Dawn of Masteries

Then you have not installed it properly

I figured out what I did. I had renamed the mod folder from dom to DawnofMasteries. Once I changed it back I got the new mod class selection. Thanks.

If you rename the dir, you also need to rename the .arz file, the two have to match


Ah nice to know. Iā€™ve noticed the behavior in the past when trying to rename mod folders.

But but but Pet masteries are the most fun! :stuck_out_tongue: Actually there are plenty of item support from items added in d2 masteries which offers a lot of +skill points. A lot of the above mentioned masteries looked very cool though but thank you very much for your response and great work.

How to make runewords? I did not find the place or NPC to creat these.

The D2 blacksmith should do that, who is one of the summonable blacksmiths you can buy from the DC faction vendor

Does the D1 Sorcererā€™s basic skill ā€˜Staff Masteryā€™ not work with staves? The description states ā€˜when using 2-handed Mace weaponsā€™, but I was hoping that translated to stavesā€¦ It doesnā€™t appear to.


D2 Staves are 2h maces, hence the description. The skill also works with TQ staves in DoM.

OK, was using the skill wrong. ID10T errorā€¦

Thereā€™s an item named Glinting Chrysolite that has -1.5 sec skill recharge to Summon Deepdweller in Grovekeeper but i do not see such a skill.

If it shows up with description rather than as a skill not found or something like that, the skill exists.

Some skills have secondary skills attached to them (they then have a light spot on the skill icon), so if you do not see the skill in the tree itself, it must be one of the attached skills.

Ah i see it thanks, its under one of the chance on attack skills.

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how would I merge this mod with a mod that gives me more skill points? Whenever I try to follow the steps for merging mods, the asset manager just removes every ā€œunassociated file,ā€ which is almost everything in the resources folder. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m not understanding the process correctly, or if itā€™s just not possible to merge the mod like that?

Leave the assets (.arc) alone, you only need to change the dbr / .arz - so simply keep using the arcs that come with the mod and ignore whatever the AssetManager does to them

I still canā€™t get it to work. I unpacked dom.arz, got the source files, then combined the mods into one folder. So now I have an assets folder (empty), database (with records folder, containing both DOMā€™s records and the records of the other mod, Rebalanced Levels - UberRebalancedLevelsPlus. Thereā€™s no dbr conflicts. I kept templates.arc and deleted the other .arz files), resources (including all of the .arc files), and source (just four empty folders). Building the mod like this updates a ton of files, and then it starts removing all the files in ā€œresourcesā€ again. I already extracted the game files so itā€™s not a problem with that.

Just putting all the .arc files in resources back doesnā€™t work. However, the Rebalanced Levels mod does work. I get the extra skillpoints but I donā€™t have anything from DOM working.

You need the custom templates in the dir you extracted the GD database\templates to, this should only cause issues for a dozen or so files however, so most of DoM should work either way.
You can get the templates from the Nexus download page (under optional files).

As I said, copy the DoM arcs over whatever AssetManager creates. With the new .arz and the original .arcs you should be all set.

All of this are questions about generic modding and mod merging however, there is nothing specific to DoM, so check the modding tutorials section as well.

You can also check the posts on the Nexus page, a while ago there was a discussion about merging some mod with DoM there, and that guy succeeded - between my posts helping him and his posts explaining it to a third person this is probably the most detail you find on merging GD mods in one spot anywhereā€¦

Well, I feel a little silly. Turns out I didnā€™t extract stuff properly the first time, or maybe the extractor bugged out or something. I extracted again, following the guide on Nexus you mentioned, and it works now. What I was doing was correct, but since the extraction messed up initially it was never going to workā€¦ Thanks for the help.

In cataclysm/apocalypse/cataclysm redone (donā€™t remember which ones exactly) there were dropping Flask of the Champion and Flask of the Master, which gave one more skill point or 3 attribute points. Are these still in the loot table, or did you remove them? And is there any way to make them craftable for those of us that would like to keep grinding for skill/attribute points? :slight_smile: Cheers

I removed them altogether, I donā€™t like giving more points (skill / stat / devotion) that way.

Destroys any semblance of balance (I know, there is a lot of OP stuff already :wink: ) and makes for an endless grind, which Crate rightfully avoided imo.

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