance to get one of the weapons is pretty low though, yes the mace and the itemsets come pretty frequently if i remember correct, i will check about that chances again when i look over ONB’s in a while again, do not worry
An update will be ready in a few days, currently i am working on the T2 Immortal Mercs to be ready as all D3 chars come int to 50s levelrange on my end now with their playthroughs I think this will be ready at sunday in the evening.
I will keep testing in the coming days. Will likely level a new character when you drop the next patch Will definitely try testing with those skills. Definitely a good start!
And the giftbags, i will complete a handful more quests to stock up. They’re amazing for getting shattered items!
I will probably try to see if i can get some special omega items to drop. Curious what those look like
Looking forward to next patch!
Very good
Take a look at the Omega Leader in Devils Crossing, he is wearing the Omega Katana, looks sick AF, very awesome made by his creator! I guess you have seen that you can grab all from Crazy Mike IF you want
Update is in preparation, already ready with first T2 merc, think sunday will be updateday
Have a nice evening.
ah, and yeah, those boxes really speed up testingmode, not primary for next update, but for sure, will be adjusted in the near future
Good morning
Was running a quick shard 80 WITH rewards and showing how to die correctly LOL
1 spot where i had a pretty annoying slideshow, i guess that was related to the Innate Skill: Block as i noticed i oversized the given beamlength too much, so it “pulled” the whole area to me, you can also notice this at the beginning of the bossfight xD will be adjusted for sure
Happy sunny day, peace.
You forgot to max pierce resistance
Looking forward to SR 80+ with rewards! Will the scaling of loot be the same as on SR 75?
Edit: I also noticed that the loot you got from the reward room is some of the same loot i have been seeing drop very consistently in my own runs
Howdy mate
You have not checked what the aura from the new T2 IM gives → pierce resistance :DD simply and fast respeced that build, could for sure be optimized, did that run at 3 o clock in the night, simply stoned af but i really wanted to show that it is INFACT working with all these new skill and JUST 2 bars
This morning, i already adjusted the Innate Skill: Block again to NOT pull the WHOLE room at once, and guess what, way bettter, you will see in the next update, was even thinking about loading it up with only 3-4 new T2 IM, because (here comes the thing about the loot xD) the lootdrops feel ALOT better ;D On that shard 80, i really can NOT tell how the scaling is, i have to check that in DETAIL, i simply changed a SINGLE line in the scriptfile for the SR, that was really all i had to do to make this work This is a forumtip by [Van_Houck], BIG THX FOR THIS! → Is there a way to make Shattered Realm awardable after lv80? - #5 by tqFan → i think that loot has to be adjusted for some better rewards as i guess it is the same scaling like the last shard you got rewards for previously, that should be shard 79, is that correct? I am such a noob ;D
Thanks for beeing here with me with this amazing game, to make it even more amazing!