you lose the larger size of the bags, not the bags themselves, same for stash, blacksmith UI, etc.
so there is no other way to keep the big bags and stash and that awesome blacsmith extra ui ??
not even resize/scaled them down somehow to fit 1024x768 res ?
edit 1 : also the invetory is ok with my current res , only the stash and blacksmith+cosmetics/illusionist ui that doesnt fit , can i keep the invetory and work around the others and at least keep the blacksmith ?
make up your mind Either it is too big or not
If you wanted to resize it, that would be harder as you have to figure out the new values for the dbr tags and have to redesign the window bitmaps, so your best bet is to remove it all and then maybe add an existing expanded stash.
The only one that has a larger blacksmith UI etc. is Grim UI, so if you want to keep that in particular, you will need to figure out which fields make up the blacksmith window (not too difficult) and keep those unchanged instead of reverting them back to standard values. No idea how much screen size that would take up though.
You can do all you want with them after you extract the game files , keep what you like and eliminate what you do not
You will have to change the size of the picture and set the width and height in dbr for the ui to scale for your res if you want to keep the original ui that DOM has .
i think resizing would be my best bet , harder yes for me as i lack all the knowledge to do so , but i have you right here and i dont wanna lose all the awesome work you put into that amazing mod and just go back to vanilla …
so if you may we can start over and just focus on resizing if possible and ill follow each step
i think ill do that with your help , dont wanna lose all the extra helpful stuff there
ha, for that you will be on your own. I am not going to figure out all the values or create a new bitmap and then walk you through how to do it on your end
So instead here is some advice, download the sources for Grim UI X-Mod. Figure out what size works for you (item images are multiples of 32x32, so these are the steps in which the windows will have to shrink). Once you know how much smaller you have to make the bags / shared stash, find the corresponding images in Grim UI (they all end in backgroundimage.psd) and lose as many rows / columns as you need to.
For the blacksmith and illusionist it won’t be multiples of 32, you will see once you take a look at their background images and then have to go from there.
After that is done, adjust the corresponding values in the dbr files to match their new sizes.
ok ok i cant ask much from you , you have helped me greately so thank you
ill try to figure it out with uncle google’s help and if i couldnt ill just go back to vanilla as you mentioned above and ill still be happy
well , archivetool messed up the game so bad , keeps crashing on launch with a blackscreen … after checking files i found out that database.arz is kinda empty went down from 70ish mb to 70kb and no files were extracted with an error message within archivetool’s cmd
so now i have to reinstall the game :\
i guess i have to find grimarc somewhere cuz its official site is down and googled for it but no luck so far
Never had a problem with it, also it should READ the file only, so not sure how that would result in what you described.
Verify your game files, that is probably faster than a full reinstall
First make sure you did right the settup Setting up the Asset Manager doing it wrong it can affect the base game from what i heard and that i think happened to you.
You will have to do a correct settup to extract the original files for the base game and expansions using the guide above .
After doing that you will have to use the archive tool to extract the Mod files Archive tool extraction guide
All you need can be found on the forum but the steps are the ones that “mamba” said earlier.
PS : Extract the files from original DOM not the one i gave you because in there the inventory and stash are not the ones that dom has. You can add only the stash in your dom version and keep the inventory and bags as they are.
Edit :Grim Arc and Arz , but i strongly recommend the archive tool .
i did a full reinstall twice , 2nd was because i ran assetmanager and it broke the game again :\
anyway i moved the dom.arz to a diffrent folder to avoid failing again and ran archivetool and gave me an error with debug ignore and ignore always , when ignored it emptied the original file and sized it down to 22kb with a fail message at the end … i think this whole process is doomed for me
edit : i did exactly as follows
shift + right click in grim dawn folder run cmd
archivetool.exe “e:\1\dom.arz” -extract “e:\2” enter
and failure
(1) and (2) are the folders which 1 is for the files to be extracted and 2 for destination
edit 2 : the links for grimarc\arz are working but the files have been removed
You have to read a bit about how to use the archive and its commands .Also the original game files should be extracted first.
Like you said shift+right click on GD foder to open cmd but also you can copi the archive tool and zlibwapi.dll in another folder along with the mod you want and extract.
.\ArchiveTool.exe “C:\ GOG Games\Grim Dawn\mods\dom\resources\name of the file you want to extract.arc” -extract “C:\ GOG Games\Grim Dawn\working\mods\dom\resources”
.\ArchiveTool.exe “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\resources\file you want to extract.arc” -extract “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\working\dom\resources”
For arc use “extract” and all of that is not necessary if you create another folder and copi archive tool + zlibwapi.dll and the mod you want to extract to not have to write a long path.
Now Arz is exctracted using database
.\ArchiveTool.exe “C:\GOG Games\Grim Dawn\mods\name of the mod\database\name of the mod.arz” -database “C:\GOG Games \Grim Dawn\working\name of the mod”
.\ArchiveTool.exe “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\name of the mod\database\name of the mod.arz” -database “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\working\name of the mod”
Here you have grim arc and arz(Drag and drop the file on top of the extractors) for extraction but archive tool is better .
Read the guides it will help you a lot
oh thank you , ill learn more of archivetool , but for now you saved my day the tools work and the files are being extracted atm thank you big time
i have many items stashed and in inventory too , will i lose them after reverting back to vanilla ui ?
edit 1: still extracting atm and man it takes so damn long , so what should i do after reverting the ui when using winmerge ? will it compile the files/folders into .arc as it was ?
no, they will be where they were before, position wise, even if that means they float outside the stash / bag
As the bag location will change, I’d empty the part that exceeds the vanilla bag size, to make sure their new position is not below your screen though
you need to build the arz, keep the original arcs, they will not be built correctly again
To create the arz, you will have to use AssetManager, so you will first have to set that up.
Once it is set up, download the templates from the DoM Nexus page and place them in the same dir you extracted the GD templates to (which will depend on your AM setup).
If you did that correctly you should not get any errors while you build the arz, otherwise there will be some
ok , let me get this right …
i extract the vanilla’s databaste.arz then copy gdx1 over it then gdx2 over them both in the same folder then compare diffrences between them and grim ui x mod’s arz file , correct ?
what about the dom file , what should i do with it ?
well , i read it but still dont get it … let me just run winmerge first and do first steps then dom’s part latter
what I said to do in the post you quoted