Dawn of Masteries

Okay. From what I could gather, from prior to the update on the firmware. The files were placed differently, so were the script readings.

For example. Some of the files for graphics were hidden inside a file that was unable to be seen without actually ripping everything down to data figures. These hidden files for the most part, keep most of the game’s new firmware from being compatible with older firmware mods like TQ and others.

Because of this, those hidden files are causing all of these crashes and freezes, because some of the hidden files’ data readings have differing values to the mod files being added in, which is causing most of the errors everyone is having.

Example: The special effects, that someone pointed out. The hidden files are fighting these special mod effects, because the mod is trying to pull from what the original effects files used as a base to make. Because of this, those special mod effects are down right forcing the game to crash in script reading and script activation at intervals.

Same thing is applying to the mod mobs, since the original files had certain aspects to those special effects and mobs in game. Due to the files being placed differently and the firmware’s means of activation of scripts and reading them are completely different. The game is crashing all because of these differences.

So, mods and firmware are not just the main issue. It’s also the hidden files location, readings, script activation, mods incompatibility with the new firmware, and a few other issues being the problem.

I an in depth combing every little data file to see what the ground problem is beyond these pointed out. Some of the hidden files get corrupted when you open them. So be aware of that. Seems like some encryptions on the hidden files causes the data to become useless.

EDIT: The encrypted files have some data for the DLC… There will be a newly added area and looks like there are some changes to a few classes and may be a new add on for a new class in the future.

Thanks for the update mamba!

@mamba Hi, I have downloaded Dawn of Masteries and its in my mod folder and I have selected custom game and created a new character but the mod doesn’t work for me. I even tried downloading from nexus mod but both doesn’t work.

What do you mean “doesnt work”? You select custom game, select the mod, start a new game, and the game that loads is vanilla? Or when you select custom game, the mod isnt there?

after i selected custom game, the mod and start a new game with a new character, the game loads in vanilla I think because when I reach level 2, the only class I can select is the base game class

Download any other mod, like Grimarillion or D3 or whatever and try if it will work. If no, you are doing something wrong.
Silly question, but you extracted the mod before you placed it into GD mod folder right? If you just place.zip in there it wont work, obviously.

I tried V1.60A with trepidation, and finally I traveled through Ugdenbog and met the abominable croc heroes. On behalf of all dom players, I would like to thank mamba and Faerniir_Delacroix here. I really like this MOD.

then you did not install the mod correctly, it should be in Grim Dawn\mods\dom and should have a file database\dom.arz within it. Of this is not the case, the mod will not work

Because the website that provides downloads adds several layers of folders to facilitate management, the original mod does not. You need to unzip and find the folder with specific files at the bottom, and then put it in for it to be effective.

what you call the firmware, people generally call the game, firmware is something else

there are no hidden files, just archives that contain these files (.arc and .arz)

to a degree, you will need to incorporate the changes if you have a modified version of the .dbr file in your mod, anything else you can ignore

These ‘incompatiblities’ do generally not result in crashes though (unless there was a significant change to the format of the .dbr)

What is causing the crashes is that GD no longer ‘understands’ some TQ files in 1.2 that it had no problems with in any prior version, and if they get loaded now GD crashes

Can you add an xp boost and devotion tree option so we can try all the class options?

Report a bug that has not been fixed yet
D2 Amazon’s pet - Valkyrie, can move with the character, but will not attack monsters.

Just a question, would some hotfix be needed for this new update or is it all already together in the dowload?

it is all one big download, I generally stay away from hotfixes

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Feature request:

Reduce the drop rate of the following items: Bloodtree Stump and Goreriders. These are far too often seen as epic items.

Edit: improve the itemization for the Cataclysm classes. These seem to be lacking in diversity in conjunction with other classes, i.e., no bonuses on MIs, and are riddled with grammatical errors.

not sure what the first two items are, but they have basically the same chance of dropping as every other unique item, might be a matter of the level you are at and there being few alternatives

Understood. The latter request pertains to items which seem to be from the D2 loot pool.

In any case, I appreciate the feedback.

I wanted to go in explanation because I am a Technician But I am way too lazy -_-.
I will most prob run some tests etc. I personally never had a crash but I also did not play very deep into the game cause of rl commitments

There are still 2 things that irks me a little. I feel that 2 handers is not as good as other classes. They hit like a truck but take for example a defender. They can hit hard and last long. I had a Defender ( mixed with something can’t remember ) that just steamrolled everything. That is just my opinion though, many will have different opinions.

so i had to update literally everyhting and i mean everyhitng and it worked
now wiht 3 crashes
starts there and ive a full log
some crap a ton about duplicates after this line
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagGDX1StoreDesc_SmithA03_2) in file text_en/tagsgdx1_storyelements.txt.

and this is whats happening in ugdenbog NEARLY every time i load the area…
small sample of crash log
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagGDX1StoreDesc_SmithA03_2) in file text_en/tagsgdx1_storyelements.txt.
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagGDX1w) in file text_en/tagsgdx1_skills.txt.
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagCraftTabArtifactA) in file text_en/tags_items.txt.
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagCraftTabArtifactB) in file text_en/tags_items.txt.
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagSkillClassName07) in file text_en/tags_skills.txt.
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagSkillClassName08) in file text_en/tags_skills.txt.
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagSkillClassName09) in file text_en/tags_skills.txt.
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagSkillClassName0107) in file text_en/tags_skills.txt.
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagSkillClassName0108) in file text_en/tags_skills.txt.
0: LocalizationManager::Load encountered a duplicate tag: (tagSkillClassName0109) in file text_en/tags_skills.txt.

note ive done all forgotten realms all up left side of map but can progress past udgenbog and ive updated verified etc…