Dawn of Masteries

Thank You. I’ll have a look.

Btw… Spark doesn’t work uphill as well. So it’s me running like a chicken with no head to get even ground to kill them :grin:

Edit…I am being dumb. I ran DpYes on windows. Old age ftl…

Double Edit. DPYes does not work on Linux :confused: . NVM got it working with Bottles.

Spark issue happens to me in vanilla. So not much for the modder to fix. I doubt they could.

It’s just the nature of the skill with elevation changes and terrain - most likely terrain. You need to plan ahead when attacking with this skill.

Note some other skills have different issues, so this one is not alone.

D3 mod is working fine. I’ve switched to that. Don’t like the much smaller stash but I’ll manage

Hi to all ! , Please i need help,

I am playing dawn of masteries ( I am level 20 ), and i have only one blacksmith ( With Angrim ) at devils crossing. I am playing with the zenith masteries and i wonder ( and i need to know ) if there are more blacksmiths in this mod, for example to buy (or craft) zenith items like relics to my terror knight/champion, or crafting items for a D3 class. I saw in grimarillion mod that there is a place full of vendors (in devils crossing) that one can buy or craft items for all classes not only gd classes. Also i need and i want to know the diferences between both Gramarillion and DoM mods, because i dont know which is better. I ask u guys here because i didnt find the information i need on Others places…thx !

On the first bridge you get a dead body with a chest in it. It gives you mandate ( or what ever it is called ) that gives you increased rep with devil crossing. About halfway through the first act, you can buy from faction master in devil crossing, he sells black smith summons and shops. They can be used anywhere which make it quite useful.

Will you wait for the expansion to release a new version? Other wise you’ll have to update it now and then again after expansion releases.

I intend to update before the expansion :wink:


Does anyone know when this mob will be playable?

That is a good question, I completed all the .dbr changes for GD yesterday, but the mod keeps crashing every few minutes now…

As far as I can tell this is unrelated to the dbr changes themselves and I have no way of figuring out what causes them. Most of them should not even be able to crash GD and only bring the mod up to the changes in e.g. items or skills, there are only a handful of ‘relevant’ files. Will see if I can find an issue in the changes I made and fix it…

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Thank you very much for responding, I am new to the topic of mods and I really wanted to play with this one, I hope it can be solved.

It’s not the new highlight new items option in the game is it? Because that has been causing some problems if people have it ticked.

common hellllllp me common lets play some new dom fix it fix plllllz lol. plz mamba i beg u.

Don’t think so, it appears to be completely random but every few minutes… I am not seeing any issues in the dbrs and I have done these updates more times than I can count without ever getting any crashes. Not sure what is going on, but it is not looking good…

Could it be this? Didn’t know if you saw this post from Zantac regarding new db fields.

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Mamba said it was unrelated, he was just walking around devils crossing and it crashed. Highlight crash doesn’t wouldn’t that


Just take your time. Keep at it as long as you can, and make sure to take breaks, rest, eat, drink. Stay safe as well.

Patience is a virtue. I’ll await for the finished product. In the mean time, let’s just allow the mod people do it at their own time and pace, and play another game for a bit.

No, just checked, I have those values already, that is not new with 1.2.1. The whole UI dir is identical in 1.2.05 and 1.2.1, so I made no changes in it.

The only files that imo are relevant are the char animation (and even that should not result in crashes) and game engine. Everything else is just updating of items, components, skills, etc. none of which should have anything to do with crashing to begin with. gameengine and animations are correct however, or at least I see no issues

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Zantac - phone autocorrect help. lol

Mamba, when will there be a new update for the DOM? I posted this here April 16th, it was just a common routine update, couldn’t we do that?

If you have a mod that is featured in the main game, that has featured in the game company, give it prominence back, you didn’t care about the work that started.