Nah, more that I just made an immortal Barbarian.
I AFK’d and Log killed himself attacking me. Barb took 0 actual damage. Nothing can hurt me anymore except dangerous ground.
ah, Barbarian… I didn’t make him.
I’ll rework him in the future.
hello. I got it that i need to buy summoning items from Ellis at Devil’s Crossing to get items for my class group which is Grim Dawn/Titan Quest/Diablo 2/Diablo 3/Cataclysm/NCFF/Zenith. But i cant find items to summon Zenith Merchant/Blacksmith to get items for my Terror Knight
Zenith has no items and therefore no blacksmith or merchant.
The D2 Barbarian’s passive(?) Two-Handed skills seem to not be applying their bonuses. Not sure if they have prereqs or are meant to require other skills. The one-handed ones work just fine.
Edit: nevermind, they apply, it just didn’t seem like they did because the one-handed ones have a flat damage bonus. Maybe give that to both sets of skills? Two-handed needs some love.
If you mean change the class then you probably need GDStash’s character editor for that. GDDefiler is a bit out of date so probably doesn’t work well with modded characters.
You asked me that via PM and replied that it worked, so why are you asking here afterwards?
Is there any way to go higher than 2X monster density? I’d rather have more mobs than more heroes.
I’m playing a Nosferatu/v. Necromancer, I needed a buff because it’s a weak build, and have selected Dark Obelisk. It doesn’t appear to do anything. It doesn’t appear to draw enemy fire, add to my health or increase regen in any way. Is there something I’m missing with this skill?
Fantastic Mod Praetorian. Thank You.
Nope it doesnt work, it has already been reported.
And as a consequence of that report I adjusted the skill, so if it still does not do what it should, I will have to think about reworking it to work differently altogether.
Basically the obelisk taunts enemies and when they attack it, it retaliates. Initially the taunt amount was so low that it never generated enough aggro. I increased the taunt amount, hoping it would fix this.
If it still does not work, I will have to look into the obelisk dealing actual damage instead…
My original understanding of the skill was that it has a damaging aura around it + it shoots vitality “chain lightning”. I think this would be a lot more practical and easy for you to implement than the whole concept arount taunting, getting hit and hitting back
I agree, which is why I would change it to something like that, but that is not how it was implemented in its original mod, see above (the chain lightning vitality you talk about is the taunt imo, it deals no damage).
Taunting has no effect if there’s no damage being done? Which would make this skill useless since it would never do damage. IDK taunting is very weird in games like this and never seems to work the way it’s intended.
No, taunting in itself is a damage type, the obelisk only deals ‘taunt damage’ until it gets attacked by the target of its taunt, at which point it retaliates.
Other damage types create aggro through the damage they deal as well however, so they too can generate aggro but do so indirectly. I assume it simply never creates enough aggro that way for the mob to attack it, as whatever damage the mob receives directly ‘wins out’.
In any case, changing this to dealing direct damage should solve this.
I found a bug in the Monk skill Mystic Ally.
The ally has an aura that generates armor, physical and pierce resistances within 15 metres, but the ally never activates the aura.
That is the D3 monk, so I leave it to Grimer to address this (I forwarded it to him). I only change things that are in abandoned mods, not mods that are actively being worked on.
It’s okay, I figured out the problem. The ally doesn’t seem to activate the aura in Agressive stance.
The buff function of the obelisk doesn’t seem to be working either.