Dawn of Masteries

This is obviously due to incorrect placement of the mod directory.

The correct path should be: …\Grim Dawn\mods\DoM

If your Grim Dawn\ doesn’t have mods\ , create it.

In addition, you may need to restore the game body first and then reinstall mod.

Thank you! I’ll double check that.

Just a quick question - I can’t assign an attack devotion to Glaciation (an AA replacer) in Frost Knight mastery. Is that intentional?

Intentional might not be the word I’d use, but the skill already has one internally (blue dots by the skill icon indicate this), so no devotion can be assigned.

Why does the mob density multiplier affect the roguelike dungeons, but not the shattered realm?

Hi Mamba, any ETA on integration of latest D2 classes update? Denis did some serious rework in there, so I dont wanna start a D2 char in DoM knowing this is coming :slight_smile:

Good question… the technical answer is because that uses different proxies, the gameplay answer is because then you would get your portal to the next shard in a couple of seconds, making the timer meaningless - and really because that is what Grimmest did

Hey guys,
i was thinking what kind of build I have not played yet (4,5k hours in, quite a challenge :smiley: ) and I have questions:

  1. What kind of beam skill do you think is the best? (im leaning towards ice beam/D3/Wiz)
  2. Is there any reasonable option to do a player scaled pet build? Anyone ever toyed with it?

Happy hunting :slight_smile:

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I’m loving this mod so far, with Lightweight added on, it’s an absolute charm!

One question though, where am I supposed to use these loot spheres? I can see that they are materials for something but since I can’t see the description, I’m not sure where to head and what to do with them, at least not now

lol dont feel bad I knew somehow i was to pop them. drop them & destroy them. u get loot from them.

I tried that but it asked me if I am sure about dropping/destroying a soulbound item and when I clicked yes, I lost one and got nothing in return, did I do something wrong?

whats ur loot setting on? most ur orbs are common & green. So if u got those filter settings turned off… Also do u have autopick up on? if so u wont c the components ones. But no thats what ur suppose to do is destroy them. If u dont get anything even from that blue one then something is wrong.

Is there a chance you could take a screenshot of what they look like in your inventory?

If you’re also meaning destroying them by attacking the orbs that hero and boss mobs drop, those pop as normal, it is just these ones that I get in my inventory that I’ve got no clue what to do

I destroy mine as i find them. You drop them out of ur inventory & a pop up will say do u want to destroy. Click yes. Thats it.

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loot spheres are from Lightweight, not DoM, so check there… I thought they are essentially loot containers

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I’ll check over at the Lightweight Mod page and see if I can get an answer there, thanks guys!

Does this need any updates for GD ?

Need might be too strong a word here, but yes, some changes affect the mod.

These are 1) a few animation speed changes for the player, 2) a ton of new +to skill on faction items

Will be releasing an update eventually that will also update the D2 and D3 mods


I’m wondering and also clearing up some confusion on my end but the D3 Crusader is able to dual wield it’s own special two-handed weapons correct?
Cause if that’s the case then it would pair great with either the D3 Barbarian due to the one of it’s passive abilities which ups the damage to melee weapons.

You cannot dual wield those weapons, the passive prerequisite is a shield.