Cornucopia 0.3.3 - Legendaries, MI's, Relics and more!

Man, you are answering quick :slight_smile: Thanks for this. I didn’t know DAIL has Cornucopia as well. It will be hard to decide now, what to pick. DAIL looks bigger, then probably could have more balance problems? Can you share your opinion on that?

I really appriciate all the work you put into this mod.

If I wanted to make a build based around the raven, would pet cast speed increase the speed at which the raven uses storm orb, or is that governed by attack speed?

Hi there. Some of the belts like the Warpath Girdle still have physique requirements.

I was playing some hours with friends. The overall feel we had is that the monsters are a bit week on the attack ( a little bit) and defense side. Even bosses faded away in mere seconds. Only the bosses in Port Valbury stood a bit longer. The combination was wind devil druid and two handed warder and for some time the druid, a tank warder and a physcial dual wield Blademaster.

On the damage taking side it feels now better for squishy play stiles :slight_smile:

A little feedback of being 14lvl nightblade, going to be auramancer with Shard of Asterkarn:
1)New attributes - perfect, really like the idea :slight_smile:
2)Heroes - have more hp and deadlier than before - like it too
3) Night’s chill - damage is pretty low, it have more -% cold reduction, than in vanilla, but the more i level-up, the more its damage falls down.
Putting all points into spirit, gear have something like +30% cold damage in cornucopia’s character, while vanilla’s dont have gear (also putting all points into spirit and have only 10lvl). Maybe things change at level 50+ with top gear? Or that aura is only for resist reduction to synergy with other skills in masteries and low damage is just a little bonus? :eek:

All comparsions are here:

Want to play the most balanced whole experience ? Just play cornucopia as it is. :D. But grimarillion is more balanced than DAIL I suppose. I just play corn

I admit I was hoping Raven hybrid build would be viable now. Try to get the kymons badge level 70 for another lightning pet. I’m going to work now but if nobody answers by tonight I’ll test an item with 100% pet attack speed and one with 100% cast speed and answer for you.

Woops. Guess I lazily only removed attributes from legendaries. Guess I’ll look into it.

Thanks for the feedback. This is about what I expected BUT- note that our next release will start rebalancing each acts enemies. Also note if you just did normal difficulty, we’re primarily focused on end game balance for now. Very difficult to have balanced endgame and early game so we logically focus on the former. Finally we are focused on single-player balance for a while. Multi-player balance will be waded toward end of development. Though we may sprinkle some quality of life stuff in. Thanks again.

  1. Well aren’t you a sweetie. Glad you like them. They made still need a bit of tweaking once players figure out th best stat but overall I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.
  2. I’ve noticed this too. Totally wasn’t even intended but it’s nice. I think they actually feel easier in later difficulties which is a problem I’ll solve… later.
  3. You’re correct. I think we improved its damage curve in ultimate ranks though. But it’s mainly for synergy. Using a single aura to wreck everything would be cheap. But I added a couple new cold damage auras to some monster infrequents ;). Maybe if you stack them together it’ll be enough for an aura build?

Oh, veryyy nice, will continue to level my nightblade to see those MI’s (with such a large patch notes i didnt noticed more items with damage auras, lol) :slight_smile:
And yep, seems like vanilla’s changes to Night’s Chill was because it lacks items with more damage auras :slight_smile:

Loving the new patch so far, especially the new MIs my poison/acid melee char is wrecking things with 2X Viloth’s rings and I don’t even have the lvl 75 version with an on attack proc.

The new stats system is well thought out, I actually have to think about where to put the points beyond ‘will my tank be able to equip their rings?’ or ‘will my summoner be able to equip their spell tome?’ I especially like the extra energy regen on spirit, it no longer feels like trying to empty a bathtub with a teaspoon to place points there to offset high spirit costs (also this seems to have indirectly buffed AAR…but still messing around with that character) and I also see good reasons to place points into cunning on a caster now. Hurra options!

I noticed rations and stuff aren’t dropping, is that intended?

I should have added this. The 2 man group used 3.2 chars which are already level 85. We cleared all three Key-dungeons. Maybe its because they are already geared pretty good, though.
The 3 man party was around level 70-72 and we did all dungeons but the blademaster killed himslelf on an arcanist at the Port Valbury :stuck_out_tongue:

One to add. The ring Glyph of Kelphat’zoth has +2 to lighting strom, a skill which none of us found.

Summon Familiar in the Occultist mastery.

In a future hotfix or release, skill energy costs will almost universally go up to make enemy problems a thing across classes instead of just for arcanist so don’t thank me yet. (AAR will probably be left alone since it was already super expensive)

Normally I’d ask you if the rings are to strong but 1. Normal difficulty , 2. Plan on reducing drop rates on some mis, 3. We haven’t buffed monsters yet. So hard to tell until we’re done with monsters.

Does this mod get rid of vital essence? I haven’t found any yet.

Just reporting two items that don’t have the requirements taken off. Empowered Oldenar’s Stabilizer and Empowered Stormcaller’s Effigy.

Also, I can confirm the above, I’ve not had an entire Vital Essence drop in all of Elite. I’ve seen a very limited number of Food Rations from some of the chest and the like, but that’s it for my constitution regeneration. I’m still mostly depending on level ups to refill it.

Re-confirming lack of vital essence drops in Elite.

Pinging @adoomgod about the Vital Essence issue…he was discussing making it drop less but I don’t remember us coming to a conclusion about that.

I never touched it.

Hotfix C

[li]Equillibrium proc at 20% mana -> 33%. (won’t be perfect until we raise energy costs in general, sorry). [/li]
[li]Added 5% chaos resist to consecrated wrappings.[/li]
[li]Imbued Silver and Purified Salt now can go on rings as we intended but overlooked for 3.2. [/li]
[li]Fixed Haunted Shoulderpads proc. [/li]
[li]Removed attack and cast speed bonuses from harvest grips… still not sure this is enough of a nerf. We’ll see after cunning is touched down. [/li]
[li]Cunning 0.8OA per cunning -> 0.6. Adjusted monster OA higher.[/li]
[li]Anatomy of murder cunning bonuses halved, with more taken. off from ultimate ranks… will see if i should invert this. [/li]
[li]Vulture node D: 7% cunning -> 4%. [/li]
[li]Aeon’s Hourglass Node A- 30 each attribute -> 20. Node E: 8% dodge deflect -> 7%. 6% cdr -> 5%. Cold Flash Proc nerfed 33-25% depending on level.[/li][*]Haunted Steel can no longer be put on rings, but can be put on amulets.[/ul]

I’m new to mods. How can I run cornucopia with Grimmest without Grimmallion or DAIL?

is there any possibility of this mod being merged with the Diablo 3 Classes mod?

Since no one knows I guess that shows how useless the raven really was in vanilla. Thanks for the kymon’s badge input, I’ll have to side with the necromancers to get my hands on it. I’ve come to enjoy cornucopia quite a bit more than vanilla so keep up the good work! The lightning to fire conversion on the badge scares me though, since a raven hybrid will likely be a conjurer and the conversion only serves to hurt DPS since conjurers have little access to fire damage