Dawn of Masteries

they are included…

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It seems that this mastery is only included in D3 classes and combomod.

Did anyone feedback to the developers to increase the animation slots? Where can I feedback this to them?

I did, more than once. Since they are reworking animations for 1.2. I hope we get more slots then

Cross fingers and hope for the best

Suggestion: Mage mastery - Icy Specter; at rank 16 you still incur the cooldown of 30 seconds to summon the second specter. Maybe that’s unnecessary?

hi im Wartec Prime on steam and Wartec77#7295 on discord. I hope ppl can pm and send friend requests on both I would like to play dawn of masteries with many ppl at different times as I like team combat on the mod and on vanilla with all dlc as well i have 2 gun based chars on mod and on vanilla with all dlc so add me up im looking to play im gonna go run a passworded room right now called wartec prime no password so join up when yall got time thx also ceno and the other mod makers who work on this mod i have a few things to say about this mod and yall first off yall are legend ty so much for making the mod please excuse my feverish skitzofrenic bi polar typing lol im so bad at it but also i hope you guy can make more skills open ended for gun tanks and rifle classes and defenses for 2h gun or gunslinger like being able to use shield skills and reflect buff aruas instead of just basing em around shield or focus also the earth class needs the second proc on the top right changed ied like to see it fire out as a fast moving magma orb that explodes on impact doing lava fire damamge to all enemys in a ten meter radius and make a 3rd proc that summons meteors from the sky and gives the user a ranged projectle relfect sheild that only works on relfect for range and magic cuz as it stands thats not really in the game all the classes are pretty awesome but nedian needs to be redone ithink and the necromancer classes should be overhauled the non grim dawn base classes ones.

Im down to play sometime, I have actually never played mp in the over 2k hours of Grim Dawn I have played. My steam friend number is 883025689, I go by fknflo on Steam, Not sure what you need, I am friendless on Steam so I dont have any damn how any of it works. Feel free to add me, I play all mods so Im down for whatever.

hi i sent u a steam invite im Wartec Prime

Does it work with newest game version aka a?

Just updated to the latest grim dawn. Any character that has gear on it from the mod, crashes the game out on loading into the map from selection screen. Any idea when an update to the mod will be ready?

So we are still stuck with the same number of animation slots, which makes 1.2.1 a highly underwhelming release for me.

I guess I ‘have to’ update the mod for compatibility, but as far as updating the included mods or adding new masteries goes, I am at the animation limit so this is between very painful and impossible. This is a major disappointment

Mines doesn’t work on 1.21 start playing just crashes and get a run time error

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

The mod won’t work until mamba gets around to updating it.

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Thank you for the reply…there is hope then

I am thinking to start DoM tonight as I am very with work. Just read there is a new GD version yesterday I think. PS: You know crap is real when a Mastery mod turns out to be over 1GB :grin:

There is a new GD versions, 1.2.1 and mods need to be updated to be compatible with it, so now is not a good time to start with DoM, unless you remain on a pre-1.2.1 version of GD

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Ah that explains the runtime error I got. Damn. Now I can’t play unless I start a non modded character

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I am going to wait for new expansion. Just gonna chill playing over radmin with my brother that stays far away. On Another not Not sure who’s mod this is so gonna mention it. Scintillist skill spark does not damage down hill. Which makes it a little wonky. You can stand in front of an enemy and still miss him.
Btw there’s no grim internal update for uhm 1.2 or something to many numbers I get confused with versions :wink: update before new update.

Grim Internals doesn’t work for any game versions past as it’s not being updated any more. If you want something similar look at the DPYes tool instead.