[DAIL] Bugs

Still speaking of Cenobite, I cannot tell if the skill Encourage, the enhanced node connected to Sword And Shield, is working or not; it says there’s a 100% chance to use Boost Morale when Sword and Shield procs, but there’s no buff icon showing above the health bar to indicate it is working. I see enemies take the stated damage, but I don’t believe the buff is actually being received.

Fixed in next release.

Fixed in next release.

Playing Elementalist + Arcanist on DAIL SX (v0054) and experienced some crazy bugs while casting spells from Ele mastery in a multiplayer game.

Video here:

In solo game it’s ok, however in a multiplayer game it executes multiple casts of that same spell within a single cast.

That’s pretty cool. I’ll push this to Zenith thread and see what Ceno thinks.

@RAM Do you host or join the sessions?

This was joined session since they didn’t see my game in the lobby.

I just installed 0055 (twice), and i have the “Maximum level reached” bug with all characters, even new ones.

I had that bug at some point with a previous DAIL version, and forgot how i got it fixed.

I even tried deleting/reinstalling database by steam, and then using the fix, but each time the bug is still there.

Basically, your characters aren’t gaining xp? I’ll check changelogs and ask Davood if he recalls this issue.

Thanks for your report.

Masteries window seems broken, your screenshot indicated we shouldn’t be seeing the “extra” mastery slots anymore, and the buttons are larger than they show. In this screenshot my mouse was over Void Caller and you can see it highlighted, but Dream is also highlighted and what is being shown in the center. If I click, Dream ends up being the one that is picked. Because of this wonkiness it’s actually possible to pick the same mastery twice, though this does nothing but waste your second mastery slot forever unless you’ve put in no skill points at all.

I can confirm the max level reached bug with new characters, xp bar shows as maxed and thus can’t get any xp to level more.

Love that Frost Knight and Druid are now in proper working order! Unfortunately, I can also confirm here that Void Caller and Demon Hunter do not seem to be. If you do manage to select them through the currently screwy selection window, they have no skills shown at all and tag not found errors for the names once selected. You can put points into their mastery bar, but the bar doesn’t show up if you do.

Fangshi shows Coronus once selected, and Cenobite shows Fangshi once selected. In addition, Coronus mastery is listed in the middle of the cftx masteries (pretty obvious when you see the one purple name in a bunch of yellows) and Cenobite seems to be located where Coronus should be (the one yellow name surrounded by purple names).

Engineer mastery is completely busted now instead of just 3 of the combo end skills. All the skill boxes/circles are empty with a red X including the mastery bar button, so no skill points can be spent in it even if you were to guess on what the skill were. In fact, you can’t even undo the selection of the mastery now.

I checked this with the LITE installer, B Mode.

So there seems to be some issue getting my good working copy to the players. Here’s a sort of break down:

My local working (everything looks great and test plays) gets synced into another copy of everything we’ll call local/git. This copy then gets synced into my fork at git.com/Kath. From there I do a pull request and push it to Davood’s copy (the master). He merges it. Then syncs it to his local/git, then syncs again to his local working. From there he works his magic to package it up. Then sends the package to nexus (which reportedly has its own flaws), then downloaded by the player.

So any where in this process things could get borked. Davood and I will get this worked out and into your hands.

Almost assuredly to do with git. People love to espouse because it’s free software, but I find it an unintuitive mess that created more problems than it solved at my old work. Rebase issues galore!

Yes, the xp bar is filled up, and you dont gain xp, thus can’t lvl up.
Moving themouse cursor over the bar says “Maximum level reached”

It does that to all my characters, whatever their lvls, and to brand new created ones too.

Good news, Davood thinks he has it figured out. A mirror switch of some sort was used in a batch command which erases all existing content rather than merging new…robocopy magic something something voodoo

git merge is a blessing from moloch

Yeah, sounds about right to me considering how much black magic incantations you sometimes have to do to get it doing exactly what you want.

right now both of our test environments work

and git is telling us that we have no differences

but the released DAIL doesnt work for ranger/necro

so we looked at it. and it is happening for some of the options/versions but not all.

i did a comparison. the relevant DBR files are the same

After this latest build, v55, it’s saying Maximum Level Reached on every character, even freshly-made ones. I even did a completely fresh reinstall of the game and all its files and it still gives me this message on new characters. Don’t know if it would matter, but I chose B.

Confirming that EXP gaining is broken. “Maximum level reached” at lvl 1. Eh.

in which mode. default mode works fine so im curious which one is broken so i can review the dbr files.