Dawn of Masteries

Added a link to a spreadsheet with the current class combination names to the OP.

Combinations with a red background are also used for other combinations or single masteries, so need a new name as well.

I appreciate any help with coming up with new names for the missing / duplicate combinations :smiley:

Hey thanks buddy, looking forward to future updates.
I tried all mods like Grimmarion and D3, both give me memory leak problems after level 25 and i don’t like some things about them.

This one runs perfectly, level 34 with my Vampire Rogue (nightbane + nosferatu). And i like the changes you made. Keep it up sir

No he is right about player scaled pets. Don’t think it has been changed recently but player scaled pets do not display hp on the skill tooltip.

Tried druid, the first pet that has an option to make it player scaled loses all abilities when you spec into it, it just uses auto attack for like 2 damage. Its all fine if you keep it as pet scaled.

hm, maybe it is because it is a transmuter, but the pet the transmuter spawns is player scaling (i.e. uses templateName,database/templates/petplayerscaling.tpl,)

What gave a red flag with the Harbringer are that when you add a modifier to a pet.It disappears so that you can summon it with the added bonuses.With this bonus it did not.

checked how this was done compared to the Oathkeeper’s Guardian of Empyrion and did not find anything wrong - other than some skills not actually scaling with player bonuses

same here, the pet is scaling with the player, but one skill was not, but that means the skill should have done the same damage with or without the modifier, so no explanation for the 2 damage (unless that was a different skill altogether and you simply have better pet than damage bonuses…)

np Mamba.I just noticed it.I personally won’t know the difference.I am very bad with mechanics.I just click on that look nice me want :rofl:

Ha, same with me and the intricacies of the .dbr records, I just decided to jump in and merge these and see where it leads me :smiley:

Version 0.8.4 released

More bugfixes, rare TQ merchant now also sells spears and staves

Feedback two questions:

  1. Warehouse button misplaced. Possible causes are incomplete data or inconsistent templates.
  2. Lack of text labels for item skills

What is wrong about the warehouse buttons ? They get into your text field ?

Is that also true without your custom skin ?

This has nothing to do with custom skin.

It should be like this normally.

Do you expect it to look like this because I gave you credit for the Stasher mod ?

I created my own version based on it when 1.1.4 broke Stasher. In DoM, the stash looks like this (so not sure how you managed to get your first screenshot, but it is not just from DoM on its own)

Didn’t see any reason to waste the screen real-estate on the top right.

Will probably change that if it helps with supporting the other skins, thanks for pointing it out.

Sorry was I not clear, I mean the pet literally loses all abilities, which means you need to copy them over from the non player scaled version. Looks like a mistake when making the player scaled version. Might be worth checking other pets too just incase.

The skills were copied over to the player scaled version, but some of those skills were the original pet’s skills rather than player scaled versions of them. So I am surprised the skills did not trigger.

Version 0.8.5 released

More bugfixes and the mysterious lockers finally work correctly…

Can’t seem to select the bottom three masteries in class selection screen. Not sure if support for them has been added or not, but I thought I’d let you know, seeing as you’ve just recently updated and may have broken something (this is my first time playing your mod)

EDIT: It looks like it’s the screen size limitation thing again, upon review, I am able to just hit the top of the classes icon.

I’ve been having a blast so far.One question.When you add Grimist will it be possible to make token thingy from blacksmith so i can summon zeke?Really don’t want to start over.

And Happy New Years Everyone.My you have a blessed 2020 and all the happiness :smiley:

I thought you always get a new token when you start the game in case you do not have one.

Definitely will not require a new char.