[Mod] Central GD-Zenith Thread

Thx for the answer.
So the bonii only last one sec every time the health goes under x*10% Hp(x>2). There is a stacking effect only if you loose a “big” amount of health in a short amount of time, right?

And the celestial power linked is activated just once when you get under 90% and last 1sec or every time that the linked skill kicks in (which is every time your health pass under a certain step)?

I’m playing in Grimarillion

The 1 second timer only goes off when you go above the health threshold. If you constantly remain under 90% health, the bonii will be permanent.

Edit: To expand on this, you receive the under 90% health bonus as long as you are under 90% health, so when you go under 80% you get the 90% bonus AS WELL as the 80% bonus. When you go under 70%, you get the 90%, 80%, and 70% bonus. This continues down to 30%, where you receive the final bonus. The durations don’t trigger until you go above each health threshold, so moving from 68% health to 72% health will make you lose only the 70% bonus.

Time for an Outrider test (within Grimarillion). At first, i thought it was a messy mastery, with a triode of magic oriented attack type (Cold, Acid, Vitality), not so much Cunning (in term of mastery points) and no piercing damage. Because, i was used to ONE TYPE of ranged character.
But Cadence revealed it’s true power : An alternative multiple shot, arc shaped, that proc between your regular attack. And now, with Shotgun and Shrapnel completed, i’m a machine gun by myself.
It’s not an “easy” mastery because you have to think about your Devotions and you have to think even more about your second mastery. And i really like that. There’s potential to make a lot of different characters, with the basis of Cold/Acid/Vitality, and i find myself consider constellations, that until now, I had totally ignored. The unknown, and the will for it, is a great quality to me.
It’s the two-handed ranged mastery i was waiting for, nothing less.
You also have ways for two guns wielding, and even a hybrid type, sort of Cronley’s Skirmishers-like fighter.
Just one question : I tried to use Autofire I, but don’t really understand it’s process. I think it stops as soon as you move, but i’m not totally sure. If anybody can enlighten me, i’ll be delighted :smiley:
Finally, thanks to the creator of Zenith.

It works while you move. It stops working if you block line of sight between you and its current target, if you exceed the maximum autotarget range, or if it kills the current target and cannot find a new target.

Ok. Some sort of homing side gun with a cooldown.
Thanks !

From [DAIL] Bugs

Desync issue. Not fixable by me.

Thanks for reporting it though. :slight_smile:

Hotfix v0.3B:

  • Fixed an issue preventing new characters from using the masteries of the mod.

Class and Skills:

  • Enabled Spear/Staff functionality to varying skills as appropriate. Spears are considered ‘one handed melee weapons’ by flavor text. Staves are explicitly mentioned.


  • Fire/Cold/Lightning Affinity: no longer have Ultimate ranks, now convert 33/50/100% Elemental Damage to their desired Element (previously 25/45/66/100%, with rank 4/3 being the only Ultimate rank for each skill).
  • Fireball: Reduced Energy Costs on the base skill by 20%.


  • Clarified some of the helper text on the skills to be more helpful.


  • Clarified some of the helper text on the skills to be more helpful.
  • Army of None: Exalted Champions now have vastly more health so they aren’t blown up by AoE skills so often anymore.
  • Radiant Riftburn: Added % Current Health Reduction Damage to the aura so that it doesn’t scale like poo.


[li]Added something…[/ul][/li]

Let me know if you still get the black screen issue (and tell me which mastery you get it with) in the latest update.

Hey Ceno! First of all, let me thank you for your hard work here and in Cornucopia. I’m having a blast playing those as part of Grimarillion.

Still haven’t finished my first run through normal with Crusader (Champ/Soldier). Here is some feedback:

  1. In the selection of the character in the main menu, I have a class tag error instead of “Crusader”.

  2. I noticed that celestial powers like Turtle Shell, Messenger of War, etc. can only be activated via just 1 skill in Champion tree (Forgot its name, not at home. It’s the one that reduces resistances). I felt that was too few, but no idea what limits the validity.

  3. The class is very powerful and handles very well in grimmer/grimmest, so far (no deaths and easy progression).

  4. No black screens yet, but I’m surprised my PC hasn’t melted yet with all the action, though I love it!

I’ll mention more things as they arise. Cheers!

Welcome to modding. :stuck_out_tongue:

The tags are by mod basis, therefore the game has no clue what that missing tag is.

OK, so, I guess I didn’t fix this entirely.

