[DAIL] Bugs

IDK about that.

Stash is bugged at the moment.


And now its working fine after crashing in the rocky coast hive and restarting. IDK whats going on.

it says dail 0054

are you sure you have 0055

When switching mods or from vanilla, it is best to exit and restart GD. I’ve seen some weird things happen when you don’t.

Also it’s spoiler2 to hide photos.

Strangely enough, yes.

I deleted everything out of the mod folder then re-installed the 55 lite to be sure, it still says S 0054 on the top.


i guess i forgot to run one batch file.

Klaatu Varada Nicto! Did you say those words correctly after banishing the necromancer?!

So does that mean were still playing on 54, or is the batch file just to rename it?

DAIL still changes a couple of files outside of the mod folder, verify game integrity cache after uninstalling/removing to be sure.

i probably fucked up the batch file. it happens
i have slept 5 hours in two days. i sleep next @ 9 pm today then i will haev 12 hours to sleep.

i joked with someone before that i sleep on sundays. i was half joking but this week im not joking :smiley:

Deleted mod
Verified Cache
12 files re-downloaded
Re-installed mod
Still says S 0054


Also, praiseskelethon


I keep getting the same legendaries every so often, IDK if its a bug or not though.

Invoker’s Shocking Touch
Entropic Call

Not sure if this is a bug, but Chaos Lash in Voidcaller acts a bit weirdly. Firstly, the main lash doesn’t get any bonuses from Reaping Lash (the one, that makes it affect several targets). Secondly, after taking Void Fire, Lash seems to consume energy twice in a row. Or maybe after taking Reaping Lash, I didn’t check it for sure. The thing is, it certainly consumes energy in double.

Use [noparse][/noparse] for images.

I just installed the latest (version 0055CFI2) with B mode, and the campaign is giving me the max character level bug for both old and new characters.

The two rings always drop from Depravities the Depraved (in normal, I haven’t tested elite/ultimate yet in the most recent build), that’s why you have many copies of them. I don’t really know the deal with Lifeguard and Harmony but, yeah, they drop a lot (maybe only until you can get other legendary helms/shoulders?).

Probably just RNG, but in 55 my loot drops have been fairly strange. Character levelled from 1 to 53 (S mode): no epic or legendary gloves. I’ve had no epic helms and only one set of epic shoulders, but several copies of Harmony and Lifeguard. Hoping things improve as legendaries become available in some of those slots!

Edit: Depravities drops Screams of the Aether and Invoker’s Burning Hand in elite.

Once I’m happy mastery selection and function, I’m going to tweak (mess up) the loot.

I get a tag not found message at the end of every survival mode wave.

I’ve levelled a Blademaster from 1-63 entirely in the campaign, 55 - S mode, up to the start of A3 Elite.

The Rover’s dude that gives the shrine quest is still buggy.

The Shrine in Elite Mountain Deeps didn’t spawn (all others up to that point spawned, I haven’t gone past that point).

As mentioned elsewhere, loot is more FUBAR than ever. A couple of one-shot chests haven’t dropped a blue, but I assume that’s related. Vendor Potions aren’t dropping. I can’t get an Omega buff.

I checked DAIL one-shot dbrs and they point to vanilla loot tables. If you would, make a comment in [DAIL] Input, Booty so I remember to make changes when I get into loot tables.

OK… So Ive been doing my second playthrough of GD on Elite using the DAIL mod. I symbolically linked him into my user file and everything was running great until yesterday. I got to Darius Cronley and my PC just couldnt handle it. after dying i couldnt even walk up to the door to the boss roo, without a severe frame rate drop. so i decided that i would continue my game back on vanilla. So i exited the game and loaded my main campaign. started playing and much to my delight my character magically leveled from 62 to 67. So i went to my Stash to put on all my super sexy 65req gear that Id been saving up for who knows how long… and they were all gone (well kinda). What i had done is I organized my stash so that all the items that i wanted to equip were on the right side and components and other stuff was on the left or the default side of your stash with it organized. The items on the right side were just floating in between my regular stash and inventory and it would not allow me to click. So i went back to custom and now they are all gone. same thing when i went back to main. just…gone… i know it was mostly level 65 gear but it was all way better than what im wearing… most of it purple… please help me get it back if possible! i want to play but i just cant bring myself to play with none of the items i had been saving up for this character AND all the fire gear for my alt… kinda killed it for me… any suggestions
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I’m not familiar with how characters transfer between vanilla and mod. The rule of thumb is to keep mod chars in their mod.

DAIL does use the stash mod for increased inventory. Vanilla has less. Items in the extra slots were probably lost to the void when transferring to vanilla.

Switching between mod and vanilla in the same game session can have some weird results. It’s best to exit the game and restart if changing between mods and vanilla.