sorry, I cannot help you there. What I do care about is that the inventory fits into 1920x1080 at regular scale, as that is by far the most commonly used resolution (66% of players according to Steam). The current UI fits into that precisely.
It does fit into 1360 x 768 at minimum scale, anything below that and some part of the sides will be cut off (if talking to the Smuggler, Blacksmith, etc.).
Given that Steam says that only 2.25% of users have a resolution below that, I’d rather have an inventory of this size than try to accommodate lower resolutions than that.
that is because whatever is in the mod takes precedence over whatever is in the game’s arz files. So you would have to combine Caravaner with DoM for this to work
An item to summon the custom vendors (this includes Haedrig, as was asked recently and the vendor for Wings and other cosmetics) can be bought from the DC faction vendor. I don’t like turning existing NPCs into vendors for the various mods
got that alright , so what about the loot beam ? i noticed it doesnt work also as i mentioned , do i need specific display settings for it to work or something to activate it ? i have checked grim internals and its set to mark loot
hm, that one is a mystery to me. When I put the same loot beam in the same location within settings it works, but the one in the mod’s arc does not work properly (there is a light purple sheen, but not the whole beam), no idea why that would be, weird…
As to GI, it should be able to override them, no idea why that would not work
doable and will work ? Definitely, there is one problem though, Caravaner has not been updated in a long time and is now outdated, so not only would you have to merge it with DoM, you would also have to first update it to the latest GD version
The change is not big as it only affects a few buttons, but if you have never even merged mods, I am not sure how easy that will be for you - and walking you through it won’t be any faster than doing it myself I am afraid
Also, thinking about it some more, Grim UI X-Mod changes more than just the Smuggler / stash, so not only would you have to change the DoM bits to match the Caravan version, but you would also have to undo the rest of Grim UI X-Mod to match vanilla. Still doable, but by then you really should know what you are doing
Still doable, but definitely more involved… if you want to give it a shot, I’d do the following
Get Grim UI X-Mod and extract it’s .arz file
Extract vanilla’s arz files (vanilla, GDX1, GDX2) and combine them by copying GDX1 over vanilla and GDX2 over both
Extract DoM’s arz file
Compare the content of Grim UI against vanilla (e.g. with WinMerge) and undo all the differences you find in the DoM files
If this works, you could leave it at that, otherwise continue
Extract Caravaner’s arz file
Compare that against vanilla and figure out what adjustments to make, mostly for the Autosort and ToggleStash buttons, but that will also affect the window itself I believe
Check that the Stash UI now looks correct, repeat until it does
Once Caravaner has been updated, compare it against vanilla again and add the differences to the DoM files
well , wow … that requires more effort than i expected , but ill give it a try later
btw the inventory and stash in grimarillion fits just right my resolution so i was wondering if it possible to move the caravan from grimarillion to DOM ?
also would it be easier if i removed the big inventory/stash from DOM and go with default instead of messing with the files ?
yes, you picked a bad case, as Grim UI makes more changes than Caravaner you want to replace it with, and since your concern is screen size rather than stash size…
not sure if Grimarillion has its own stash or takes it from some other mod. It is doable in the same way you can switch to Caravaner (without needing to do the update first), but you will have a harder time figuring out what changes you need from Grimarillion as it contains so much more.
I am not interested in switching DoM over, to me Grim UI is superior and I like the fact that you can choose your skin / theme
you still would need to mess with files, removing the arc just removes the background image and custom button styles, it does not actually change the inventory size. For that you need to change the .dbrs as mentioned in my previous post
At first all things require effort but do not worry because a friend of mine had the same problem and i kept those files and built it for this version of DOM .Do not know if it is the same caravaner used by Asylum in “G” .
There you have it , for future DOM updates you will have to build it yourself .
Inside you will find the files nedeed to make the changes for future updates.
Ps : You will find tutorial for extraction and how to use the tools on the forum .Also the size for the stash you will find it in game engine2 , use it as reference for the “ge” used by the mod.
wow thanks , i was just going to try what mamba said and just go with it to see how it ends up for me and i once i logged in i see your comment with a solution (divine holy sound)
its downloading now and i can see its a big file i think its DOM with a tweaked stash for low resolution am i right ? so i just replace dom files with this one ? hope it doesnt change much related to my saved progress already within game tho
i just did that and it worked well without a problem except the blacksmith ui goes beyond edges still , but thats not the real issue here …
i used to play vanilla on 720p without a problem but with DOM now im getting fps drops pretty often due to increased spawns from grimmest and the insane amount of particles on my screen from builds like aeromancer that im playing currently , the game runs pretty fine on 1024x768 but now im back to the big ui again :\
so how do i resize all windows or maybe scale them down so they fit the selected resolution , cuz after trying this mod there is no way for me to go back vanilla
The blacksmith window can also be changed back to normal but first you will have to learn a bit of modding.
A solution for this is to lower the video settings like disable shadows , low texture,particle ,disable vsync … etc. People like the increased spawn but i increased only the hero spawns and changed their hp and defense to make them more challenging.
Go to options -video- and slide to left the ui scaling , also "\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Settings\options.txt " in here you can find the ui scaling and you can change it by numbers .
roger that sir , so when i get the old ui will i lose the extra bags/inventory slots and big stash ? and the extra stuff in ui like cosmetics (its a big window) and blacksmith combine ui too ?