Old Issue: Making a new character, selecting a mastery, black screen.
Present Issue: Making a new character, selecting a mastery, works until you leave the game. Selecting an existing character and checking your skills window returns a black screen.

I’m quickly running out of ideas of how to fix this and it’s making testing new content extraordinarily difficult.

Alright with much help from ASYLUM101 and Elfe (and a bit of head-meeting-desk action), I’m 99% sure this issue has been completely fixed.

Download link in the first post is up-to-date. Enjoy access to 5 nonfunctional and incomplete skills from the next mastery as well.

Outrider + Nightblade = OutriderNightblade?

Here’s a few ideas for ya:

I like Outlaw and Hitman.

Edit: Nevermind, just saw adoomgod’s table in another thread.

I like pariah, I will try to work it in somewhere.

I have virtually no control over that. I don’t even know what the latest table looks like.

So Riftstalker is basically done:

There are a couple kinks to work out (namely, I made a Wendigo-Totem-like except none of the skills function for some reason) and, obviously, it still needs custom art.

Unfortunately, I’m not going to have much time to work on it again for the next week and a half. :frowning:

Figured I’d keep you guys in the loop, though.

So expect an update soon…ish? Really I just need an hour or two designing custom art assets and then some unknown amount of time getting the “Wendigo Totem” working. I may outsource some of that work to be honest.

Alright so I lied.

Riftstalker’s done. Release comes after I get some sleep.

Take a teaser (this hints at more than you’d think, look carefully):

Previous first-post content:

[spoiler]Hotfix v0.3B:

  • Fixed an issue preventing new characters from using the masteries of the mod.

Class and Skills:

  • Enabled Spear/Staff functionality to varying skills as appropriate.


  • Fire/Cold/Lightning Affinity: no longer have Ultimate ranks, now convert 33/50/100% Elemental Damage to their desired Element (previously 25/45/66/100%, with rank 4/3 being the only Ultimate rank for each skill).
  • Fireball: Reduced Energy Costs on the base skill by 20%.


  • Clarified some of the helper text on the skills to be more helpful.


  • Clarified some of the helper text on the skills to be more helpful.
  • Army of None: Exalted Champions now have vastly more health so they aren’t blown up by AoE skills so often anymore.
  • Radiant Riftburn: Added % Current Health Reduction Damage to the aura so that it doesn’t scale like poo.

End of Hotfix v0.3B


The Champion mastery is finally here, and I hope you’ll agree that it is worth the wait. Why did it take so long? I don’t know, could have something to do with having over 150 individual files handcrafted to perfection to pump out the most badass tank you’ll have the fortune of playing. And I’m also working on Cornucopia…that too.

Shoutout to all the art I took from across the internet

The release of the Champion is not the only thing to come with this update, oh no. Check out the changelog below:

  • Added the Champion mastery!
  • Added unique class art to each of the 4 available masteries. Shoutout to the artists whose art I took from google.
  • Terror Knight - Torso Armor - DoT Duration Reduction rescaled. Heavily nerfed outside of Ultimate Ranks. It will still be possible to receive DoT immunity at maximum Ultimate Rank (which you can’t reach until I implement Zenith-items).
  • Skillpoints rewarded per level has been rescaled in favor of expediting the early game. The first 25 levelups reward 4 skillpoints, the next 25 reward 3, the next ten reward 2, and from then on its 1 skillpoint/level. This results in 3 extra skillpoints by level 85.
  • Made the Elementalist’s Cold Snap skill spawn on enemies rather than the player. Due to the mechanics of ray-based skills, targetting is a little iffy. I’ll look into improving that ahead of time. In addition, the FX was blatantly taken from cftx’s Fangshi mastery, so shoutout to him/her. I will look to replacing the FX as soon as I can get the PSEditor to work without crashing on my PC.

The road ahead leads to the Necrotic, whose powers of curses and life drain are ultimately vampiric in nature. Beyond that, the Riftstalker, whose control of the battlefield and mobility will outclass everything else imaginable. Potentially sometime in between, Zenith’s first act will be made public as well.[/QUOTE][/spoiler]

Hotfix v0.4A released:

  • Enabled Staves on more skills, particularly in the Outrider and Terror Knight masteries.
  • Cleaned up unnecessary data on existing skills to save space.
  • Removed unnecessary text files to save space.
  • Split existing text files into subcategories to make things clearer.

Link in first post is up-to-date. Enjoy! :slight_smile: